One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 2307 A suspicious person in black clothes appeared at the embassy gate

On the other hand, after Aifet lost two important hostages, everyone thought he was going to return to K to prepare for revenge. Who could have thought that this guy would come back again.

He was wearing a black hoodie, a black hat and a mask. Although his outfit was strange, he could not be recognized as Aifet.

He actually appeared at the door of the embassy.

Standing in a corner opposite the door of the embassy, ​​he pressed down the brim of his hat hard, for fear of showing a little bit of his face.

Looking up at the embassy in front of him, he muttered silently in his mouth.

"Qin Yuan was able to reach the embassy so smoothly and took the hostages away. I suffered such a big loss. I really can't swallow this breath. I must find a way to retaliate against him."

Aifet is a particularly vengeful person. His heart is full of resentment towards Qin Yuan and he just wants to retaliate against him.

At this time, he received a call.

It turned out to be Lao K who called. He wanted to hang up, but he didn't dare to do so.

"Hello, boss."

"Aifet, you know I'm your boss?"

"Of course."

"Come back quickly, don't waste time there.

Now that Norman Karim has lost his hostages, I'm afraid he will do a lot of crazy things. Don't stay there and get lost. Come back to us quickly.

There are important things waiting for you to do. Qin Yuan and his team have brought back two arms experts. I'm afraid they will find us next. I really need you here."

Before he answered the phone, Aifet had already guessed that it was probably Old K who urged him to go back.

That's why he didn't want to answer the call.

"Boss, I don't know how to explain this to you. It's true that I lost the hostage. I'm sorry. It was my own fault. In addition, the weapons taken away by Norman Karim have caused us heavy losses. I have to find a way to recover them."

"What can you do to recover them?

You alone are no match for Qin Yuan and Norman Karim. I know a little about these two people. You'd better come back as soon as possible and don't waste your time there.

Otherwise, you will lose your life. Although I am very powerful in our homeland, the strong dragon cannot suppress the local snake. In this area, you still have to listen to Norman Karim."

What Lao K said was still very pertinent. He sincerely advised Efit.

"Boss, you are so good to me. I lost the munitions and the hostages, but you didn't punish me."

"These things have become established facts. What can I do even if I pursue them? Besides, I am old now, and there is no one around me who can be used. You are the only one I have watched grow up and trust the most."

Old K's sigh made Efit feel very surprised. At this time, he thought of Jason.

"Boss, Jason is also here. I don't know why he chose to be in the same camp with Qin Yuan. He betrayed the New Year. At least I have to take him back."

Old K sneered on the other end of the phone.

"Him? Don't worry about it for now. This guy betrayed me. I will definitely make him pay the price. But why not let him stay with Qin Yuan now? It will be useful in the future."

Efit heard what Old K said. He was a little confused. He felt that the other party had a plan, but it seemed that he didn't mean to explain it to him.

"I have arranged a boat at the dock. You hurry to the dock. Be careful on the way. Norman Karim has arranged many people on the road."

"I know he has arranged many people on the road, so I dare not act rashly. Now I am preparing to give them some "small gifts" at the gate of the embassy."

"How big are you? How dare you make trouble at the gate of the embassy?"

"Qin Yuan is not here now. I don't plan to act impulsively. I plan to arrange something for him here. He will know when he drives back later."

Old K knows Efit's temper and personality very well, and of course he has no intention of stopping him.

"Then hurry up. You must arrive at the dock in two hours. You can handle things here by yourself. Safety is the most important thing. Remember to be alive and come back to see me."

"Received, boss! "

After Aifet hung up the phone, he was filled with mixed feelings.

He made so many mistakes at first, and was afraid that he would be punished by the boss when he returned.

Now that Lao K had said so many things to him and forgiven him so easily, he had to make up his mind to be loyal to Lao K, even if it meant sacrificing his life.

He took out a small miniature grenade from his hand.

The reason why he came to the gate of the embassy was that he was going to place this small grenade on the road that Qin Yuan's vehicle must pass through. When the other party came back, the vehicle would run over this grenade, and then the car would be destroyed and people would die.

Aifet had already suffered some minor injuries before.

He endured the pain in his body and came to the embassy just to avenge him.

Aifet really hated Qin Yuan in his heart. Sometimes he couldn't tell whether he was jealous of Qin Yuan's ability and talent, or hated that the other party always ruined his plans.

He couldn't tell now, but no matter what, the two of them were natural enemies, and he had regarded Qin Yuan as a natural enemy.

At this time, people inside the embassy seemed to notice suspicious signs outside.

Liu Mei found Wang Xin.

Wang Xin was discussing Qin Yuan's next plan with An Ran.

He Chenguang was also beside him, but he didn't say anything, he just kept listening, because he had a lot of things to do, and he couldn't be distracted to think about anything else now.

"Liu Mei, why are you here?"

"Why, can't I come while you are discussing things here?"

"That's not what I meant. Are you looking for me for something?"

"See for yourself."

Liu Mei gave Wang Xin a screenshot of the surveillance video outside.

"Are you talking about the person at the door?"

"I've been watching this guy in the monitoring room for a long time. He definitely doesn't look like a good person. I'm afraid he wants to do something to us."

An Ran saw their discussion and already guessed that he might want to deal with them.

"Can I have a look?"

"Of course, you see."

An Ran saw this heavily armed mysterious man from the surveillance screenshots, and he immediately recognized that this man was Efit.


