Chapter 4203, 332

Under the moonlight, I do not know why, there is a layer of fear in the heart of Gong Fan.

Gong Fan subconsciously stepped back half a step, and there was an unpredictable foreboding.

At this moment, the man leaned to the window and looked at the direction of the roof where Gong Fan was located.

At that time, Gong Fan had already been wary in advance and hid behind the drying rack.

On the drying rack, the sheets were covered on the shelf, and the long delay on the ground just covered him.

Gong Fan did not know what he was afraid of, but in the subconscious, he did not want this man to find out. This was his subconscious reaction, but when he turned his head and looked at the moonlight of the sky, his heart suddenly jumped!

When he was nervous, he forgot that these white sheets would cover his figure, but in the moonlight, he would cast his shadow.

Gong Fan’s breathing is about to stop, and he can vaguely feel that if the man’s gaze really faces him, then he may have been discovered!

With the purpose of temptation, Gong Fan slightly sideways, through the sheets that were rolled up by the late wind, Yu Guang suddenly saw that the man was really in his direction.

Two pairs of eyes, intersecting in midair across a distance that is not far away!

He can even feel the sharp eyes of men!

The man is tall and tall, and at first glance, he is a man of great strength. Gong Fan thinks of the time when Yun Shishi was stabbed, and the heart immediately equated the man and the dangerous personality!


Miyafumi felt that the scalp was numb. Since it was discovered, it was not constrained to hide. He walked out of the sheets, but obviously saw the man’s pupils return to focus, locked his body, and then, shoulders. Slightly bowed, like a tiger ready to wait for an opportunity to hunt!

The scene was arrogant.

If it weren't for such an empty distance, Gong Fan would even think that this man would throw him to the ground like a cheetah in the next second!

His back is already cold and sweaty.

Gong Fan moved his foot slightly and moved slowly toward the door. The man waited at his position, and then, while watching him, in the direction of him, he rushed through the corridor and rushed!

He knows where he is, this is the beginning of the game!


At the moment, there is only one word in Gong Fan’s mind!

Intuition told him that this man was very dangerous, so he almost rushed toward the door at the same time.

Walking down the rooftop, it is the 10th floor, the man is on the fourth floor, separated by some distance, but the figure that the man flies in his direction still tells him that he has a heart!

If you don't run now, the man will catch up.

After all, it is an adult man, and it must be slow!


But where do you run?

Gong Fan now has no time to consider the identity of a man, but only wants to find a place to hide.

He ran in the big hospital, the echo of the footsteps, it was as if someone was chasing after him, and he was afraid!

Gong Fan’s door groped for the past, and every door was not locked. There was a dead end inside, and there was no hiding place at all.

He didn't dare to put his hopes on the thin plug and pin. He always felt that it seemed to be a strong lock. The man passed it on and the door could not resist.

Gong Fan didn't know what to do, and he couldn't find a place to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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