Soon, the meeting room of the headquarters of Nadutong was held.

Several Nadutong directors sat on both sides of the seats in turn.

Zhao Fangxu sat in the middle and looked at the other five directors present and said, "I called you here because there is something to discuss."

"Oh? What is it, Mr. Zhao? Your face looks a little heavy?"

One of the directors below, a middle-aged man with square glasses, gray hair and a small mustache sitting diagonally opposite, was surprised.

Others also noticed that Zhao Fangxu's face was not good.

Or, it was very serious.

This has always been an expression that only appears on the face of Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of Nadutong, when encountering a difficult matter.

This made the directors present sit up straight and a little nervous.

Zhao Fangxu handed several reports on his desk to the people on both sides: "You all take a look at this report."

After the directors on both sides took it, they took one and handed the rest to others.

Everyone bowed their heads and read it carefully.

After a moment, Director Huang, who had just spoken, asked in confusion: "Director Zhao, isn't this just a very ordinary mission report?"

"Although the Golden Tooth Black Bear has been on the run for a long time, it is worthy of praise to catch it this time, but it is not a very rare thing, right?"

Zhao Fangxu adjusted his glasses, "There is nothing special about simply reading this report. Then I will tell you one more thing. After listening, you can think about it again."

Then, Zhao Fangxu told the directors present that Xu Si's people had committed a crime in the capital a few days ago and asked him for help, but he didn't get them out.

And later, Ren Fei contacted his family and analyzed the change in the attitude of the superiors towards the alien world and why it changed.

All told to the directors present.

When Zhao Fangxu finished speaking.

The whole parliament hall fell silent.

The five directors were all shocked and at a loss for words at this sudden news.

"Actually... the higher-ups are planning to attack the alien world?"

Cold sweat broke out on Huang's forehead. "We've been here for so many years. Suddenly, the alien world will definitely counterattack, right?"

"Heh, counterattack?"

Before Zhao Fangxu could speak, the man in black, with a crew cut and a fierce face, who was opposite Huang, sneered:

"Who dares to counterattack? That's courting death!"

"Or do you, Huang, have no confidence in the strength of our country?"

Huang's face was in a panic, and he waved his hand quickly: "I just said that, worried about causing unrest, but Bi, you're exaggerating."

Bi Dong ignored Huang Dong and turned to Zhao Fangxu and said, "Dr. Zhao, according to what you said, the higher-ups have long planned to reform the alien world, and the candidate for the reform is most likely the policeman who captured the golden-toothed black bear in the mission report?"

Zhao Fangxu hummed lightly, "It is likely to be him. The higher-ups were originally interested in this because of Mo Lin, and this mission, Mo Lin's performance is likely to make the higher-ups agree."

Dr. Bi was silent and looked at the report in his hand: "Then why don't you let us come?"

"This should be our responsibility, right?"

The other directors also looked at Zhao Fangxu after hearing this.

This is also their idea.

After all, the original intention of establishing Nadutong was to supervise and maintain the alien world so that it would not threaten society.

And their efforts and contributions over the years are also obvious here.

If the alien world is to be reformed, it should be them.

How could an ordinary policeman be allowed to do this?

"Youlong, don't say such disunity words in the future."

"Since the higher-ups have made such a decision, they have their reasons."

Zhao Fangxu said in a deep voice.

Bi Dong lowered his head after hearing this: "Sorry, Mr. Zhao, I was too excited."

Zhao Fangxu looked at the other directors: "Do you all think so too? Do you think the higher-ups should give this task to us?"

The other directors were silent, but from their expressions, it can be seen that they really think so.

"Alas, have you not carefully thought about the difference between us and Mo Lin?"

Zhao Fangxu sighed.

Sir Su, who was standing by, took a closer look at the task report and suddenly realized something.

"Mr. Zhao, do you mean, because Mo Lin is a policeman?"

Other people also reacted after hearing what Mr. Su said.

But this made them even more unacceptable.

Is it because of this reason?

Zhao Fangxu shook his head when he saw this. He now understood why the higher-ups chose Mo Lin instead of them.

Because of their way of thinking and stance, they seem to stand on the side of the country, but they are more likely to take the perspective of others.

Thinking, even if they have made a lot of contributions in eradicating aliens who may threaten social stability.

But it is still not appropriate to do this.

Zhao Fangxu looked at Bi Dong: "Youlong, if you are responsible for this matter, how will you deal with aliens who violate the law?"

Bi Dong said in a deep voice: "Warn once, arrest and destroy them directly for the second time!"

Zhao Fangxu shook his head and looked at Huang Dong: "What if it's you, Boren?"

Huang Dong stroked his chin, thought for a while and said: "If it's not serious, give them two warnings, and if there are more, they can only go to jail."

He felt that his answer should be fine.

However, Zhao Fangxu asked:

"Why is your first reaction not to arrest them directly when they violate the law, but to give them a warning? Especially Boren, you actually gave them a second chance and arrested them for the third time. What do you think?"

"Uh..." Huang Dong's face suddenly became embarrassed.

"Youlong, you too, will you be directly abolished for the second offense? What if the alien accidentally destroyed the environment while practicing, or hit the bad guys too hard when helping others? Isn't it too extreme to abolish him like this?"

Director Bi was also stunned.

Isn't his way wrong?

"Now you realize the problem." Zhao Fangxu adjusted his glasses: "We are everywhere. Although we have the right to deal with aliens, we are not a regular judicial department after all."

"You and I have more or less been tainted with the habits of aliens."

"And to put it bluntly, we have been judges for too long. Can we really implement this policy from the right angle?"

"How can we reassure the higher-ups like this?"

Everyone was silent. This time they really couldn't refute.

"But if the higher-ups decide to let Mo Lin, a policeman, do it, then what about us? What position should we be in as everywhere?"

"Or do the higher-ups plan to abolish us? Let Mo Lin set up a new department?"

Director Bi frowned and asked.

Others also became worried.


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