The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"Do you want to learn the technique of damaging the meridians of a disabled person?"

Hearing Mo Lin's words.

Ren Fei and Hei Guan'er were both surprised.

Why would Mo Lin want to learn this kind of thing?

Mo Lin hummed lightly, looking at Ping San who had been carried out of the underground warehouse, and explained: "After this, I realized again that the most important thing to capture aliens is the ability to stop them."

"This time, it was because you prepared in advance, evacuated the crowd and called me, so Ping San was successfully captured."

"But if I was alone, even if I caught Ping San, after he woke up, as long as he recovered a little, he could escape when I wasn't paying attention."

Mo Lin turned his head and looked at Hei Guan'er with a surprised face: "You have closed-yuan needles, but I don't, and I don't know how to acupuncture, so I would like to ask you to let me go over to learn."

"So that I can meet similar aliens in the future Criminals, you can restrict or destroy their abilities after catching them. "

"Oh my..."

After listening to this, Hei Guan'er looked at Mo Lin in surprise: "Officer Mo, can I ask, what is the standard for the alien criminals you mentioned?"


Mo Lin looked at Hei Guan'er strangely: "What other standards can there be? All those who violate the law are the same?"


Even Hei Guan'er couldn't help but take a breath and said in shock: "As long as they are aliens who violate the law, you have to abolish their meridian abilities?"

"Isn't this too cruel?"

Even Ren Fei in the monitoring room and the employees of Nadutong in their seats were sweating.

If according to the standards Mo Lin said, you will be abolished if you break the law.

This will definitely be collectively boycotted and protested by the alien world, and even more extreme things are possible, right?

"If my father and others really choose Mo Lin, then the future alien world..."

Ren Fei didn't dare to think about it.

Fortunately, Mo Lin's meaning was not what they imagined.

"How is that possible?" Mo Lin said speechlessly: "I mean the alien criminals like Ping San who have killed people. If the others are not serious, I am not a demon, how can I easily cripple people?"


Hei Guaner nodded and looked at Mo Lin: "Officer Mo, you really scared me, but why do you have this idea of ​​using the law to restrain aliens?"

These days, Ren Fei also told Hei Guaner about Mo Lin and the changes in the attitude of the superiors towards the alien world.

The two are collaborators, and Ren Fei will tell Hei Guaner everything.

So Hei Guaner also knew that Mo Lin had been seen by the superiors and was under investigation.

He was really curious, why did Mo Lin have such an idea.

After hearing this, Ren Fei asked the staff of Nadutong who were sitting in the seat to leave the monitoring room, and she sat down and listened.

She was also very curious, and if the problem was not serious.

Mo Lin's performance and words in this mission would be taken into consideration by the superiors.

Mo Lin didn't know all this. He and Hei Guan'er walked towards the entrance of the underground garage together.

"No reason, I just think that since I have the ability, I want to do something beneficial to society."

"I don't like to see those things that bully the weak. It happens that I am a policeman and I have the ability, so I want to try."

After suddenly awakening the "Record of Crimes and Prisons", which gave him Qi and made him an alien.

In fact, as long as Mo Lin wanted, he could join Nadutong and continue to catch those aliens who broke into the law and committed crimes.

He could even use his foresight during the Luotian Dajiao.

Using the identity of Nadutong, he arrested Quan Xing who broke into the Tianshi Mansion of Longhu Mountain. As long as he passed through his hands, he could be registered in the "Record of Crimes and Prisons", and then he could wait for the benefits and become stronger while lying down.

In less than a year or two, the cultivation he obtained would be enough to make Mo Lin a peerless person who was no less than the old Tianshi Zhang Zhiwei.

Even in a few years, he could surpass Zhang Zhiwei and become the best in the world.

But what's the point?

Simply becoming stronger is meaningless.

Collecting a harem?

Not to mention that modern laws only allow monogamy, even if you don't plan to get married, those women from famous families, who are excellent and confident, how could they allow themselves to share a husband with others?

Do you really think that others are crazy about you?

And Mo Lin didn't want to make Yi Ren accept the constraints of the law from the beginning.

To be precise, this idea came after Jia Zhengyu attacked the police.

At that time, Jia Zhengyu didn't know that he was Yi Ren.

But he still attacked in the middle of the night


If it were any other policeman, in the dark and without surveillance.

After being put in a sack, the beating could be said to be in vain.

