At the same time, the alien chat group was also opened for the first time

【Lu Linglong: Hello, can everyone see me talking?】

【Lu Lin: It’s amazing that a chat group appeared in the alien world!】

【Zhuge Qing: Come to think of it, who exactly is this Xia Yu? He can actually cause a code error to appear on the screen exposed in his previous life and update it automatically. That’s quite interesting!】

【Wang Ye: Saiyans? This thing sounds like a race, I wonder how strong they are in combat?】

【Zhang Chulan: Help, someone is playing with my bird! 】

At this moment, everyone is guessing who this person who was exposed is!

Only Zhang Chulan is desperately asking for help, but no one pays attention

"I'm so annoyed, you little brat, you're still not honest even after being caught by us, I can't shut you up!"

Seeing that her trophy was actually sending a message for help in the chat group, Xia He was angry, so she immediately took off her black stockings and stuffed them into Zhang Chulan's mouth.

In order to make him quiet for a while.

Soon, someone in the group raised a question:

【Zhi Jinhua: Come to think of it, haven’t we merged with the other two worlds? Why is no one talking among them?】

【Zhuge Qing: It seems that it has not been loaded yet】

【Xiao Xiao: Indeed, their names are not in the group, I guess we have to wait a while】

【Zhuge Bai: Make a bubble!】

【Zhuge Qing: Hey, Xiaobai is talking too. Aren’t you doing your homework? How do you have time to chat?】

【Wang Ye: This elder brother is so scary!】

【Jia Zhengliang: Hehe, there are quite a lot of people here. Everyone, remember to hold back in the upcoming Luotian Dajiao. My mom wants me to win the championship and find a wife at the same time!】

【Feng Shayan: Bah, what a slap in the face mama’s boy! It would be a miracle if a guy like you could find a girlfriend!】


Tianshi Mansion:

Looking at the chat messages floating out of the live broadcast room, the old Tianshi was sitting in front of the window without saying a word.

He was still very much looking forward to the past life of this person who could make the screen collapse.

Although he had never heard of this person.

But since the screen was forcibly upgraded because of him, it also showed that his identity was definitely not simple!

He was still willing to meet such a fierce man!

After all, he had been invincible for too long in the alien world, and he would always feel a little bored when he got old.

So he poured a cup of hot tea, and then stared at the screen intently, wanting to see what this so-called Saiyan was all about?


Famous Lu Family:

When Lu Linglong saw the avatar light up on the screen, her eyes were instantly filled with stars.

Not to mention, this guy is quite handsome, but it's a pity that he has always been unknown in the world of extraordinary people, otherwise they could get to know him.

However, as a descendant of the famous Lu family, even she has never heard of this person's reputation, so this guy's identity must be very ordinary. It's just that the fact that he broke the screen is really bluffing.

Maybe there will really be some surprises!

Just like their previous mediocre senior brother in Quanzhen, his previous life was revealed to be Ouyang Feng in"The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!

It's a pity that this senior brother is so miserable that he was directly expelled from Quanzhen because of this incident. Therefore, any ordinary extraordinary person may have been a great figure in the previous life.

And because of these exceptions, she also became interested in this person's previous life!


Wudang Mountain:

""Xia Yu, you look so young?"

Seeing this slightly immature face, Wang Ye could be sure that this person should be of the same generation as them.

Although he had never heard of him, he had learned hexagrams.

Just by looking at his eyebrows, he felt that this person was indeed extraordinary, and he was probably not an ordinary person in his previous life.

But since this person has a great background, why has he kept it secret from the world and is willing to be a small security guard?

Interesting, really interesting!

No matter what, let's take a look first!


As everyone waited, the sentence on the big screen finally refreshed, making everyone's eyes light up:

【This issue previews famous quotes:】

【This kind of low-quality attack is not worth dodging!】

【The fate of the world depends on my punch!】

【Don't bother any of you, I can handle this guy on my own!】

【As long as you are willing to work hard, even the weak can become strong!】

【You actually killed my best friend, I will never forgive you!】

【Only by fighting in desperate situations can I better demonstrate my strength!】

【It is best for the strong to guide those who have a huge gap in strength. People with similar strength are more suitable for learning from each other and growing together!】


【Lu Jin: Hahaha, it feels so good. These preview lines are so domineering. My heart is filled with emotion when I hear them. Wu Gensheng, just wait for me. Sooner or later, I, Lu Jin, will seek revenge on you!】

【Lu Ci: Judging from the lines, this guy should be a martial arts fanatic. I really want to compete with him!】

【Na Ruhu: First he broke the screen, and now he has come up with such domineering lines. Is it possible that the younger generation is going to produce another talent?】

【Ding Shimaan: This guy is worth a fight!】

【Lu Ci: What? Quan Xing is here too. By the way, where is that rebellious son Lu Liang hiding? Hand him over to me quickly!】

【Ding Shimaan: Let’s put the question aside for now and talk about it after we have a fight. You are someone I am very interested in fighting with!】

【Xia He: Ding Shiman, don't worry, I'll help you find out the situation first. It just so happens that this handsome guy is right here with me! 】

After closing the chat box, Xia He glanced at Lu Liang beside her and said with a charming smile:

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your whereabouts!"

In response, Lu Liangze replied with a cold sweat:

"Thank you...thank you sister"

"However, judging from the situation just now, we are indeed in a bit of a pickle now!"

Because of the influence of the discussion in the chat group, he also had a preconceived feeling at this time that the other party who took the lead might really be a master.

The name of the Saiyan sounded scary.

If it was not a last resort, he really didn't want to provoke such an existence, which was also the essence of its survival!

It's a pity that compared with the safe Lü Liang, Xia He seemed much more casual:

"It doesn't matter, I really want to see what this handsome boy is made of!"

After saying that, he turned to the other party again, his voice was very seductive:

"So, do we fight now?"

"Let’s talk about biology after watching the video!"

"Why don't you watch the video first? I also want to see what kind of existence you were in your previous life!"

As she finished speaking, the chat group speculated about this person's identity.

Golden hot words appeared on the screen:

【Attention all worlds!】

【The preview video will be played soon, and the main film will be presented to you later!】


Then, after a commercial, a muscular middle-aged man appeared on the screen, with a golden glow emanating from his body.

Especially the golden hair color, it gave people a very sacred feeling.

At the same time, a sound resounding through the heavens and earth filled the surroundings, sounding tragic yet shocking:

"I will never allow it!"


"Continue to destroy this planet!"

After he finished speaking, he gathered his energy with both hands:

"Kamehameha… Qigong… Wave!"

With a roar, a blue-white light shone from his hand, cutting through the sky and earth, and actually went straight through the enemy's abdomen in mid-air!

If that was all, it would be accepted by everyone.���But the key point is that after this light wave penetrated his abdomen, it went straight through the meteorite belt, and finally smashed the distant planet into pieces amidst the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth...!

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