The situation is not good, but the situation is not good.

Director Bi's words are actually what the other directors are worried about.

Originally, it was their responsibility to supervise and maintain the alien world.

But suddenly the higher-ups wanted to reform the alien world and chose other people to do it.

This was enough to make them feel a sense of urgency.


Because the decision from above was obviously a sign of distrust of them.

And once a department begins to be distrusted by the higher-ups, the result will be obvious, either it will be abolished or it will be dealt with in other ways.

This is naturally unacceptable to the several directors who have worked so hard to climb to this position.

In addition, they have spent almost half of their lives working for Nadutong and the country.

If they were fired for no reason and Nadutong was disbanded.

Who could bear it?

That's why they wanted to ask clearly. Only by knowing the thoughts of the higher-ups could they make appropriate responses.

Zhao Fangxu was so smart that he naturally knew what these directors were thinking.

He adjusted his glasses: "Everyone, I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious yet."

"Nadutong was decided by the higher-ups and spent a lot of financial and human resources to form an organization. Moreover, the country has seen our efforts over the years and will not easily ban us."

"The premise is that we must also make corresponding changes to cater to the policies of the upper level."

Zhao Fangxu lowered his voice slightly, looked at everyone meaningfully and said: "If anyone does not cooperate with the national action at this time and drags their feet, even if Nadutong is laid off, disbanded, or merged and reorganized, it is all our own fault. What do you think?"

The five directors looked at each other and finally looked at Zhao Fangxu.

"Director Zhao, tell me what we should do!"

"Yes, we listen to you!"

"As long as the country still believes in us, we will definitely not let the country down!"

Everyone made promises one after another, looking extremely serious.

They almost swear on their chests.

Zhao Fangxu nodded silently.

He actually did not lie to these directors. Although he had learned from Ren Fei before that the higher-ups would not easily ban and dissolve Nadutong, as he said, the country gave Nadutong so many resources and manpower and material resources, and it took decades to develop to its current scale.

If they disbanded directly, would they really think that the time spent was free?

But would they ban or reorganize?

Zhao Fangxu was not sure.

The reason was very simple. After decades of development, although the alien world was in a stable and peaceful state, it had never caused any major chaos.

But Nadutong, a company composed entirely of aliens, no matter how much it acted in a public position, its behavior and subconsciousness were no different from other aliens.

This is also related to the fact that Nadutong has been letting the alien world consume itself, watching them fight and even kill each other.

I have long been accustomed to it.

And if the country really wants to rectify the alien world.

They are used to the way aliens deal with things, not only are they not suitable to be executors, but they may even be rectified together.

It can be seen from the fact that Feng Baobao, a temporary worker under Xu Si, was put in the detention center, and he, the chairman of Nadutong, was unable to rescue him in person.

This is the signal given by the above.

If Nadutong does not reflect on itself, correct itself, and respond to the attitude of the country.

It may not be dissolved, but it is very likely to be banned and reorganized in the future.

Whether these directors can still exist at that time.

It's all a problem.

For Zhao Fangxu himself, it doesn't matter. First, he is very old and not so keen on power. Secondly, he is influenced by his father, Boss Zhao, and has a higher awareness than ordinary people.

As long as the country can become better and the alien world can be more stable.

He is willing to become an ordinary person or even retire directly.

But Zhao Fangxu knew that he could retire at any time.

But the directors in front of him might not be willing to do so.

If Nadutong really faces restructuring in the future.

God knows what tricks these people will do at that time.

For Zhao Fangxu, all factors that may threaten social stability and the stability of the alien world must be paid attention to and investigated, and his focus is not only on the alien world, but also on Nadutong Company.

So he can't let these directors have any chance to do tricks.

This is the hidden warning in the words just now.

This is also paving the way for the next words.

"Okay, since everyone has realized it, then I will mention our subsequent action plan."

Zhao Fangxu

Xu crossed his hands on the table and said softly: "First of all, the higher-ups will most likely decide that Mo Lin will be the executor of the rectification of the alien world. If we want to respond to the higher-ups and make the country trust us again, we must actively cooperate with Mo Lin."

"Only if we cooperate with Mo Lin's actions can the higher-ups see our repentant attitude."

"Just a reminder, when I say cooperation, I mean cooperation in everything."

Zhao Fangxu said in a deep voice.

The dagger is revealed.

Yes, this is his real purpose.

The country wants to rectify the alien world and chooses Mo Lin to do it.

Zhao Fangxu has no problem at all, but these directors may not.

So in order to prevent these directors from doing anything weird.

He used this method to force them to cooperate.

As soon as Zhao Fangxu finished speaking, the other five directors fell silent.

Cooperation in everything?

That is to say, not only can they not snatch what Mo Lin is going to do in the future, but they must also fully assist?

Then how can they show and highlight their own merits?

But this silence did not last for two seconds.

Sitting on the left side of Zhao Fangxu, a middle-aged woman in her fifties wearing a pink and purple suit, shorter in stature, and with a calm and elegant temperament, raised her hand.

She said, "I agree with Mr. Zhao's proposal."

Seeing Mr. Su agree, Mr. Huang also raised his hand immediately: "I agree too."

The two directors voted in favor.

The other three directors' expressions changed slightly, and one of the fatter middle-aged men also raised his hand and said, "I agree."


Another director also raised his hand.

Zhao Fangxu looked at Mr. Bi, the only one who did not raise his hand: "Youlong, do you have a different opinion?"

Bi Youlong's expression was a little ugly: "Let us help a young man in his early 20s. Can he do well what we can't do well?"

"Although Mr. Huang and I made a decision just now, isn't it okay as long as we pay attention?"

Zhao Fangxu was not surprised that someone opposed it.

People's opinions can never be consistent.

Even at the top level of the country, any decision and future direction are discussed, deduced, and analyzed by a group of people.

A decision may take ten days, half a month, or even several months, or even several years to discuss.

And any opposing proposal has its meaning.

Because no one can guarantee that they are absolutely right.

Zhao Fangxu said lightly: "Youlong, you have to believe in the decision above, and people can't be perfect. What we have to do is to actively cooperate, find out the shortcomings and help the country achieve its goals, instead of questioning and rejecting it."

Director Bi pursed his lips, took a deep breath and said: "Okay, I support your proposal, Director Zhao."

"But if he does something wrong and I think it's inappropriate, I will definitely report it to the top."


Zhao Fangxu nodded, then looked at everyone: "Since this proposal has been passed, I will personally contact Mo Lin later."

"As for the self-correction of various departments of the company, I'll trouble you all."

"No problem."

"Received Director Zhao."

Several other directors responded one after another.

After the meeting, everyone left the meeting room.

At the moment of walking out of the door.

The five directors knew that the sky of the alien world would change next.

It is impossible to predict what will happen next.

At the same time.

As the news that Quan Xing had passed on the Qi Body Source to another Tianshifu disciple, Zhang Chulan, spread,

The alien world, which was originally like a dead water, also began to stir up waves.

Many people and forces began to secretly turn their attention to the two people and the reaction of Longhu Mountain.

And Longhu Mountain Tianshifu would naturally not remain indifferent.


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