One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 2306: Show your face in front of the surveillance camera, don't let the other party get

Huangmao was ready to give up everything he had here and go to a new place with Qin Yuan to start over.

It was a completely unfamiliar country and city for him.

The fact that he could make this decision was enough to show that he trusted Qin Yuan very much. Even though he had known him for a short time, he couldn't explain why he had an unconditional trust in him.

Sophia couldn't help but persuade him.

"Huangmao, it's not that I don't trust Qin Yuan, I think you should think about it."

"What to think about?"

"You have lived in this place since you were a child. Now you suddenly have to go to a strange country. Can you get used to it?

And you are facing a new language. You don't understand the language of their country at all. How will you live there? Even if Qin Yuan is willing to help you and give you some money, I'm afraid it will be a big challenge for you."

"Sophia, I have thought about it. Nothing is impossible in this world. Since you want to face some new challenges, you must have your own adaptation process. I Trust Brother Qin Yuan. "

Chen Jixiang saw Huang Mao next to him, who was like another self. He trusted Qin Yuan unconditionally, and he was even a little "jealous."

"Brother Qin Yuan, what is this guy talking about?

Are you really going to take him with you? What will you do after you go back?

I think he is just a gangster. We are all from the army and have legitimate identities. Lei Shen will not allow you to do this. We should not get involved too much with people of his status. It is not appropriate. "

Chen Jixiang said these words for Qin Yuan's consideration, and he did make sense.

"Since I have made this decision, I will not regret it. He has completely offended Mr. Norman Karim for us. If we don't take her away, Mr. Norman Karim will not let him go. This is what I should do.

He is just a gangster here and has not done anything illegal.

When we get to a new place, I will let him start over. It is also good to give him some money to do some small business. Maybe sometimes he can be our informant."

"Didn't you lose a lot of money and promise to give it to Azhe and others? You actually have money to do some small business for him. My God, how much private money do you have?"

"Okay, don't worry about how much private money I have.

Suppose one day you don't want to continue working in the army, I can also give you some money to do small business. That's okay."

Chen Jixiang got the answer he wanted from Qin Yuan, and he smiled.

"If you say so, it's not too biased. In this case, I won't interfere with your decision.

But the reason why I say this is not entirely because of those reasons. I still think his identity is not legitimate. Anyway, you decide for yourself.

You are the team leader. As long as you think Thor can handle Thor, he will not object. Whatever you decide, you will listen to you. Even Sister An Ran should not object."

Shen Man was guarding at the door, thinking that the communication of these guys was too slow.

It has been so long, and it has not been finished yet. Although there are few people on duty in the hospital at this time, no one will come here to disturb them.

But this is a public place after all. It is not in accordance with the rules for a nurse like me to stand outside while they discuss things in the house.

Shen Man couldn't help it and knocked on the door outside.

"Can you hurry up and have a tea party inside?"

Qin Yuan heard the other party's urging, and he also knew that he should make a decision quickly, so he quickly stood up and started to arrange the plan.

"Sophia, if you are worried about Azhe, just stay in the hospital. I only need to take Jason, Akun and Amin away."

"I know you have been thinking about this plan for a long time, and Azhe is not out of danger yet, so I can't abandon him and leave.

Mr. Norman Karim has not doubted us for the time being. Aifet has run away, and we can put all the blame on him.

After all, Azhe has been with Mr. Norman Karim since he was a child. Compared with other people, he can still get more trust. He is also older now.

There is no one around him who can be trusted. Unless it is a last resort, he will not put the target of suspicion on Azhe and me."

Sophia knew that he was completely taking advantage of Mr. Norman Karim's trust in them.

It is very immoral to take advantage of others' trust, but how can people like them care about these things?

Jason listened to Qin Yuan's arrangement and nodded.

"I know that this is the best way for us.

But how can we leave the hospital and go to the dock? Mr. Norman Karim ambushed us all along the way. His vehicles are like mobile checkpoints, keeping us tightly controlled here.

We have no way to leave at all. Qin Yuan, if you want to take us to the dock, you will also have to bear great risks. If things go wrong, the two sides will accidentally shoot.

You have almost completed the mission and saved the people who should be saved.

If you get hurt because of us, it will be a bit of a loss.

In fact, since I decided to join Mr. Norman Karim's camp, I have made all mental preparations. You don't have to worry about me, and I have nothing to say.

I decided to join his camp, and now I am asking you to save me. I must be embarrassed, as if I have really betrayed you. How can I be embarrassed to accept your help again? "

Jason said these words from the bottom of his heart. He really felt a little embarrassed, even sorry for Qin Yuan.

"How can you say that?

If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have been able to get here smoothly and rescue the hostages.

Jason, you have your own choice. I have already said that I will not blame you, and you really helped me. Even if you sacrificed A Kun and A Ming, you never hesitated. "

When A Kun and A Ming saw how interesting Qin Yuan was, they were really impressed by this man's style.

"Qin Yuan, thank you so much, I don't know what to say.

As long as we can save our boss, it doesn't matter if we sacrifice the two of us. We have followed the boss through thick and thin for so many years. We just put our heads on our belts and are not afraid of death! "

"You two, don't talk about dying. With me here, no one will have to die."

Qin Yuan thought to himself that he was a cheating male protagonist. As long as there was a recycling system to help him, he would be able to easily resolve these dangers.

However, this matter must be kept secret. He cannot tell anyone about the system. He can only keep it in his heart.

