Chapter 4121 Chapter 250



"What are you hiding?"


The evening breeze gently crossed the window edge, blew through the doorway and slammed into his back neck, while the face was the heat of the mist in the bathroom and the heat of his talk, a fire and ice, it was like It is two days of ice and fire.

Hua Jin couldn't help but feel the skin shivering, as if there were countless chills oozing through the pores and a little goose bumps.

He didn't dare to look directly into his eyes. He always felt that his eyes were so deep, and there were countless deep meanings.

"What is hiding?"

When Miyazaki saw his reaction, he felt strange in his heart.

The more he deceived him, he seemed to be provocative, raising his eyebrows and asking, "Don't you see the man's body?"

"...What do you mean?"

"Or else..." Miyazaki looked down at himself and looked at him again. "You are so sensitive."


"I don't know, I thought you like me!"

When the voice fell, Han Jin pushed him away!

"These words, you better not talk nonsense!"

The palace is different from his resistance.

In front of him, Huajin has always been forbearing from beginning to end, and dare to speak out.

From the time I first saw it, I played games together until I slowly contacted him. For him, Hua Jin’s attitude has always been fearful and avoiding it. Even if he is angry, he does not dare to clarify. It seems that he is very afraid of him. Like.

This is the first time he has resisted him and shot him.

Miyazaki inevitably came to a bit of interest.

He gnawed his teeth. "Is it a fun prank?"


"Is it so easy to tease others? Just because you are the grandfather of the palace, so you can be tall and don't put anyone's feelings in your eyes!? I don't like your mischief like me, trouble you later. !"

Hua Jin seems to be attacking, although in front of Gong Gong, such resistance, even the cat can not match, he is not in the eyes, partiality is already the biggest fight of Hua Jin!

However, his temper is not so dazzling, although he has used the tone of hard state as much as possible, but in the eyes of Gong Gong, it is insignificant.

However, the more this is the case, the more it shows his guilty conscience.

Miyazaki appreciatively admired his anger, his thin lips slightly smacked, his hands arrogantly ringing his chest, different from his irritating reaction, but extremely calm, even with a sense of ridicule.

"When you are angry, it looks very guilty."

When Hua Jin was a slogan, he couldn’t say a word any more, and he stunned him.


He suddenly realized that he was awake at the beginning of his dream.

Why did he have to jump so much, why should he be so angry?

It seems that outsiders are carrying a feeling of inexplicable guilt.

However, what did he say, why should he be guilty?

But just give him a bathrobe, why did he escape so much, as if afraid of his eyes touching his body!

Hua Jin screwed his eyebrows, and even he felt his own reaction, surprisingly weird.

“Do you like women or men?”

At the end of his most embarrassing situation, Miyazaki threw out an awkward question.

The flower brocade, even in the absence of time to respond, instinctively replied, "I don't know..."

The voice just fell, not to mention the palace, even he himself was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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