One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 2305 Discussing the plan to leave early

Qin Yuan followed Shen Man to the conference room of the hospital.

At this time, there were not many staff on duty in the hospital, but Qin Yuan thought that he should be more careful and not show off and let others see him casually.

The maintenance workers they pretended to be are already very similar. At least there are no flaws in their appearance. They have to be more careful with their words and deeds. Don't reveal their secrets, otherwise the whole plan will fail and Shen Man will be implicated.

Chen Jixiang felt very uneasy after hearing what Qin Yuan said just now.

"Brother Qin Yuan, have you really thought about it, do you want me to take them back first?"

"Of course I have thought about it. I believe in your strength, and this mission is not too dangerous. Under the joint arrangements of the embassy and Thor, someone will pick you up in advance."

Chen Jixiang is not afraid, he just doesn't want to carry out this task alone. He wants to be with Qin Yuan.

"Brother Qin Yuan, let me tell you the truth, I really don't want to take them away first."


"We came out of the army together, so we should go back together. What does it matter if I leave alone? What's more, the matter with Mr. Norman Karim has not been completely resolved yet."

"We have successfully arrived at the embassy now. With Wang Xin helping me, you don't have to worry so much. Besides, He Chenguang and An Ran can both help me. How can I be alone?"

"Although Sister An Ran is a very experienced person, don't forget He Chenguang's identity."

Shen Man was listening to the two of them talking, and Qin Yuan quickly signaled Chen Jixiang to stop talking.

"You guys go to the conference room and wait. I will go outside to find Sophia and the others now."

After Shen Man finished speaking, he closed the door and went out.

Only Qin Yuan and Chen Jixiang were left waiting in the conference room.

"Chen Jixiang, you shouldn't have said too much in front of Shen Man just now."

""I'm sorry, Brother Qin Yuan, I'm really in a hurry. I don't want to leave with them first. Can you just not let me go on this mission?

Isn’t Jason the person you trust the most? He should be able to bring all these people back.

Besides, we are members of the army after all, and their status is so special. How should I arrange for them after they return? Should I take them back to the army and hand them over to their superiors, or let them leave like this? "

After Chen Jixiang said this, Qin Yuan said nothing more.

He felt that what this kid said made sense. He was able to carry out the mission so smoothly in this unfamiliar environment entirely because of Jason's help, but there were some things Jason did that were beyond the pale.

After Qin Yuan thought for a long time, he said with a little hesitation.

"Okay, although I am the captain of our team, I can't force you to do anything. If you don't want to, just let it go."

"Thank you, Brother Qin Yuan."

"Why thank you, idiot."

On the other side, Shen Man came out of the conference room upstairs. He went directly to the pavilion in the backyard and saw Sophia and others still waiting here.

"I said you people are really patient. You've been waiting here and not going anywhere, right?"

"Shen Man, you are finally here."

"Stop waiting here, come with me."

"Where are you taking us?"

"Sofia, you gave me the diamond bracelet and wanted me to help you. Now I want to help you, and you have so much distrust in me?"

Jason and Sophia were very happy when they heard this, but they were a little doubtful.

Shen Man has always had a cold and incomprehensible attitude. Suddenly he clearly said that he wanted to help them. It was really easy for people to think too much.

Huang Mao stood up and said this.

"Sofia, when I went outside to smoke just now, I saw Qin Yuan driving a maintenance vehicle over. Maybe that's why he suddenly decided to take us."

"Qin Yuan is here?"

Sophia was very excited when she heard this. It was as if she had grasped a life-saving straw. He knew that with Qin Yuan here, they didn't have to worry about anything.

"He was out of danger and went to the embassy, ​​and he was still willing to come and help us. It really surprised me."

"If you believe me, come with me. If you don't believe me, leave immediately and stop staying in the hospital. Mr. Noman Karim's eyes and ears are everywhere here.

If he finds out that you have done so many things behind his back, you can imagine the consequences for yourself. "

Akun and Amin looked back at Jason.

"Boss, Qin Yuan really did not disappoint us. He is really ready to come back to help us. In this case, let's follow him in first. We are all in the hospital anyway. We are just waiting outside. It doesn't make any difference whether we follow him or not. ”

Jason nodded and said.

"Sofia, I think so too. Let's follow Shen Man to the conference room first. I believe he should take us to see Qin Yuan."

When Shen Man saw that they had nothing else to say, he turned around and left, with these people following him.

"Are we going to follow you in like this? Didn't you say that we are surrounded by Mr. Norman Karim's eyes and ears?"

When Shen Man faced the other party's questions, he didn't say anything and had no intention of answering. He kept walking forward on his own.

Sophia was very worried about Azhe at this time.

"Shen Man, since Qin Yuan is here, can you let me go to the intensive care unit? I want to see Azhe's condition."

Shen Man stopped when he heard this, turned around and looked at the other person and said.

"Sofia, this is a hospital. Azhe is now a patient in the intensive care unit. Are you a doctor or an expert? Can you help him get better quickly after visiting him?"

When Huang Mao saw his attitude when talking to Sophia, he was reluctant and said angrily.

"Shen Man, you are just a little nurse, why are you so arrogant? We talk to you in such a nice manner, but you are always blaming us."

"This is a hospital, you just listen to me.

What's the point of going to see Azhe now? It will only waste more time.

Qin Yuan is waiting for you in the conference room. Azhe is in the intensive care unit and everything is normal. If he has any problems, I will naturally inform you. "

Jason saw that everyone was in a bad mood and maybe a little impatient, so he quickly tried to persuade them.