He was about to rescue them all. What he had to do now was to go to the office and steal the important evidence of the bullet first.

Shen Man had been urging Qin Yuan and the others for a while, and no matter how anxious he was, he was embarrassed to urge Qin Yuan and the others again.

But at this moment, an accident happened. The security guard at the door just now ran into the building.

Shen Man saw a blurry figure because he didn't turn on the light.

Only when the other party walked in with a flashlight did he realize that it was the security guard at the door just now.

"It's bad, why is he here?"

Shen Man put his hands in his pockets and quickly walked over to the security guard.

He said with a smile: "Why are you here?"

"It turns out it's you, Nurse Shen. What are you doing at the door of the conference room like this? I thought it was time for patrol and I had to go inside the building to see if there are any dangerous factors."

"You are the only one on duty at the door, and you have to patrol inside the building. This is too tiring."

Shen Man tried his best to greet the other party and let him not find anyone in the conference room, but after all, there were several people in the conference room, so there would still be some movement more or less.

The security guard noticed something moving in the conference room. When he was about to step forward, he was stopped by Shen Man.

"what are you doing?"

"There seems to be some movement in the conference room, did you hear it?"

Shen Man had an idea, he smiled and said.

"Of course there will be movement if there are people in the conference room."

"Ah? So you know who is in the conference room at this late hour. Everyone has gone home. There are only a few medical staff on duty. Is there anyone still having a meeting inside?"

"You are really good at joking. It's so late. How can anyone in the meeting be the maintenance worker I just called over?"

"Why are they in there? Didn't you say the office is leaking? Why are they in the conference room?"

"You don't need to be so nervous. I'll think about it first, but it's all money, so I can't let them go in vain. The projection in the conference room is a bit hard to use, so I plan to let them take a look."

"Don't they repair air conditioners, water and electricity? Can they also repair projectors?"

"I don't care whether he can repair it or not. Let him take a look at it first.

There is an important meeting in our department tomorrow. If there is a problem with the projection, it will affect our meeting. I will ask him to check it first. Everyone in the maintenance department has already got off work. I am too embarrassed to call someone to make another trip. .

Let him try. It would be better if it can be repaired. If it cannot be repaired, I can only ask my colleagues in the maintenance department to come over early tomorrow morning and help me take a look. "

Shen Man thought to himself that he was really the chosen one for special tasks, so he said this without any doubt from the other party.

Qin Yuan and Chen Jixiang, who had already heard the noise outside, began to repair things around them in a serious manner.

Qin Yuan deliberately made some noise and said with a slight complaint.

"Oh, in such a luxurious hospital, I didn't expect that the projection equipment was from several years ago. It is normal for such old equipment to have problems. Fortunately, we have the tools to help solve it, but it will cost extra. money."

Chen Jixiang is also a clever guy.

After hearing Qin Yuan's words, he immediately followed up.

"Isn't that right? It's already so late. Even if we work overtime, we should be paid according to the overtime pay. After that, other jobs were arranged for us, and we had to charge more money. Otherwise, we would have to pay more for this trip. It’s all in vain.”

Shen Man heard these two people making up nonsense outside, so he could only act along.

"Oh, I told you two masters, please stop complaining, I'm sure you won't be shortchanged by the money.

Didn’t I just say everything? If I can give you more overtime pay, I'll treat it as if I paid for it myself. Normally the hospital wouldn't be able to reimburse you this much money. I'll never look for someone from your company again.

There are really too many things to do here. Next time I will try to find people from our maintenance department during the day so that I don’t have to trouble you guys. "

The security guard saw it, and they came to talk, and it didn't seem like there was any problem.

"Nurse Shen, maintenance workers like them always complain a little when they go out to do business at night. They won't be disadvantageous to you, right?

Do you want me to protect you here? Help them see where they can help. "

Shen Man was thinking that what he had just said was to ask him to leave as soon as possible. If he stayed, his actions would be ruined.

"No, no, I know you are the only one patrolling the door today, and they should be able to solve it soon.

Although it's relatively late, I'm not the only one in this building. There are other medical staff. What else can they do to me? You can go about your own business. It doesn't matter if no one is watching at the door.

Don't delay your own work. If you have any questions, I can call you directly through the intercom. "

When the security guard heard this, he had no choice but to leave.

Shen Man stood at the door and watched for a long time. After realizing that this guy finally left, he quickly rushed in angrily.

"Qin Yuan, what on earth is going on with you guys?"

"What's wrong? The maintenance workers we played just now are quite similar, right? There are no flaws."

Shen Man really felt it immediately and was a little speechless.

"Are you here to perform a mission or to act? What if you are here to act?

This is not the stage for your performance. How are the discussions going?

Hurry up to the office with me first, open the safe and take out the things from the seat. Get the evidence first, and then you can figure out how to leave. But you should prioritize. "

Sophia and Huang Mao were really angry when they saw the little nurse, and they were unwilling to waste Qin Yuan's time any longer.

"Qin Yuan, what we have discussed is almost over. We will wait in the conference room until there are more people and our movements will be easily exposed. You two go to the office.

I am originally Mr. Norman Karim's man, and others can't say anything when looking at Azhe here.

I'll just show up at the door of the intensive care unit later and let Mr. Norman Karim know that I'm here all the time. It's best for Jason to come with me.

Let Mr. Noman Karim know that we are here so that he can let down his guard. He would have become suspicious if he hadn't seen us. "

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