"Zhang Chulan has been kidnapped!"

"So what does this have to do with me?"

In the lobby of the Nadutong Building, Xia Yu was leaning back in an old man's chair, with a radio playing next to him.

On the radio, a sweet-voiced lady was reporting passionately:

"Oh my god, what was reflected on the light screen yesterday was actually the old Tianshi's previous life."

"The old Taoist priest is the number one person in the world of extraordinary people. In his previous life, he was Jade Ding Zhenren among the Twelve Golden Immortals. This identity is too shocking!"

"No wonder the old master could become the strongest, it turns out he was a great man in his previous life!"

After turning off the radio, Xia Yu yawned sleepily and muttered:

"It's so boring!"

Recently, in the world of aliens, whether it is radio or television, or even after-dinner conversations among aliens, the topic is about past lives.

But there is no way, in the entire world of aliens, this event is the most popular now!

There is no other reason.

It's just because a year ago, a huge light screen inexplicably fell from the blue sky!

It played the past and present lives of the major aliens in this world.

Not only Longhu Mountain, but even Wudang, Quanzhen, Quanxing, which is called the evil sect, and the Alien Management Office are all involved.

In the entire world of aliens, from the head of the sect to the disciples and guards, as long as they look up, they can see the huge and majestic screen in the sky.

At the beginning , the old Taoist priest, who was the head of the ten elders, was quite curious about this, so he thought about doing some research.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't touch the light curtain at all.

Since then, the various extraordinary people have let the light curtain go and let it continue to broadcast the past and present lives of the extraordinary world.

After watching so many episodes, a conclusion was also drawn.

That is, the more powerful a person is in the extraordinary world, the more extraordinary his identity in the previous life must have been.

The old Taoist priest is the most intuitive representative!

Even the famous saying of Jade Ding Zhenren in his previous life,"The son of the Jade Emperor does not know how to count," has been widely circulated, making the extraordinary people laugh and cry!

The scene returns to the company...

Seeing the anxious look of Xu San and Xu Si in front of him, Xia Yu squinted his eyes again after politely refusing, and prepared to take a nap

"Comfortable, this is life……!"

Feeling the steaming hot tea on the table, he has completely turned on the lying mode at this moment.

In fact, this young man named Xia Yu is a time traveler.

Several years ago, he traveled to the world of aliens and began his retirement life.

As for the previous things, it was too long ago.

Now he only remembers that in the previous world called"Dragon Ball", he became the Kakarot Sun Wukong with terrifying combat power. Once his hair color changed, he loved no one! In the world before that, he was the third young master of Aolai Kingdom in"Fox Spirit Matchmaker". He could break the world with a thought and decide the outcome with a stick...

No, why are all these people he traveled to related to monkeys?……?


In short, Xia Yu has too many identities and has experienced countless battles.

It is precisely because he has experienced too many battles.

So now he is annoyed and fed up.

So he chose to enjoy life on this continent. With his twenty-year-old body in this life, he successfully applied for the job of a security guard who knows everything.

And lived a leisurely life.

It's a pity that some time ago, the company suffered a shocking robbery in the world of aliens.

It is said that these invading aliens belong to overseas organizations and are very powerful. They have even robbed the famous Wudang Mountain before.

Unfortunately, they ran into a cheater.

Xia Yu was very unhappy to be disturbed in the middle of the night, and seeing that this group of people were wanted criminals, he lifted them up and sent them to paradise.

It's a pity that this scene was seen by Xu San and Xu Si who came to support after hearing the news. From that moment on, they knew that this"security guard" was so powerful that he was just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. So there was the scene at the beginning.


Putting the hat on his face, Xia Yu rejected their request for the third time.

This Zhang Chulan and I have no relationship, why should I go to save him? I might as well sleep in the security room!

Seeing that he really couldn't invite this big Buddha, Xu San suddenly thought of something, and then whispered something in Xu Si's ear.

Xu Si's eyes lit up, and he immediately stretched out five fingers:

"Xia Yu, if you are willing to help, I will give you this amount!"

Seeing this scene, Xia Yu sneered:

"Five hundred, you look down on me too much. I have never compromised for a few pieces of silver.……"

""It's fifty thousand!"

Xu Si added before Xia Yu finished.

Hearing this, Xia Yu immediately became alert.

He worked as a security guard here, and his monthly salary was four thousand yuan. In this way, this bonus was enough for his annual salary.

When the money is in place, he can lie down and not worry about worldly affairs!

So he stood up immediately and waved his hand to the two people next to him:

""You bastard, let's go!"

In fact, when he traveled to this world, Xia Yu had already peeked into the secrets of heaven and understood the whole story of this world.

Zhang Chulan was captured this time because he was set up by Liu Yanyan, the only heir of the Xiangliu family.

And these people took Zhang Chulan away just to find the things in his memory.

In other words, there was no danger in this mission.

So he took the 50,000 RMB easily. Soon

, the group arrived at the place.

At the same time, they faced several masters of Quanxing, the first of which was Xia He, the razor of Quanxing's"wine, sex, money and anger".

Seeing that the leader was actually a young man, Xia He was also slightly stunned, and then asked in his charming voice:

"This time it wasn't Xu San who led the team"

"He is a very interesting little boy who dares to interfere in our sexual affairs. It seems that he is still full of vitality. He is so delicious!"

���His eyesight was excellent, and he saw the other person's work badge at a glance, and smiled again:

"Your name is Xia Yu, that's a good name. Tonight... do you want to have some fun with us?……!"

However, Xia Yu had no interest in her charm.

At this moment, he only had the prize in his eyes, thinking about ending the battle quickly and pocketing the 50,000 RMB.

But before he could make a move, the huge screen in the sky changed dramatically, and began to flicker faintly.

Because it was night, everyone could see the big words very clearly:

【The past life exposure system is turned on, and the random draw begins now!】

【The force to be drawn this time: Nadutong Company!】

【This system will be open to all extraordinary people, exposing those unknown secret stories and playing them in video form!】

【Ding, the drawing of the exposed person is over!】

【The person whose previous life was exposed: Xia Yu, the"doorman uncle" in North China!】

【World: Dragon Ball World!】

【Identity: Saiyan Kakarot!】

"Poof, security guard!"

"Xu San, how could you think of letting such a person play as a forward to rescue people in Quanxing?"

Xia He's charm is completely a passive skill.

While speaking, she also threw a coquettish eye at Xu San.

But in the next second, the big screen flashed a few times, and then another sentence popped up:

【Unexpected situation, detected that the protagonist of this issue has a special identity, the system will be urgently upgraded, please wait! 】

The huge screen turned white in an instant, as if it would explode in the next second.

The whole world of aliens was terrified and their faces were in uproar!

【Ding, system upgrade completed! 】

About a minute later, the system recovered again, and large golden words appeared on the screen:

【This time, it was revealed that the system will additionally connect to the Dragon Ball World and Fox Demon World, and the worlds that can be added later are currently to be determined.】

【All worlds have joined the group chat!】

【Next, let's enjoy Kakarot's legendary life together! 】

Faced with this sudden situation, Xia Yu was also a little speechless, wondering why this broken thing could happen to him randomly among so many extraordinary people.

On the other hand, seeing that the person who was exposed this time was actually the little boy in front of him, Xia He also smiled ghostly.

Good boy, you can even break the screen, you have a great background.

Then let me see how amazing your past life was...!

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