Chapter 4188 317

However, even if the treatment is successful, it may be due to external pressure, causing personality to dissociate again.

In addition, because patients are highly suggestive, hypnosis is often used to summon patients with different personalities for treatment. However, this is not a cure, it is just a helper.

In fact, internal dissociation is not a special thing, it is a very common phenomenon.

Ordinary people have experienced internal dissociation. For example, reading a wonderful novel is fascinating, completely immersed in the story, completely ignorant of what is happening around.

There are also daydreams, dazes, meditations, forgetfulness and so on. However, this is not a disease, but an ordinary daily mental activity.

However, multiple personalities are already the ultimate in such a state.

"I know."

Alice stood up. "So, start with brain imaging!"

She has not done brain imaging for You You.

Hurricane Medical Center, equipment and equipment are very complete, so no matter what the inspection, there is no difficulty.

As long as you are willing to cooperate.

Roman card nodded.


After that, Alice and Gong Fan discussed it.

Gong Fan heard that brain imaging was initially rejected, but Alice explained what the brain imaging was. Gong Gong also agreed to do it.

It’s not that I don’t believe in Alice, but I don’t believe in Roman cards.

But there is Alice in, the little guy is still giving a face.

Alice brought Gong Fan into the examination room. In the examination room, there was no light, only the blue light, quietly lit.

In the vast examination room, there is only one large instrument, just like nuclear magnetic resonance, but it is not nuclear magnetic resonance.

Both instruments look very similar.

Alice 叮嘱 Palace vanilla lay up, her head resting in a white helmet, and Alice operated the button, and Gong Fan knew that the person was slowly pushed in.

"You are lying down, I don't say good, don't mess around."


Gong Fan was very embarrassed and promised her.

Alice walked out the door, Professor Romanka sat in front of the display, looking at the image of the brain imaging, a few black dots in the blank background screen.

"look here."

Professor Romanka gently clicked on the screen. "The difference in brain imaging between patients with dissociative personality disorder and high and low hallucinations is very significant. DID indicates dissociative identity disorder, CH indicates high hallucinatory tendency, and CL indicates low hallucinatory tendency. Sex, TIS represents a trauma-related status, and NIS represents a neutral status."

Alice looked at the image and suddenly took a breath.

"Does this mean that you have five people in your body?"

"There are four active personalities."

"Four!? How is it possible?"

Alice obviously does not believe, "In normal times, the conversion of personality is only two of Yuyou and Gong Fan, plus the emergence of personality that day, up to three, then how exactly did the four come?"

"Are you sure that when other personalities appear, can you distinguish them by appearance?"

Alice heard that there was a bit of creepy feeling.

"According to your meaning, other personalities have actually appeared before they are unknowingly, but we are not aware of it?"

Just thinking about it, Alice noticed the horror of multiple personalities.

If there is a disguised personality, then he has been lurking for so long.

"How can you perceive it with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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