Chapter 4189 326

"How can you perceive it with you?"

Luomanka half-jokingly said, "When other personalities appear, the appearance does not change much, at most the change in temperament, but the temperament is abstract. Plus, you have determined that the child is double Personality, nature will not think about other aspects."

Alice screwed her eyebrows. "So, you said he has five personalities."

"No, I mean, at least, there are four active personalities. Then, the personality without imaging may not be shown above, but the problem of time, these personalities will also pop up like mushrooms, but this needs Excessive time. But four personalities are at least active."

Alice asked with some concern. "So, do you say that other personalities have camouflage behavior?"

"I am not sure about this. But if you follow logical reasoning, maybe this is possible."

Alice's face is even heavier.

"How to do?"

Romanka has been indulging for a moment. "If you trust me, then you submit his file to me. I try to give a treatment plan. I am very interested in him, but you can rest assured that I will not be in him. Everything will be cautious when you move up the mess."

Alice hesitated for a long time.

Luomanka was also very patient, so she looked at her so quietly, finally saw her, and nodded hard.

"Well, I believe you this time."


Alice brought Professor Romanka to the archives.

Pushing open the heavy door, the archives lists dozens of tall bookshelves, which are all-encompassing, storing many patient information and many medical literature.

Luomanka did not rush to remind Alice to look for the report of Yuyou's illness. As soon as he stepped into the archives, he was so surprised that he widened his eyes.

“It’s incredible, it’s like a treasure trove.”

"It is not wrong to say that it is a treasure house. The average person does not have the right to set foot here. Even my medical team has few people who have the right to set foot here."

"I am so honored!"

Alice led the Roman card to a row of archives. The archives were full of high-tech elements, automatic bookshelf, and pupil scanning. Alice entered the relevant information. Soon, Yuyou’s report was pushed. come out.

Alice handed the report to the hands of Luomanka cautiously. Shen Sheng said, "Professor, we may wish to pay tribute to the soldiers. This file is very important. It is only one copy. You must keep it properly. In addition, if it is you We will never tolerate the purpose of Youyou holding other misconducts!"

"Now, my personal freedom is in your hands." Professor Romanka has some helplessness. "Your defense is too heavy!"

"I have to guard against it."

Alice confided in the truth, "Some researchers, for research, really don't want life and dignity!"

"The truth is extremely important. For detectives, the result of reasoning is more important than life. So, for medical scientists, if it is a difficult problem in the field of homework, it is of course more important than life. Now science is so developed, you It should also be clear what is based on it."

Alice silently said, "It is an experiment to establish countless failures."

(End of this chapter)

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