Chapter 4050 176

Chu He slightly raised his head in surprise, not knowing how she thought carefully, how she was seen through her.

Yun Shishi looked at the coach and said helplessly. "I saw that he just wanted to eat your tofu and was blocked by you, right?"

She knew at a glance what Chu He was thinking.

She is afraid that she will be disturbed by the coach xsao.

However, Chu He is more restrained and implicit, and has never only done it silently, and does not like to flaunt himself.

Cloud poetry is moved in my heart!

Chu He silently said, "It’s okay, I checked it and tied it up very honestly."

As she said, she retreated to the side and said to Yun Shi poetry. "When I say "two, two, one, when you hear one, you start running. Don't worry about other things. Just run it right, understand?"

Yun Shishi nodded seriously. "I know."

Chu He made a gesture to the coach.

The coach started the yacht and suddenly opened the distance. The rope was slowly dragged into the sea. Chu He looked at the ropes that were constantly being dragged into the sea and began to report.



"One! Run! Run!"

Yun Shishi immediately ran up in accordance with the instructions of Chu He, because she had to hold the parachute, she did not have the strength of Chu He, and it was a little hard to run, until she stepped into the sea, she suddenly felt her own The body floated like a hydrogen balloon, and I was scared and screamed. Then I immediately felt like I was flying to the sky.


Yun Shishi was so scared that he narrowed his face, closed his eyes, and never dared to look at it!

Chu He shouted loudly, "Open your eyes! Look!"

Then, along with the gradual increase, Yun Shi poetry can no longer hear the voice of Chu He.

Finally, she took the courage, opened her eyes, and then lowered her head, but looked at her feet, it is already a vast ocean.

The speedboat rides in the wind and waves in the front. The sea breeze blows the flying umbrella higher and higher. Her body flutters in the sea breeze with the flying umbrella!

And then……

She saw the beautiful sea level in the distance.

The horizon, the sea, seems to be merged together, perfect fit, she can not even distinguish with the naked eye, which boundary is the sea, which is the end of the horizon.

Turning around, another public beach, the yachts, the loungers on the beach, and the tourists, have gradually become smaller and smaller.

The parachute took her and floated to the public waters.

The tourists underneath saw her, excitedly yelling, whistling, and excited!


Yun Shishi sighed slightly, and finally, he screamed out in the chest, and then it was unprecedentedly easy!

Although the safety rope somewhat caught her, she gave her a great sense of security!


She shouted loudly, as if she was venting, it seemed to cheer!

However, the sound is quickly broken in the sea breeze!

The first time she tried such a high-altitude project, she was excited and nervous. She pressed the safety lock firmly according to the instructions of Chu He, and the whole body relaxed, and flew freely with the flying umbrella at the height of the sea.

After ten minutes, the speedboat was docked.

Yun Shishi wore a life jacket, jumped from the speedboat, stepped on the sea and returned to the shore.

Chu He greeted him and asked softly, "How is the experience? Is it fun?"

"It's fun!"

Yun Shishi clenched his fists, but he was still nervous. "I was playing this kind of project for the first time, a little nervous, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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