"Sofia, what the nurse said makes sense. Since Azhe is in no special condition in the intensive care unit, we don't need to worry about him.

Let's go to Qin Yuan first and see if he has any solution to this matter. Maybe he can help us. "

Sofia nodded uneasily.

"Well, I didn't think too well. In that case, let's leave quickly and don't waste time here."

Shen Man took them upstairs through the exclusive staff passage at the back. At this time, there were very few people on duty in the hospital. If they went upstairs from the staff passage, no one could see them.

"This place is too..."

"Huang Mao, this is the exclusive passage for employees of our hospital. Don't think this is some secluded place. It seems like I am going to attack you."

"Everyone should have a sense of vigilance. Wouldn't it be great if you made it clear? Tsk..."

Soon after getting on the elevator, they arrived at the door of the conference room.

At this moment, Qin Yuan and Chen Jixiang also heard it in the conference room, and there seemed to be a sound outside.

"Shh... someone is coming..."

They held tools in their hands and pressed them against the wall next to the door. After all, they didn't know who was outside, so it was better to be more cautious.

Shen Man opened the door and saw Qin Yuan and Chen Jixiang holding tools and looking cautiously beside them. He couldn't help but laugh.

"I asked you two, can you stop acting like thieves? I have brought you all the people. You can discuss what you want to say quickly, and then you have to leave here as soon as possible.

Although this is a conference room, it is a public place after all. It will not be good if someone comes and sees you. It is good for everyone to leave early. "

"What about you? Are you planning to go out first?"

Shen Man said with a sneer.

"I only helped you because I took your money. Do you want me to listen to your plans here? If something goes wrong, I will be the one to blame. Don't let me lie in this muddy water."

Of course, Shen Man couldn't eavesdrop on their conversation here. After all, his identity was not announced to the public, at least Sophia and the others didn't know about it. He could only choose to leave.

Qin Yuan also nodded and said.

"Then please go outside and look out for us first. If there is any trouble, try to alert us as soon as possible."

Shen Man pretended to be arrogant and rolled his eyes.

"I've turned out to be the one who opens the door for you. Okay, anyway, a man's money helps others to avoid disasters. Since I've received the money, I have to follow the rules. You hurry up and let me know when you're done. I'll be at the door."

After Shen Man finished speaking, he opened the door and went out.

Qin Yuan saw Jason and Sophia and quickly cared about them.

"Are you two okay, especially you, Jason? Mr. Norman Karim didn't doubt you, did he?"

"Qin Yuan, I don't know what Mr. Norman Karim's attitude towards me is now. To be honest, I'm a little unclear.

I always felt that he still didn't fully trust me, but if he doubted me, why did he let me come to the hospital alone?

This really makes me a little confused. His thoughts are too deep, and I am a little confused. "

"No matter what, we are all leaving anyway. He can think whatever he wants."

"Qin Yuan, what happened with Azhe was indeed an accident.

He is in the intensive care unit now, and I don’t know when he will be released. I just asked casually, and the little nurse had a bad attitude and scolded me. I didn’t dare to ask too many questions. "

"Shen Man, he does have a bit of a bad temper. Just get used to it. Anyway, we only have a superficial cooperative relationship with him. He takes our money to do things for us, so we don't need to worry about the rest.

Azhe is not too serious. He doesn't want you to go to the intensive care unit, just because he doesn't want you to disrupt his work. It's that simple.

You don't have to worry about Azhe's health, I'm still very accurate in my move.

I didn't hurt any vital parts when I fired, but I still have to say sorry to you. This is what I have to do when I'm desperate. Otherwise, I don't want to hurt Azhe. I still treat him as a good friend. ,Do you believe? "

"Qin Yuan, you don't need to apologize to me. It's Azhe's choice to do this. This is in our common interest.

If you don't have any questions now, hurry up and leave.

After Mr. Norman Karim reacts, it will be troublesome for you to leave. I'm not trying to scare you, but this is the fact.

It's better for everyone to leave early.

The current situation is indeed special. Mr. Norman Karim should have sent a lot of people to watch you around. Under this situation, it's really not optimistic. It's better to leave first."

"Yeah, I came here specifically for this matter this time. In addition to taking the bullets back, I also have to arrange for Jason and others to leave here.

This guy Efit has already run away. We are not sure what will happen next. After knowing his betrayal, Mr. Norman Karim must not trust Jason now. Jason is very dangerous.

A Kun and A Ming were also very anxious when they heard Qin Yuan say this.

"Qin Yuan, you parked the car at the door. How can you take us out without anyone noticing? "

"I've thought about it. Just now in front of outsiders, I had to park the car at the door, but I saw that there was a corner outside that was a blind spot for surveillance.

You can go to that corner and wait. After I drive the car out, you can get in the car and take you away.

I avoided Mr. Norman Karim's vehicles along the way. Don't worry, I will use the same method to send you to the dock. "

Sophia was very surprised to hear Qin Yuan say this.

"How did you successfully avoid all Mr. Norman Karim's vehicles? This is incredible. How do you know where he set up the checkpoints? "

"You don't need to ask so many questions about this. I naturally have my own way. Don't worry, I won't cheat you. We are now on the same boat. "

Chen Jixiang also said beside him.

"You have to believe in Brother Qin Yuan's strength. He won't let you down. This is how we came here just now. If there is a problem, how can we successfully reach the hospital? "

Huang Mao was very impressed with Qin Yuan at this time. Although he didn't know how he did it, he was willing to choose to trust Qin Yuan unconditionally.

"Qin Yuan, I am willing to give up my car dealership and go to other countries with you. This is enough to prove that I trust you very much." (End of this chapter)

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