He Chenguang heard An Ran say his name and nervously stepped forward to take a look.

An Ran turned around and said He Chenguang.

"Do you think this guy is Efit?"

He Chenguang looked at the photo and said hesitantly.

"Well...his face is completely covered. To be honest, I can't be sure it's him."

"Although his face has been blocked, it's obvious at first glance that he did it deliberately. He didn't want to reveal his true appearance. Besides, in terms of body shape, there is no one else who looks like him except Efit."

"There are a lot of people who look alike in this world, and there are a lot of people who even look alike from the front. It's not very accurate if you just judge from their body shape."

"Efit, why did he come to us? Logically speaking, he has offended Norman Karim and should quickly find a way to escape."

"This guy is a desperado, and his motive for appearing here is simple, just to take revenge on us.

He always suffered in front of Qin Yuan, and the resentment in his heart became deeper and deeper as time went by.

Maybe he wants to die with us again. I can guarantee that this person is Efit. There must be something dangerous on him. He appears at the door of the embassy. What does he want to do? "

When Liu Mei heard what An Ran said, he was also very worried.

"Then it would be terrible if this guy really is the guy. Don't worry, let me take the people out to have a look, catch him, or drive him away."

"Please wait a moment. Although we can't see his face clearly now and are not sure whether it is Efit or not, based on what we know about this person, it is almost the same.

The reason why he stood opposite the embassy was because he thought it was a blind spot for surveillance. "

After hearing this, Liu Mei said proudly.

"Their country is so unstable, how dare we leave a surveillance blind spot at the entrance of the embassy, ​​but part of the surveillance is hidden by us and cannot be seen by the naked eye.

This is surveillance we have arranged secretly, and people in this country don’t know about it.

If we go out now, there is a high probability that we can catch this guy. Anyway, we cannot let him act recklessly in front of the embassy.

If he really brought something like a bomb, then we would be really in danger. No, I still can't worry about it. I'm going to catch him now. "

Liu Mei is a somewhat impulsive person, and since he has been in a bad mood recently, he will naturally become more impulsive than before.

Wang Xin saw Liu Mei like this and grabbed his arm.

"Don't hold me back!"

"Listen first and let me tell you slowly. Impulsiveness can't solve any problems."

"Then what do you think we should do? If we don't take action after discovering dangerous factors, should we just let him cause damage here?"

"The problem is that we have captured his every move. If we go out now, we will probably alert him. He must know that we have hidden surveillance around.

By then, if he comes back again, he will be so sneaky that none of us can find him.

It's better to keep an eye on him on the surveillance camera now to see what he wants to do. I don't think he has a big, powerful bomb in his hand. "

An Ran listened and said with approval.

"Wang Xin, I agree with your idea. If you go out now, it's easy to alert others.

We can already see him on the surveillance camera, so we will wait and see what he wants to do. Logically speaking, he should not have a highly lethal bomb, and there is nothing outstanding about his body.

However, he appears here again, obviously to take revenge on us.

After comprehensive analysis, I think he should have a small bomb in his hand.

Perhaps, he already knew that Qin Yuan was out on a mission and planned to ambush Qin Yuan with small bombs on his way back. He wanted to blow up the entire embassy. That was impossible. There was only one possibility, that was him Want to take revenge on Qin Yuan alone. "

When Wang Xin heard An Ran's analysis, he smiled softly. This was what he thought.

"Heroes think alike, and I think the same way."

When Liu Mei saw the two of them like this, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. Anyway, he just felt uncomfortable.

He Chenguang stepped forward and took a closer look.

"When An Ran said that, of course I remembered it.

When I was working with Thor before, I saw a tiny bomb that was not very lethal, but it was enough to blow up a car.

It's small in size but somewhat lethal.

However, if you expect this bomb to blow up the entire embassy, ​​that is impossible.

Seeing that he has his hands in his pockets all the time, there must be something in his pockets, so we should stop taking action and just keep an eye on him to see where he plans to place the bomb.

Just like what Wang Xin said just now, if this guy is alerted now, he will definitely come back.

We don't know the bomb in a place we don't know. It's better to let him think that his action is successful now, wait for him to put down the bomb, and then we can defuse the bomb after he leaves. "

After He Chenguang finished speaking, An Ran nodded in agreement.

"Let's do it this way, we all have the same idea."

Liu Mei saw that they had all agreed, and it was hard for him to say anything. The key was that although he was a little angry, he also thought that these people's plans were very reasonable.

"Well, you have already said this. It is not convenient for me to have any contrary opinions. I have always sent people there to keep an eye on him. He can't always be waiting at the door. It won't take long. He will definitely Action.”

"I wonder how Qin Yuan's mission has been completed. Should we inform him in advance so that he can be mentally prepared before he encounters this guy when he comes back."

"It's better not to inform Qin Yuan for now. Anyway, we have been keeping an eye on Efit. Notifying Qin Yuan now may affect his mission. Try not to distract him. As long as we are responsible for keeping an eye on it."

"Yeah, I think so too."

Wang Xin looked at An Ran and said.

"I didn't expect the two of us to have such a tacit understanding. After this mission is over, if you don't mind, I would like to apply to my superiors to let you stay in the embassy to assist me in my work."

Liu Mei, immediately interrupted when she heard this.

"An Ran is a special operations officer trained by Fan Tianlei. Working in a boring place like the embassy is really a bit humiliating. People have their own plans, so don't make blind decisions."

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