Chapter 3974, Chapter 102

Xiao Yuchen quickly said comfortably, "In fact, no, you see, if you are not good at cooking, you don't have to try it!"

Gong Fan listened, but he was suspicious. "Why? You think I don't have the talent in this area."


However, Xiao Yuchen did not dare to say it, but concealed the truth. "Oh... I think you have many aspects that are more powerful than Youyou."

"such as?"

"For example, have you not proposed the ‘Eye of the Eyes’ program? I have heard that this ‘Eye of the Eye’ plan, although envisioned to be shocking, but if successful, the hurricane will master the global junhuo market.”

Gong Fan heard the words, I don’t know why, but there is a drop in my eyes.

"The so-called 'Eye of the Eyes' plan is actually based on the design drawings of Youyou. If you leave his drawings, even if I propose this plan, it is just an idiotic dream."

Xiao Yuchen language plug.

"But you are very good at doing business."

"But the business philosophy of Youyou is no worse than me."

Xiao Yuchen has nothing to say.

Gong Fan licked his lips and said faintly. "You all go out! I will try again. Even if I don't make a dessert table, I have to make the doughnuts."

He didn't want to let Yuyou down, and didn't want him to think he was a waste.

Anyway, he still wants to give it a try.

Han Jin and Gong Gong listened and looked at each other.

Yun Shi Shi smiled faintly. "If he wants to do it himself, let him try it again! This child, no matter what he does, pays attention to the beginning and the end."

Although she knows, in fact, cooking is also about talent.

She doesn't cook, and Mu Yazhe is not very good at it, but she has a natural cooking skill. I can only say that he is very talented in food, and he is very sensitive to the smell of food.

This is something they can't match.

Genetic variation is also good, or you can be a unique talent, cooking is based on the instinct of food.

Some people, even if they haven't learned it, can do it well.

Youyou can even make a lot of dishes that are not available in restaurants all over the world.

Four people left the kitchen quietly.

Gong Fan looked at the cooking table silently, and finally took a deep breath, picked up his sleeves and started from scratch.

At the door, Natalia sneaked open the door, looking through the gap, looking inside, and saw the slim figure standing in front of the cooking table.

She looked around and saw the big kitchen room, and he was alone, so he walked in and crept.

She quietly stood behind the palace van Gogh, so quietly watching him silently stir the egg liquid.

Gong Fan is doing all the things in his hands, not realizing that he is still standing behind him.

Natalya's footsteps are very light, even if Gong Fan is sharp, but she is not aware of it for a while.

Until, Natalya looked at him and did not do the same dessert, curiously said, "Is the dessert table today soaked?"

Gong Fan was shocked. He didn’t realize that there was someone around him. He turned his head and saw Natalya. Some accidents, "You... are you?"

Natalya squinted and groaned slightly, with some doubts in her eyes.

"You...forgot me?"

Gong Fan screwed her eyebrows and indulged her for a moment, and quickly guessed her identity.


"I don't think it's good. Do you recognize me?"

(End of this chapter)

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