The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

"Oh? Xiaofei, what happened?"

A calm and gentle male voice came from Ren Fei's mobile phone.

Ren Fei looked at the van that had left on the display screen and said softly: "It's like this, didn't I ask Officer Mo to help me catch Ping San?"

"Just now..."

She repeated the conversation between Mo Lin and Clarinet to her father.

After her father heard it.

He couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, okay, after all, you are a young man, full of vigor and ideals. You want to overturn the alien world that is oppressing you and shake out the filthy bugs and rats in it. That's very ambitious!"

Ren Fei was a little surprised to hear her father's hearty laughter.

Because her father hasn't laughed like this for a long time.

Ren Fei also smiled slightly: "Dad, don't you think Officer Mo is too childish?"

"You want to say he is naive?"

Ren Fei's father said with a smile.

Ren Fei, whose thoughts were exposed, was not embarrassed and admitted: "Yes, but this also shows that Officer Mo is indeed determined to change the alien world."

"That's why I called you."

"Yeah." Ren Fei's father praised: "Write a report on this mission, including what Mo Lin did and said, write it down in detail for me, and I will report it."

"Okay..." Ren Fei suddenly paused, thinking of what Mo Lin had just done to Ping San, and hesitated and said: "Father, Officer Mo just did something impulsive..."

Ren Fei hesitated, but still told her father honestly what Mo Lin did to Ping San.

If this kind of thing is found out, it will not be good for Mo Lin.

But lying is more serious.

It is better to tell the truth.

Sure enough, Ren Fei's father asked after hearing this: "What did Mo Lin say?"

Ren Fei said: "He said that lynching is lynching, and there is no need to explain for him. He also said that he would continue to beat such people next time he meets them."

Ren Fei's father smiled: "You did a good job, Xiao Fei. You didn't hide this matter. It doesn't matter, but if it is concealed and discovered later, it will be a stain that affects Mo Lin's progress."

"And for a vicious criminal like Ping San, Mo Lin's behavior is not a violation of discipline, and he even gave him a lighter punishment!"

Ren Fei's father also came from a military family, and he was a senior official.

There would be no tolerance for criminals like Ping San who killed people.

In fact, the crackdown would only be more severe.

"That's fine." Ren Fei breathed a sigh of relief. She actually had a good impression of Mo Lin, and she supported what Mo Lin wanted to do.

Even though she was not optimistic about it.

But because her grandfather was a founding father, Ren Fei had been influenced by him since she was a child and had a strong vision to build a good Dragon Country and revive China under the guidance of her elders.

However, her brothers and sisters have made their own achievements in the military and politics.

So Ren Fei chose to join Nadutong, hoping to make a contribution to the management of the alien world.

Mo Lin hopes that the alien world will accept the constraints and management of the law.

If this can be done.

It will play an unimaginable role in the stability of the country and society.

So after knowing Mo Lin's idea, Ren Fei planned to support it and took action.

Especially after this mission.

Even if it was only a short time, she felt that Mo Lin was very suitable.

He hated evil, but he was not pedantic and rigid, and his bottom line was flexible.

"Oh, Dad, there is one more thing. Officer Mo's Golden Light Mantra is so advanced that it can be compared with those high-level masters in Tianshi Mansion, but we found that Tianshi Mansion does not have any relevant records of him."

"So I guess Mo Lin's Golden Light Mantra must have been obtained from somewhere, or he comprehended it himself. Will this have any impact on him?"

Ren Fei worriedly said.

Ren Fei's father chuckled and said, "Xiao Fei, where do you think Mo Lin's golden light came from?"

"It should be the latter. Officer Mo's golden light realm is second only to a few high-level masters among the disciples of Tianshi Mansion that I have seen. According to his age, Officer Mo should have a very high talent. There are also several cases in the records of ordinary people who comprehended methods from the Taoist Canon, the I Ching and Buddhist scriptures."

"Some people are even born with the ability to enter a state of tranquility, and they get Qi by themselves when they grow up a few years later."

Ren Fei made a judgment after pondering for a moment.

There are too many people in Long Country, and there have been some similar geniuses.

"You are wrong. In fact, whether Mo Lin learned it from somewhere else or understood it on his own is not important." Ren Fei's father said directly.

Ren Fei was choked by these words, but then he reacted: "

You mean, identity is important? "


Ren Fei's father smiled and said, "At such a young age, Mo Lin has surpassed the cultivation level of Zhang Lingyu, the disciple of Tianshi Mansion. This shows that he is gifted, which is a good thing."

"As for what you said, it's just a small matter. Naturally, someone will tell them at Longhu Mountain."

Ren Fei understood.

It doesn't matter where Mo Lin's methods come from. What's important is that Mo Lin's identity is clear and his position is 100% on the side of ordinary people.

And he is strong and talented, so those small things are not a problem.

Ren Fei was speechless: "Okay, I worried in vain."

"Now Officer Mo can go anywhere to the headquarters. He wants to learn the means to destroy the meridians of aliens. He said that he plans to use it when catching alien criminals in the future. Dad, when are you going to tell him?"

"Yes, it's a good thing for young people to be studious."

Ren Fei's father exclaimed: "I'll tell you when the time comes."

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore. "Ren Fei said as she was about to hang up the phone.

"Xiao Fei, you just said that Mo Lin was naive, right?"

Ren Fei's father suddenly said.

Ren Fei was puzzled, "Yes, what's wrong, Dad?"

"The current situation in the alien world is the result of coordination among many parties. Mo Lin suddenly wants this group of lawless people to accept legal constraints and change the general trend. It is impossible for him alone."

Ren Fei said firmly.

She felt that she was not wrong. Mo Lin's idea was to subvert and change the alien world with his own power.

Really naive.

Ren's father smiled and said, "Then do you know that in your grandfather's time, those pioneers who wanted to drive the invaders out of our country and regain the old mountains and rivers were considered naive by everyone at that time."

Ren Fei was stunned.

Ren's father sighed and said, "When your grandfather followed the Chairman, those ancestors fought with their lives and fought in the war that seemed hopeless at the time. Isn't it 'naive'? ”

“We can have the peace and prosperity of the country today, and the new Dragon Country that is gradually moving towards revival, all thanks to the blood and flesh of people who were ridiculed as ‘idealistic’ and ‘naive’ at that time!”

“But in that era, they were not understood by many people and were considered unrealistic.”

“There were many people who advocated surrender at that time.”

Ren Fei was silent, and she lowered her head:

“I’m sorry, Dad.”

Ren’s father whispered: “Those who can change the world are precisely ‘naive idealists’, you must remember Xiaofei.”

“I remember.”

“Okay, remember to report the task to me. If there is no problem, it can be decided almost.”

Ren’s father ended the call after he finished speaking.

Ren Fei put away her phone, and her cold face was a little complicated.


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