Chapter 4120 249

Miyazaki did not agree to raise his eyebrows, while wiping his hair, while trying to justify what he said, he said to him, "Turn around."


Hua Jin only felt that he was teasing him. "You are not letting me bring in the bathrobe? Now I am coming in, you are holding, I am going out!"

The palace heard it, but deliberately did not take it, but it was so good to ring his arms and looked at him.

Hua Jin is so against him, and he does not move, just like a stone sculpture.

Miyazaki was actually interested.

"Turned around."


Han Jin frowned, suddenly vigilant, "Are you changing?"

This guy obviously didn't wear clothes, and told him to turn around and see his naked ti?

Is he perverted?

"I let you turn around, didn't you hear?" His tone was a bit dangerous.

Hua Jin turned around unwillingly, but squinted his eyes deliberately, carefully looking at him through the eyes, the palace stood in the fog, and could not see clearly for a while, but imagined that he was not wearing clothes. Therefore, Hua Jin did not deliberately swept down, but grabbed his face straight, "give!"

The fog gradually dissipated, and Hua Jin’s face became hotter. Just turned around and didn’t open his eyes. Yu Guang saw him mian around the bath towel, and he was relieved.

He thought he didn't wear it!

It was originally surrounded by bath towels!

Damn, it hurts him so much!

He gave him the bathrobe with both hands, "Hold, your bathrobe!"

It was like seeing his cramps. In the eyes of Miyazaki, there was a glimpse of a slap in the eye. Without a bathrobe, he asked casually, "Where am I going to sleep tonight?"

"I will wait to clean up the room for you."

"So late, I will sleep in this room!"

Hua Jin bite his teeth, guessing that this guy must have deliberately killed him, so he snorted. "Well, if you want to sleep, you will sleep in this room! I will pack another room."

He didn't want to wait for the palace to reach out and directly put a bathrobe into his arms.

Just about to turn around, Miyazaki suddenly took his arm and looked back.

Hua Jin did not think that this guy would actually grab his arm and be caught off guard for a moment and hit back!

In the imagination, he should fall down on the icy marble floor in the bath room. When he finally managed to stabilize his center of gravity, he suddenly realized that he had fallen on someone's chest.

Miyazaki glanced at the more and more cramped people in his arms and snorted. "Is it necessary to clean up the room? The bed is so big, I sleep together."


I don't know if the temperature in the bath room is too high, or for any other reason, the face of Hua Jin is even more red, like a sigh of breath!

"You don't need to be wronged. You don't have to sleep alone. You don't have to succumb to a bed with me."

“Before going to Africa, I was sleeping with two bodyguards.”

The palace was paused and said again, "Moreover, the bed in this room is so big that two people can't sleep."

Hua Jin was weird and couldn't help but ask, "Why are you going to sleep with me?"

Gong Yi heard the words, but did not answer the laughter, bowed his head, bullied him a few points, lowered his voice, and sighed lightly. "I feel strange, why do you deliberately avoid me."

Hua Jin suddenly stayed.


Miyazaki raised his eyebrows, and his voice was quiet. "What are you hiding?"

(End of this chapter)

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