Chapter 4022 Chapter 150

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Hua Jin and Natalya went out.

Huajin arranged the delivery in advance, and the car had already parked at the door and waited quietly.

The driver and assistant immediately walked down and put his luggage in the trunk. Hua Jin took Natalia to the back seat and got on the bus.

He agreed with Yun Shishi at the airport.

The plane at one o'clock in the afternoon, two hours ahead of schedule, it seems that today's lunch can only be solved at the airport.

When arriving at the airport, Yun Shishi called and said that she had not arrived yet.

One reason was because Yueyao was lazy in the morning and didn't get up. Therefore, it is only now that he may have to arrive later. Yunshi poetry does not forget that Huajin first took Nataliya to solve the problem of lunch.

When traveling, in order to catch a flight, basically three meals are more hasty.

However, there are still a lot of restaurants inside the Capital International Airport. Most of them are simple meals, but also for different international customers, American restaurants, Chinese restaurants, Italian restaurants, and everything.

Natalya said that she wanted to eat roast duck, but the result was that she would be awkward.

Roast Duck?

Where is the authentic roast duck from this airport?

Natalya recently fell in love with roast duck.

She also showed great enthusiasm for Chinese food.

Perhaps grown up in the United States from an early age, in such an environment, the vast majority of American food is hot food.

For example, hot dogs, such as burgers, such as cheese, and improved American-style Chinese food in the United States.

But the taste is not very ideal.

It was adjusted according to the tastes of the American people and lost the original flavor of Chinese cuisine.

After coming to China, since Hua Jin took Nataliya to try a roast duck, she showed great enthusiasm for Chinese food!

Very delicious!

However, the vast majority of the airport is a quick and light meal. Where is the authentic Beijing Roast Duck?

It’s hard to find a Chinese-style light meal. Huajin seems to have looked at it. Finally, I picked a barbecue duck package. It should not be an authentic roast duck, but at least it’s a roast duck!

He tasted a bite, the taste is average, but it is not difficult to eat, but it is far too far from the authentic roast duck.

He was still upset, afraid that Natalya was not accustomed to this taste. As a result, Natalya was very easy to satisfy. The food was in front and some of the food was not taken care of.

Small locusts!

So easily satisfied?

The flower brocade is dark and the belly is awkward. It is so difficult to eat in the United States that it is so good that the little guy can’t be satisfied.

Natalya ate very slowly and chewed slowly.

Because of the abundance of time, after the lunch, Hua Jin took Natalya to the store at the airport.

There are many duty-free shops in the airport. It happens that the skin care products in the house are used up, and the flower brocade sweeps a little.

Natalya feels bored, she can't understand what these bottles and cans look like on the shelves.

Not good looking, can't eat.

So she was entangled in the flower brocade.

Hua Jin is lining up to check out, and it will be his turn to see him. He shouted, "Wait a minute, I will be good, just for a while, I will be fine soon!"

"But it's so boring here."

There are many people in the duty-free shops.

The crowd was crowded and the air was cloudy.

Natalya is extremely uncomfortable and wants to leave here quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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