After a long time, the doctor said that he had been waiting for a long time.

"One day? It's better than I thought."

Mo Lin, who was sitting on the bed, had bright eyes and said in his heart:

"Get it!"

The thought moved.

Mo Lin suddenly felt that a mysterious energy was poured into his body and spread to his limbs.

More obviously, Mo Lin noticed a warm airflow in his lower abdomen.

It seemed that he was holding back a fart.

This airflow was very active in Mo Lin's body.

As it was flowing, Mo Lin felt refreshed, his ears and eyes were sharp, and even the fatigue accumulated in the day seemed to disappear.

"I... got Qi?!"

The changes in his body made Mo Lin's face full of joy and excitement.

God knows how disappointed he felt when he found out that he didn't have the qualifications.

That feeling was like knowing that the treasure was right in front of him, but finding that his key didn't match and couldn't open it.

Now he finally got Qi.

This joy can be said to be indescribable.

"My strength doesn't seem to have changed much, but my breathing is smoother, as if the burden on my body has been reduced by two or three pounds."

It's amazing.

At the same time, it's also very refreshing.

"This is just one day of cultivation. According to the standard, I can't even be considered an alien. When I have a higher level of cultivation and cultivate superpowers, I will be a real alien!"

Mo Lin is looking forward to it.

And there is "Record of Crimes and Prisons".

As long as you keep arresting those aliens who have committed crimes and put them in police stations or prisons, even if they don't have superpowers, you can become a top master with your daily growth in cultivation over time!

"But the premise is to capture more alien criminals!"

Mo Lin's eyes flickered, and he had a preliminary idea.

Because of their strong individual strength, aliens often violate the bottom line of the law.

For example, the Quanxing faction in the alien world.

There are many aliens who have committed serious crimes such as murder, rape and plunder.

Even if they are born in a decent family.

There are many aliens who often break the law.

These aliens.

For the people's police, they are all targets to be arrested.

Thinking in this way, Mo Lin set his sights on the page of the Crime Prison Record that belongs to him.

[Prison Master: Mo Lin]

[Cultivation: 1 day]

[Skills: None]

[Cultivation available: 0]

Very simple information.

Seeing his own panel.

Mo Lin is looking forward to tomorrow.

"I don't know how many days of cultivation Zhang Lingyu will bring me tomorrow, but his sin value is very low, so even if he gives me some, I can't give much."

"But it's better than nothing."

Thinking so, Mo Lin washed up and lay down to sleep.

Although he was excited after getting the Qi, he was busy all day after all.

Soon Mo Lin fell asleep.


The next day.

Mo Lin put on his police uniform, bought steamed buns, fried dough sticks and soy milk from a roadside breakfast shop, and came to the police station.

Just got to his seat.

A female colleague came over and sighed, "Hey, what a handsome young Taoist priest. Although he solicited prostitution, he shouldn't skip breakfast."

"If people outside know about this, they will think we didn't give him breakfast."

Hearing this, Mo Lin was a little curious: "Sister Wen, doesn't Zhang Lingyu eat breakfast?"

The policewoman called Sister Wen nodded, "I bought buns and salty tofu pudding, but he said he had no appetite. It seems that he intends to use hunger to relieve his inner guilt. I have seen many such people."

"Forget it. In today's society, you can't judge a person by his appearance, even Taoist priests."

"You are still good, Xiao Momo. Not only is he handsome, but he is not as fickle as other men."

"Why don't you consider me, your sister? I haven't had a boyfriend yet."

Sister Wen supported her chin and looked at Mo Lin with a smile.

Mo Lin was embarrassed, "Forget it, Sister Wen, I don't have this plan now. That person doesn't want to eat, right? I'll go and see."

As he said this, he took his breakfast and went to the detention room.

Sister Wen covered her mouth and laughed.

Arrived at the detention room.

Mo Lin bit his bun and saw Zhang Lingyu sitting cross-legged on the bed, his head lowered, his face covered by his gray hair.

Next to him were three buns, a fried dough stick and a bag of tofu pudding.

No words either.

Mo Lin sat on a chair outside the corridor, eating a leek bun and drinking soy milk from time to time.

The sound of eating attracted Zhang Lingyu's attention.

He looked up and was surprised to see Mo Lin, and obviously recognized Mo Lin: "It's you? Police comrade."

Zhang Lingyu's voice was a little hoarse,

like someone who hadn't drunk water all day.

Mo Lin raised his head and drank the soy milk, put the bags together and threw them into the trash can next to him.

Then he said to Zhang Lingyu: "It's me, Taoist Lingyu, you don't have an appetite for breakfast?"

Zhang Lingyu shook his head, and his handsome face showed guilt and regret.

"If it weren't for you, the police comrade, who broke in to stop me yesterday, I would have almost made a big mistake. How could I have the face to eat."


Mo Lin smiled.

He probably knew what Zhang Lingyu meant.

From the original book, we can know that Zhang Lingyu lost his virginity and broke his body because he didn't practice Yang Wu Lei, which led to the loss of Yang Lei that he had been thinking about, and he turned to practice Yin Wu Lei.

It can be said that it is the thing that Zhang Lingyu regrets most.

After a night of calm thinking.

Zhang Lingyu felt deeply afraid. If Mo Lin hadn't appeared, he might have really lost his virginity, thus disappointing his master and fellow disciples.

"It doesn't matter, Taoist Lingyu, everyone makes mistakes."

"Just be brave enough to admit it and repent in time."

Mo Lin smiled and said, "You feel so guilty, are you sorry for your girlfriend? Or sorry for your wife?"

Zhang Lingyu shook his head: "I don't have a girlfriend, and I haven't started a family yet."

"If you don't have one, you don't have to feel so guilty that you don't eat, right?"

"You don't understand, police comrade, I almost couldn't practice... In short, I am sorry for the expectations of the sect and the master!"

Zhang Lingyu paused and didn't say anything about the practice.

After all, the existence of the aliens cannot be told to ordinary people.

Mo Lin pretended not to know and asked curiously: "Looking for a woman is a shame to the sect?"

Zhang Lingyu looked hesitant and said slowly: "In short, I am cultivating myself, and looking for a woman is equivalent to breaking the practice."

"Then did you touch her?"

Mo Lin narrowed his eyes.

Zhang Lingyu shook his head quickly: "No!"

"That's it! You haven't broken your skill, why are you disappointed? Hurry up and eat, otherwise when your master comes to pick you up, he will see you like this and think we are abusing you and not giving you food."

Mo Lin slapped his thigh and pointed at the breakfast next to him.

Zhang Lingyu pursed his lips. Although he was still ashamed and regretful in his heart, he also felt that the policeman in front of him was right.

Although the process was wrong, it was always stopped at the edge of the cliff, and it was not to the point of no return.

Yang Wu Lei can still be practiced.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt much better.

"Thank you."

Zhang Lingyu thanked in a low voice.

Then he picked up the breakfast next to him and started eating.

Seeing Zhang Lingyu start to eat.

Mo Lin nodded with satisfaction.

He still had to rely on Zhang Lingyu to gain cultivation, and this kid's personality was too twisted, which made him uncomfortable.

It's good now.

Then when Mo Lin was about to leave.

Suddenly, Zhang Lingyu in the detention room asked, "Police comrade, what's your name?"

Mo Lin paused and smiled, "My name is Mo Lin."

Then he left.

Zhang Lingyu looked at his back and whispered, "Mo Lin."

He remembered the kindness of this police comrade.


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