The two of them were very close, and the two sides were very close.

"How about it, are you interested in joining our company?"

Xu Si invited Mo Lin under the tree in front of the police station.

It wasn't an invitation to be precise.

It was just a test.

He wanted to see Mo Lin's reaction after hearing the invitation.

But what disappointed Xu Si was.

Mo Lin had no expression on his face, and said softly: "Sorry, I have no plans to resign for the time being."

"Besides, I don't know the situation of your Nadutong now. No one will accept such a direct invitation."

Xu Si laughed: "Indeed, I am abrupt."

He took out a business card from his chest pocket and handed it to Mo Lin: "This is my number. If you have any ideas, you can contact me."

"Okay." Mo Lin did not refuse, and put it in his pocket after taking it.

After all, Xu Si is the head of the North China region of Nadutong, and he has a considerable amount of intelligence channels in the alien world.

It will be very convenient for him to catch alien criminals in the future.

Seeing Mo Lin accept the business card.

Xu Si showed a smile on his face.

Then he said to Zhang Chulan next to him: "We will carry out a roundup operation against the two Quanxing monsters. It will take at most one or two days. When we find your grandfather's body, we will notify you."

Zhang Chulan nodded, and did not say that he wanted to join.

Although he was somewhat excited to know about the official management organization of aliens like Nadutong.

But after listening to Mo Lin's previous assumptions.

He found that this alien world might not be as beautiful as he imagined when he first knew it.

Instead, it was full of crises and risks.

After seeing the power of that crazy woman last night, Zhang Chulan deeply realized that he was just a rookie.

If he wants to enter the alien world.

He still needs to practice more.

"Okay, thank you."

Zhang Chulan expressed his gratitude to Xu San and Xu Si.

Then he left with Mo Lin.

Looking at the backs of the two.

Xu San adjusted his glasses and whispered, "Why don't you tell them that the person they met last night was ours."

"It's hard to say."

Xu Si shook his head, his eyes focused on Mo Lin, and then said helplessly, "If they knew that it was Baoer who attacked them yesterday, how high do you think the probability is that they will join our company in the future?"

"Ah, you want to bring Zhang Chulan in too?"

Xu San looked at him in surprise.

"The old man specifically told us about Zhang Chulan, and asked us to keep an eye on him a long time ago."

Xu Si took out a cigarette from his arms, took out a lighter, lit it, took a puff, and slowly exhaled.

"Plus what Liu Yanyan said just now, the reason why Quan Xing targeted his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi, for the so-called origin of Qi, it is reasonable to bring him into the company, which can also be regarded as protecting him."

"As for telling the situation, Zhang Chulan may still have a chance, but if Mo Lin knew, he would definitely not join us again."

Xu San suddenly realized: "You mean, because he is a policeman?"

"Yes, I learned about their previous conversation from Jia Zhengyu's parents. I think that although Mo Lin is an alien, he does not think in the way of an alien. Instead, he mostly thinks like a policeman."

Xu Si swallowed his words Wu, squinting his eyes, said: "In the eyes of the police, people who hit people casually like Baoer should be put in the police station."

"If he couldn't beat Baoer, maybe there would not be only Liu Yanyan in the police station now, but two people."

Xu San nodded, looking at the figures of Mo Lin and Zhang Chulan going away: "I understand. If Mo Lin knew that Baobao was ours, his impression of us would definitely become very bad, and he would not agree to join the company."

"Then when are you going to tell him?"

Xu Si leaned against the car door, glancing at the beautiful girls on the street.

"Wait until Mo Lin gets used to the behavior of the aliens and can accept it, then tell him."

"You are really optimistic about him, so you want to pull him in?"

Xu San put one hand in his pocket, put one hand on the roof of the car, and leaned half of his body against the car body.

It seems to be a simple question.

But he made a pose that looks pretty cool.

Xu Si looked at Xu San with disdain, and cursed him in his heart, but on the surface he said: "Mo Lin is very smart, principled, and most importantly, he is also very strong."

"According to his current golden light cultivation level, which is no less than that of the high-level masters of the Tianshi Mansion, he will definitely become a powerful master in the future."

"If he joins the company, he will be a great help to us."

"The main thing is that I can see from his eyes that

I saw a ray of light."

Xu Si said slowly.

"What light?" Xu San was curious.

"It's a light that few people have. You and I used to have it, but now it's gone."

Xu Si threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out with his foot, then opened the car door and sat in: "Let's go, let's go back and make a plan to get Zhang Xilin's body back, and by the way, think about how to get Mo Lin in."

Xu San shook his head and got in the car.

Soon the car drove away.

At the same time.

Mo Lin and Zhang Chulan were also preparing to take a car back to Tianjin.

While waiting for the bus, Zhang Chulan said apologetically: "Sorry, brother Mo, I delayed your travel time."

"Why are you being polite to me, Chulan, this is also my responsibility."

Mo Lin patted Zhang Chulan's shoulder and said with a smile.

"And there are still two days to play today and tomorrow, and your work as a tour guide is not over yet. "

Zhang Chulan was moved, but he quickly suppressed these emotions in his heart and nodded vigorously: "Well, don't worry, Brother Mo, leave it to me!"

"I promise you will have a great time in the next two days!"

"......Okay. "

The two of them got on the bus and were on their way back to Tianjin.

Mo Lin thought in his heart.

According to his memory, the next step should be the Nadutong encirclement of Xia He and Lu Liang.

But that was because Zhang Chulan was seduced by Liu Yanyan, and Feng Baobao implanted a locator in Zhang Chulan's mobile phone, which triggered the plot.

Now Liu Yanyan has been arrested by him and is in the police station.

Naturally, there is no seduction of Zhang Chulan.

Then he may not be able to intervene in the subsequent encirclement of Xia He and Lu Liang.

Because he has no position and reason.

And with his current strength, unless he uses the running palm and the fire escape method, he may not be Xia He's opponent if he relies on the golden light spell alone.

Add to that the risk of being controlled by lust and losing his mind.

He can only give up participating.

"I'm still a little weak."

"Well, at least I caught Liu Yanyan this time, so it's not in vain. "

Mo Lin shook his head and waited for the verdict on Liu Yanyan.

However, according to his speculation, the verdict would not be too severe.

But no matter what, at least he would gain something.

"Next, enjoy your vacation."

"Mo, Brother Mo..."

Zhang Chulan's voice suddenly came from the side.

Mo Lin looked over and saw him looking at him with an embarrassed face.

"What's wrong, Chulan?"

"That... I'm afraid I have to go back to school and ask for leave before I can come out to be your tour guide."

Zhang Chulan scratched his head and smiled foolishly: "I only asked for three days of leave, so..."

Mo Lin: "..."


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