But Jia Zhengyu could rely on his own skills to quickly leave after beating the police and continue his probation reform.

Let me ask, is this fair?

Anyway, Mo Lin thinks it is unfair.

Jia Zhengyu dared to attack the police, just because he believed that he was good at fighting and would not be discovered by ordinary policemen.

Isn't this kind of thinking the most typical bullying?

He was used to being an alien, and did everything in an alien way, and beat whoever he wanted.

It was from that time that Mo Lin gradually had the idea and thought of making the alien accept legal constraints and sanctions.

"But Officer Mo, do you know how difficult it is to implement your idea?"

Hei Guan'er walked forward with his hands in his pockets, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "It can be said that this is impossible. You will encounter difficulties and dangers that you can't imagine, and you may even worry about your life."

"The entire alien world will go against you."

"Although you are strong and talented, and you have the current cultivation at a young age, it is still not enough in the face of the general trend."

Ren Fei also listened carefully to the conversation between the two.

Waiting for Mo Lin to answer.

Although there is an idea to change the policy of the alien world.

And because of the appearance of Mo Lin, they have the opportunity to try it first.

But reforming the alien world is not a matter of one day or one night, because aliens hide in the dark side of society, which is complicated and involves a wide range of aspects.

Even if the top leaders of the country want to reform the alien world, they will do it slowly.

And once they start, they will inevitably encounter very strong resistance.

So if you want to be a pioneer of reform, you must have an unswerving will.

If even the reformers who lead the reform are not firm.

Then this reform will not last long and end in failure.

Therefore, Mo Lin's answer is the key to whether he will be selected.

Mo Lin didn't know this. After hearing Hei Guan'er's description, he sighed: "Yes, I have only caught a few aliens now. No one cares about me. Once I try to catch those powerful people, it will definitely not be so smooth."

"I may be targeted by several forces at the same time, or even the entire alien world. I feel a little short of breath and my scalp is numb just thinking about it."

Mo Lin said with a smile.

Hei Guan'er stood still in silence, and someone had already driven a van in front.

Ren Fei in the monitoring room sighed slightly. It was indeed too reluctant. After all, Mo Lin was only 23 years old.

Just having this idea is amazing.

How can you ask for too much?

"So, do you plan to catch a few small characters in the alien world in the future?" Hei Guan'er asked softly.

The van drove in front of the two people, and a Nadutong employee opened the door from the inside.

But neither Hei Guan'er nor Mo Lin got in first.

Just as Ren Fei stood up in disappointment and prepared to leave.

But he heard Mo Lin's voice in the headset: "Huh? When did I say that I would only catch minor characters?"

"Uh... Isn't that what you meant just now?"

Hei Guan'er's embarrassed voice sounded afterwards.

Ren Fei paused and raised his head.

On the display screen, Mo Lin, who stood tall and had bright eyes, showed a confident and sunny smile: "Of course not, and what you said just now was only half right."


Hei Guan'er asked in confusion.

Mo Lin nodded and smiled slightly: "My growth rate is not just this. When the alien world wants to take over everything and try to crush me to death, I will..."

"It may be possible to overthrow the entire alien world."

"Then shake out all the filthy people in it and let them face their due fate."

Hei Guan'er opened his mouth slightly, his expression was a little dazed.

Because Mo Lin's tone was too natural, as if he was saying that you eat when you are hungry, drink water when you are thirsty, and pee when you have a stomachache.

"Damn, I found Officer Mo. When it comes to being immature, you young people are still the best."

After a while, Hei Guan'er reacted and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

I just thought that what Mo Lin said just now was just a pretentious speech by young people.

I didn't take it seriously at all.

And overthrow the entire alien world?

Do you think you are the best old Taoist priest in the world?

Mo Lin just smiled and didn't explain.

"The Record of Crimes and Prisons" is the biggest confidence for him to dare to do this.

But there is no need to say it.

"So you haven't told me yet, are you willing to teach me?"

Clarinet grinned, put his arm around Mo Lin's shoulders and got into the van: "What else is there to ask? The leader must have agreed if she didn't say anything."

"Let's go, drive!"



The door closed and the van drove away.

In the monitoring room, Ren Fei's cold face gradually showed a smile.

Then she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

Soon, the call was connected.

Then Ren Fei said: "Dad, maybe you can consider confirming the candidate."


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