Chapter 4023 151

Nataliya did not adapt to the air here, so she said to Hua Jin, "I am waiting for you outside the door, okay?"

"Outside the door..."

Han Jin had some hesitation to look at the door, and some were not at ease.

Natalya said, "You are relieved, I will not run around, and, don't you say that soon?"

Hua Jin thought about it and nodded and said, "You promised me, you can't run around. Ah?"

If the runaway is lost, the palace will ask him, and he will not be guaranteed.

Natalia ran out, and Hua Jin watched her sitting on the bench outside the door and was relieved to continue to line up.

Natalya was bored waiting outside the door.

The waiting time is especially long and especially boring.

I thought I had waited for ten minutes, and when I came back, Natalia stood up and went to the electronic clock in the hall to look at it and found that it was only five minutes.


“For passengers travelling to the Maldives, please note that the flight of China Eastern Airlines DH965 is now boarding, please bring your belongings...”

"It’s too late. It’s too late!”

Not far away, there was a panicked voice.

Natalya had not reacted and was knocked down to the ground by a great impact.

The braided hat on the head flew out very far.

Natalia fell to the ground at once, and her back collided with the marble floor, causing severe pain.

The man who hit the man was a middle-aged aunt. It was obviously too late to catch the flight. Even if he knocked down the child, he stopped and glanced at it. He didn’t come over and helped, and even he didn’t even look at it. He hurried away.

There was a whisper around me, and this woman was secretly angry. This woman was not literate. When she fell into an adult, it was time to ask for help, let alone a child.

Too much quality!

Natalya responded that the "perpetrator" had run away, and her heart was a little depressed, and it was unreasonable. It was hit hard by the force, and the bones of the back were almost smashed.

She stood up and looked at the braided hat that fell in the distance. She just had to go over and pick up the hat. However, she had a teenager. She took the lead and took the lead to pick up the hat.

Natalia stood in the same place, silently looking at her eyes, the gentle boy behind her back.

The teenager wore a snow-white shirt, which was white and jade-like.

His figure is slender, and it looks like he’s about a teenager, a shredded black hair that outlines his thin face.

He turned and looked at Natalya, who was now in the place, slightly hooked her lips, and walked up to her, just about to speak, but when he saw Natalie's purple eyes, he suddenly stopped!

He has seen many mixed-race children, blue eyes, green eyes, amber eyes, and even pure black eyes, but he has never seen such a beautiful purple.

Purple eyes, pure, like beautiful gems.

Natalia flashed and looked at the hat in his hand, immediately reminding, "Little brother, this is my hat..."

The boy immediately reacted, but his eyes still could not be removed from her eyes for a long time.

Until Natalya showed an unpleasant gaze, she robbed the hat from his hand.

"Why have you been staring at me?"

This kind of look makes her feel a little uncomfortable, as if she is a different kind!

(End of this chapter)

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