Chapter 4205 334

When I saw him, I was shocked first, and the body subconsciously retreated. Then, the child who looked exactly like him screamed and said, "Yes... is it you? Gong Fan?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Gong Fan was chilling for a while, but not out of fear, but out of excitement!

He responded immediately, "It's me!"

The child finally breathed a sigh of relief, his eyebrows open his eyes, and the watery eyes gave him countless warmth.

"It's me, bless you!"

Then he hooked him and gestured, "Come on!"

Gong Fan is difficult to conceal the excitement, but still struggles to restrain the excited footsteps.

He leaned around and walked against the wall. When he was a mile away from the door, Youyou immediately slid out his body and grabbed his arm and immediately pulled him into the room.

The door is gently closed.

Youyou was careful to lock the door, try not to make a sound, just lock the door and turn around, Gong Fan could not stand the excitement, and forced him to hug!

"Youyou, I finally found you!"

Gong Fan’s heart is not touched.

Because he knows, Yuyou enters this personality world, who is it for whom.

In fact, he doesn't have to take such an adventure.

Such a dangerous world, for him, although there is no life is worrying, but for mental stress, it is not a small blow.

But for the sake of him, in order to protect him, he has entered the world without hesitation!

Gong Fan held him so tightly, as if he wanted to integrate him into the blood!

Yuyou did not break free, but sighed and tightened him.

"You are fine!"

The five words of 寥寥 让 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫 宫

However, his personality, it seems that the lacrimal gland is not developed.

At this time, according to common sense, two people should hold together and cry out.

But he didn't.

He is already excited to cry.

"You are fine, it's good!"

Yuyou loosened him and looked at him deeply.

Gong Fan also looked at him at the same time.

The two identical children are even more similar than Youyou and Xiao Yuchen.

It is simply a mold, and it is as if you are looking at the mirror.

Gong Fan looked at Yu You, and he was infinitely emotional.

In a parallel world, two personalities have met so wonderfully!

This world is really incredible!

Here, Youyou actually saw another one!

This feeling is very wonderful. He then asked strangely, "How are you here?"


Gong Fan hesitated, explaining, "I heard Alice and Romanka say, you are hypnotized for me, and should have been with me. But I woke up and took up the body, you can't return. In the original world, I fell asleep, went into a dream, and found this hospital. I didn't think that you are here too!"

This is probably the so-called heart!

Gong Fan finally understood why he had just entered the hospital, as if there was something calling him.

I can't hear the sound, but in consciousness, it seems like who is reminding me to enter the hospital.

It was too late to wait for the opening of the mouth, and Mong Fan was cautious to remind him. "Just a man chased me, I don't know what his identity is, but I intuitively told me that he would be bad for me."

(End of this chapter)

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