Chapter 4049 177

If it is hard to land, in addition to the amazing arm, you need amazing grip.

This is something that top commanders can't do.

Can she do it with a woman? !

Moreover, he has never seen a woman playing skydiving!

The coach also thought that skydiving was only Chu’s personal hobby, so he said, “Amateur skydiving is different from this one.”

"Not amateur."

Chu He said, and to Yun Shi poetry, "You can rest assured that as long as you take safety measures, you will be able to take off and land safely."

The coach still does not believe, but a little provocative, "You say so, I don't believe, have the ability, you try me!"

Not waiting for the reaction of Chu He, Gu Jinglian was cold and stunned.

How dare he challenge him? !

The coach glimpsed Gu Jinglian's fierce Yu Guang, and was shocked by his eyes.

Chu He said, "Why should I try?"

Why is she going to do unnecessary things in order to be reluctant, to take unnecessary risks?

no need.

The coach also felt that it was not interesting. He used the Chinese language that was not crappy. "Come on, come on, next!"

He picked up his life jacket and hooked his hand toward Yun Shishi.

Yun Shishi just had to go, but Chu He reached out and said to the coach, "I will wear it for her!"

Just before, the coach took advantage of her not paying attention, and her hand sneaked into the xiong mouth of Chu He, but fortunately she responded promptly and blocked his hand.

Fortunately, this matter is not seen by Gu Jinglian, otherwise the man’s hand is afraid of being broken by him.

Chu He worried that the poetry of the cloud was also smashed, so she took the life jacket in his hand and said to Yun Shi poem, "I will wear it for you!"

The coach met, but he was worried. "No, you are not professional. If you don't make it bad, it will be dangerous!"

"I know more than you!"

"I am a coach, your personal safety, I am responsible."

The coach does not dare to take risks.

He signed an agreement with the hotel. If the tourists who play the project on his hands are in danger, he is at risk of being in jail!

Chu He glanced at him and said, "I said you don't have to be responsible, you don't have to be responsible!"

After all, she turned and said to Yun Shi poem, "Do you believe me, or believe her?"

Chu He thought that Yun Shi poetry would hesitate more or less. However, Yun Shi’s poems did not hesitate. "I certainly believe in you."

Chu He listened, slightly stunned, and gratefully outlined the lips!

There is a feeling of being trusted!

This feels good.

The coach is still somewhat reluctant. He doesn't know what Chu He used to work and what he experienced, so he doesn't believe it at all.

Gu Jinglian has no patience. He knows that these jobs are simply pediatrics in the pediatrics. Chu He is so determined to do security measures for Yun Shishi, and it must be for her safety.

So, he waved his hand impatiently, "Call you to roll, don't intervene, don't talk nonsense!"

The coach did not dare to refute the majesty of Gu Jinglian. However, he still stressed the sentence again and again. "All things will happen, you will be embarrassed!"

As he said, he took the yacht and saw the ropes arranged.

Chu He dressed a life jacket for Yun Shishi, tied the security measures, and then checked it carefully. Yun Shishi saw her so careful, and suddenly lowered her voice. "You are afraid that he will salt the pig, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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