Chapter 4204 333

Gong Fan didn't know what to do, and he couldn't find a place to hide.

He first ran down the ninth floor, and turned back to the 10th floor. He just walked to the 10th floor and vaguely heard the footsteps of running upstairs.

Gong Fan was close to the window, first stretching his head and looking up.

At this point, the footsteps upstairs were quiet.

He first glanced at the left and swept to the right. Then, in the upper right, he saw the head of the same person who had also headed out the window!

The man, even at such a fast speed, ran to the floor where he was originally, and the man was obviously not stupid. Through the footsteps, he captured the message on the tenth floor and looked down. His eyes looked again. When Gong Fanton suddenly felt creepy!

The man quickly shrank his head back and his footsteps began!

Gong Fan suddenly realized that the man must have ran in his direction!

He is going crazy!

Is left, right?

Gong Fan judged that the man would definitely come down from the nearest staircase on the right side, so he ran towards the left side of the corridor, along the stairs, all the way down to the fourth floor, until he could not hear the flustered heartbeat, he The mood was a little calmer.

All the way, like a headless fly, fleeing wildly in the hospital building, Gong Fan was so embarrassed!

But he knew it.

Alice also told him that this is not an ordinary dream.

He has entered the world of personality.

Here, if he is hurt, in the real world, then his personality will disappear without a trace.

He is not the same as Youyou.

Youyou will not die, but he will!

Gong Fan always remembers Alice's words and is determined to protect himself!

He can't die!

Even if you die, you must die with those dangerous personalities!

Miyafan walked cautiously along the ward.

A door is like a cage that is closed to the beasts!

No one knows what the dangerous thing is from the door in the next second.

He was cautious and cautious, and he put his footsteps very light. He didn't know if the man also learned how he was, and he kept his steps light and waited for him to lurk to him.

Today, he feels like he is a prey in the clear, and the man is crouching in the dark, just want to move.

Unknowingly, the cold sweat behind Gong Fan has been dried up by the evening wind, and then, a layer of clothing has been infiltrated, and the clothes are close to the back. This sticky feeling is so real, he even has no clear points. Whether it is in a dream or in reality.

Just as he walked slowly, he saw a place not far from him, and the door "Oh," suddenly opened slowly.

Like a frightened cat, he bounced back and looked alert.

He is so brave. Faced with this, he is calm enough. However, at the moment, he does not dare to ask for courage. "Who is this?"

As far as possible, he has to narrow his body into a group, guarding against the danger of coming out of the door, he is ready to retreat!

Just then, a pair of small handkerchiefs were pulled on the door frame, and a small head slowly appeared.

Under the moonlight, the delicate face is getting clearer.

When Gong Fan sees a familiar face, the heartbeat is getting faster and faster!

Seemingly aware of the rapid breathing, the child also looked in his direction, saw him, first shocked, and the body subconsciously retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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