After a brief reassurance to the Lingyu Zhenren of Longhu Mountain, Mo Lin started another busy day. As a policeman, his daily work can be said to be quite numerous. In addition to mediating social conflicts, he also has to deal with cases, patrol security, and visit nearby communities from time to time to understand the situation and carry out safety precautions. Even fire safety issues have to be dealt with. Once someone calls the police, they have to arrive at the scene as soon as possible. Although most of them deal with trivial matters, for the police, dealing with trivial matters is always better than major events. It's just a little tiring. After a day's work is over, Mo Lin still feels tired even if he has Qi. Not to mention those colleagues who are ordinary people.

Fortunately, Mo Lin was not on night shift these days, so he could get off work early.

Went to see Zhang Lingyu.

Chatted for a while.

Mo Lin left work, returned to the rental house, and ordered a takeaway.

After filling his stomach, he lay on the bed and looked at his phone.

Until 12 o'clock in the evening.

A message appeared silently in Mo Lin's mind.

[Get 10 days of cultivation, do you want to receive it? ]

Mo Lin looked happy.

10 days of cultivation?

Compared with the 1 day of cultivation yesterday, it is 10 times more!

Although this is not a high sum, it is even inferior to some new disciples of some strange sects.

But at least the progress is very fast.

Ordinary disciples practice for 10 days, he only needs 1 day.

"Receive it!"

Mo Lin said in his heart.

Suddenly, I felt the weak airflow flowing through my abdomen began to increase rapidly, and even the "touch" when it passed by was much stronger.

If the previous airflow could only be regarded as a small group of a few hot winds without a shape.

Then now, it has become a dozen strands of Qi.

It has a better texture than before.

Suddenly, the lively Qi began to circle in Mo Lin's abdomen.

Then Mo Lin felt that the weak Qi flow came to the spine and climbed up.

The higher the Qi flow climbed, the straighter Mo Lin's back became.

As if it was done subconsciously.

However, the Qi flow only climbed to half of the spine, and it was unable to move forward and retreated.


Mo Lin exhaled and slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at his right hand and clenched it into a fist.

"Compared to yesterday, I clearly feel that I have more strength today, and all the fatigue accumulated during the day has disappeared."

"My heartbeat is also smoother and stronger than before."

Mo Lin got off the bed and went to an empty space to do a set of military boxing that he had learned in the police academy.

When he punched, the sound of the wind from his fist was very obvious, and his speed and fluency were much improved.

After finishing a set.

Mo Lin not only did not sweat, but also felt that he had not finished.

So he did two more sets of military boxing.

The more he practiced, the more energetic he became.

"After only 10 days of cultivation, I feel like I can beat ten people by myself. Qi is really an incredible thing!"

Innate Qi.

The root of man.

The stronger the Qi, the healthier and stronger the person will be.

And it is an all-round improvement.

"If Zhang Lingyu could be detained for a longer time, I might be able to gain more days of cultivation."

Mo Lin shook his head: "Unfortunately, tomorrow is the last day of detention."

Detention for three days is usually counted from the day of arrest.

So tomorrow will also be the last day of detention for Zhang Lingyu.

"But it's enough!"

"I have gained the sense of Qi and have a preliminary cultivation. Next, I just need to practice slowly."

Mo Lin's eyes were bright. The most difficult thing was 0 to 1, not 1 to 10.

From not having the qualifications to becoming an extraordinary person.

Now in just two days, I have 11 days of cultivation.

It's already excellent.

"Now I may not be comparable to extraordinary people, but among ordinary people, I already have excellent physical fitness."

"I dare not say that I can beat ten, but I should be able to beat seven."

"Wash up and go to bed!"


The third day of detention.

Because the station had to do morning exercises, Mo Lin got up early.

He changed into training clothes with everyone and ran around the surrounding roads.

I ran for nearly an hour.

Even if it was a moderate pace.

When everyone finished, they were all out of breath, and some even needed help to walk back.

Only Mo Lin was breathing a little faster.

There was even a little bit of sweat on his forehead.

He looked like he had just finished warming up.

"Sure, Mo Lin. I didn't expect you to be so fit."

Captain Zhang also put his hands on his waist and panted. Seeing Mo Lin's appearance, he was surprised and nostalgic and said:

"When I was your age, I was the same. I could run for an hour without feeling tired. Alas, I am old after all."

"Captain Zhang is just too busy at work and has no time to exercise."

Mo Lin smiled and walked with Captain Zhang: "When you take some time to exercise, your condition will not be worse than mine."

"Hey, you are good at talking." Captain Zhang laughed, but still shook his head: "Time is unforgiving. I know this clearly. Let's go. I will treat everyone to breakfast."

"Haha, Captain Zhang treats me, so I won't be polite!"

"My stomach has been protesting for a long time. I want to eat two bowls of tofu pudding today!"

"I have to eat twenty buns!"

"Fuck, you are really killing me!"

A group of people laughed and walked towards the breakfast shop.

Mo Lin followed them.

He was actually quite moved by Captain Zhang's words.

Ordinary people will only grow old with time until they fall on the bed unable to move and suffer from illness.

But extraordinary people are different.

Even if they still grow old, get sick and die, as long as they take good care of themselves and have a high level of cultivation.

Even if they are over a hundred years old, they can still fan people's pussies as easily as drinking water and eating.

"Even with only 11 days of cultivation, my physical strength has been significantly improved. In the past, I would be out of breath after running at a medium speed for an hour."

"How can I still retain enough physical strength like I am warming up now."

Mo Lin shook his head.

Finished breakfast with colleagues.

After changing clothes, I devoted myself to today's work.

Still many ordinary trivial matters.

Or maintain order and mediate neighborhood conflicts.

Until the evening.

Mo Lin, who was on duty at the station, suddenly saw a slightly fat Taoist priest wearing a blue robe and smiling all the time walked in.

"Hello, police comrade, I am Zhang Lingyu's senior brother."

"I'm here to take him back."

"What's your name?" the front desk colleague asked.

"Zhao Huanjin." The slightly fat Taoist priest smiled.

"Okay, come with me." The front desk colleague checked and saw that Zhang Lingyu's detention time was almost up, so he led Zhao Huanjin to the detention room.

Seeing this, Mo Lin's expression did not change, but he sighed in his heart.

Finally, it was time to leave.

Not long after.

Zhang Lingyu lowered his head and walked out with Zhao Huanjin with a face full of shame.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, police comrade."

Zhao Huanjin bowed slightly to the police officers present, and then smiled at Zhang Lingyu and said: "Let's go, Lingyu, Master has been calling me these days and talking about you."

"Uh... Sorry senior brother..."

Zhang Lingyu lowered his head more and more, but when he was about to leave, he saw Mo Lin on duty.

He said something to Zhao Huanjin and walked over.

"Mo Lin, thank you for before."

Seeing Zhang Lingyu thanking him, Mo Lin, who was a little dazed, reacted and waved his hand: "Don't thank me, I didn't do anything."

"Just be careful not to break the law in the future."

"Yes, Lingyu knows."

Zhang Lingyu bowed again to thank him, and then walked out of the police station with Zhao Huanjin.

And Zhao Huanjin couldn't help but take a second look at Mo Lin on duty.

Wait for the two to get in a taxi and leave.

Mo Lin then focused his attention on the "Record of Crimes and Prisons".

The reason why he was distracted just now.

It was because of it.

[Zhang Lingyu is released from prison and can draw a skill he learned once. Do you want to draw it now? ]


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