The two of them were very surprised.

Originally, when Xu San and Xu Si came here, they were planning to solve the Liu Yanyan issue.

At the same time, they also wanted to popularize the relevant knowledge with Zhang Chulan and Mo Lin, two newcomers who had just entered the alien world.

But Xu San and Xu Si didn't expect that.

Just arrived at the police station.

Before saying anything, they actually got a surprise.

Mo Lin analyzed the position and situation of the Quanxing faction in the alien world just based on Liu Yanyan's words.

He even analyzed the situation.

And it was basically all correct.

If the two hadn't investigated Mo Lin's information, they would know that Mo Lin had not come into contact with any alien forces in these years except for the time he went to Longhu Mountain.

I'm afraid Xu San and Xu Si would think that Mo Lin is an insider.

"I didn't expect you to analyze so many things."

"Did you deduce all of them?"

Xu Si couldn't help asking.

Mo Lin glanced at Liu Yanyan beside him: "It can only be regarded as an assumption and guess, it's not a difficult thing."

Even if there is no memory of the previous life, it is not a big problem to analyze these things based on what Liu Yanyan said.

For Mo Lin, who graduated with the best grades in the Police Academy.

He is not lacking in this ability.

And seeing Mo Lin's nonchalant look, two words suddenly appeared in Xu San and Xu Si's minds.


Absolute talent!

With this level of accomplishment, plus a Golden Light Curse cultivation comparable to the high-level masters of the Tianshi Mansion.

It's just a waste to be a policeman!

You should join their company to bring out Mo Lin's talents!

However, Xu San and Xu Si knew that it was not appropriate to say these now, and if they invited him directly without any preparation, it would be strange if Mo Lin agreed.

So the two looked at each other and temporarily skipped this topic.

"Since you already know the meaning of the Quanxing faction, I will not explain it anymore."

Xu Si said to Mo Lin and Zhang Chulan: "We are the head of the North China region of Nadutong, and we are mainly responsible for maintaining the balance and stability of the alien world and ensuring that ordinary people will not be aware of the existence of aliens on a large scale."

"In other words, your Nadutong is the agency used by the state to manage the alien world?"

Mo Lin looked at the Xu brothers and asked.

"Well, you can say that."

Xu Si nodded.

"Then I want to ask, in a case like Liu Yanyan, according to your company's regulations, how should it be punished?" Mo Lin asked.

"This..." Xu Si was speechless.

Xu San also adjusted his glasses.

Their role in the alien world is to restrain aliens, so unless there are serious crimes, they will not interfere too much in the affairs of the alien world.

And Liu Yanyan's behavior of stealing corpses.

Generally, if the company finds out, they will just catch her and educate her.

If they join the Quanxing, they will need to undergo labor reform education, and then be released after they have made a new start.

There will not be strict judgments like social laws.

To put it bluntly.

Aliens are powerful individuals, because they have more energy than ordinary people.

It is easy to cause trouble.

For example, they get too excited in a fight and destroy public property.

Or they do other more vicious things.

But as long as no one is killed, such as hurting ordinary people, the company will try to punish them in other milder ways such as criticism and education, bringing them to the company for ideological and moral education classes, and compensating the victims.

There is no way.

Aliens are powerful and can easily cause damage to society.

If Nadutong really requires aliens in accordance with social laws and regulations in all aspects.

Then the only result.

It will cause the wrath of heaven and people and be collectively excluded by the alien world.

Originally, Nadutong was hated by all sects, and many alien sects hated the company's people.

They think he is a lackey or something like that.

If it is more severe.

Then Nadutong's business will be difficult to continue in the circle.


In the case of Liu Yanyan, she did not explicitly join Quanxing, and no one was killed, so the incident had little impact, and it was even considered light in normal cases.

According to the rules and regulations of Nadutong, there will be no punishment.

At most, they will be given verbal education, or brought to the company to work for free.

Xu Si wanted to bring Mo Lin into the company, but he also knew that Mo Lin was a policeman and would not show any mercy to those who violated the law.

So he didn't dare to say it out loud.

But Mo Lin

What did he see from his and Xu San's reactions?

This made him feel disappointed.


Because the aliens are powerful individuals, they are generally prone to causing damage.

According to normal laws and regulations, it is estimated that 90% of the aliens in the entire alien world will be arrested and taken to the police station or to prison.

But obviously, it cannot be done that way, and it is impossible to do that.

But Mo Lin is a policeman.

He understands, but he is unwilling to accept it.

Originally, Mo Lin was still considering whether to join Nadutong in order to facilitate the capture of aliens.

But now it seems that forget it.

Nadutong cannot be regarded as a complete judicial department. For various reasons and factors, the prisoners will not receive the punishment they deserve.

But the law is different.

Although there are various reasons that prevent the prisoners from receiving the punishment they deserve.

But no one dares to confront the law head-on.

At most, they will find loopholes in the law and escape by tricks.

Although Mo Lin has no way to prevent this factor.

But he is both a policeman and an alien.

If one day in the future.

A certain alien criminal uses power to escape the punishment of the law.

Then it doesn't matter.

Mo Lin has already considered it. At that time, he will use the identity of an alien and the means of cultivation obtained by catching criminals to solve this problem.

Xu Si didn't know that Mo Lin had given up joining Nadutong in his heart.

And after hearing what Mo Lin said.

He hurriedly said: "Xiao Yan should be sentenced as he should be, and there should be no leniency."

"Dad!" Liu Yanyan widened her eyes, are you still my dad?

"This is the punishment you should bear. If Mo Xiaoyou hadn't arrested you in the police station, or if you hadn't met a bad guy, do you think you can still call me dad here now?"

Liu's father said in a deep voice.

Liu Yanyan stopped talking.

"Haha, we at Nadutong can't intervene in this matter, but if Liu Yanyan cooperates, tells us the location of those Quanxing monsters, and retrieves the bodies, we can give a lighter sentence."

Xu Si said with a smile.

"Okay, Xiaoyan, hurry up and tell me!"

Father Liu said to Liu Yanyan. He naturally didn't want his daughter to go to jail, but some things would cost people.

After all, his daughter is an adult.

Liu Yanyan also cooperated and told the place where Quan Xing and the others were meeting.

And said that the body of Zhang Chulan's grandfather was there.

After getting the information.

Father Liu and Mother Liu stayed to talk to Liu Yanyan.

While Mo Lin and Zhang Chulan walked out of the police station with Xu San and Xu Si.

As soon as they walked out of the door, Xu Si smiled at Mo Lin and said, "Mo Lin, you have high quality, and you are also an extraordinary person."

"How about it, are you interested in joining our company?"


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