[Zhang Lingyu: That is to say, although you protected this planet, you destroyed other people’s planets, is that right?】

【Lu Linglong: Master Lingyu, stay calm. I have studied astronomy. Planets in the asteroid belt generally have no life, so this action is not considered to be a heinous crime!】

【Zhi Jinhua: The two careless people above are going off topic. Is this what we want to discuss now?】

【Zhuge Qing: No, is the Dragon Ball world so crazy, destroying planets at will?】

【Feng Shayan: I say, this matching mechanism is imperfect. The way you play it is like an Olympic athlete coming to a village competition!】

【Wang Ye:... The people above should make it clear that this is not a game, this is a real person in reality, I am so confused! 】

These people are fine.

After all, they are just watching the video, but have not really met Xia Yu.

So for a moment, they cannot fully feel the oppression.

But Xia He and Lu Liang are different at this time.

Even Liu Yanyan, who is a corpse driver, has forgotten to control the corpse, and her attention is completely focused on the big screen.

When she saw the planet shattered, she was so scared that she was sweating profusely. She took several steps back, but accidentally stepped on a stone and fell heavily to the ground.

But she had long forgotten the pain.

Because at this time, her attention was completely focused on the boy who was standing not far away without any movement!

"You... is this really you?"

After a long pause, Xia He finally reacted.

He asked hurriedly and stuttered, while constantly backing away, and hinted to Lu Liang with his eyes, asking him to drive quickly, and he would delay here for a while.

As for Zhang Chulan, they no longer had any extravagant hope of taking him back.

Because compared to the source of Qi, life is more important!

As far as the current situation is concerned, if this monster named Xia Yu really goes crazy, with the power of the Qigong wave just now, they may not even be able to keep their bodies intact, let alone escape!

Facing their little tricks, Xia Yu yawned sleepily and replied:

"Of course it's me. Could the big screen be fake?"

He then raised three fingers and said lazily:

"I know you want to escape, so go ahead!"

"But I will only give you three numbers. After three numbers, if you can't run away, you won't have to run away anymore!"

After hearing this, Xia He didn't even bother to pretend.

In front of life, her charm was completely useless, because the boy in front of her didn't know how to be gentle with women!

Fortunately, Lu Liang was fast enough.

Soon he drove a truck over.


Hearing the countdown to the end, it was like a death warrant from the Black and White Impermanence. Xia He did not dare to hesitate and immediately got into the passenger seat.


After this number came out, Liu Yanyan didn't care about her zombie team. When the car drove in front of her, she rushed forward and then shouted for Lu Liang to step on the accelerator!

She was young and didn't want to be smashed to pieces like this!

And just as the car was speeding, the last voice came from behind:


Looking at the employees Xu San had ordered to chase after him, Xia Yu scratched the back of his head and muttered secretly:

"What a pity, three numbers have passed and you still haven’t escaped!"

"Then let me take you there!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand leisurely, and suddenly pushed forward with his back palm.

The next second, a fierce hurricane passed through the employees chasing the truck, and then shook the truck forward.

Seeing that the truck was about to overturn, Lu Liang thought it was not good, and hurriedly pulled down the handle next to him to try to relieve the force.

Before Liu Yanyan could figure out what was going on, she found that the back seat she was in was separated from the front car, and after the force was relieved, it stopped in place.

Responding, Liu Yanyan hurriedly shouted:

"Lu Liang, stop the car!"

"Save me, save me, I don't want to die!"

But in the face of his cry, Lu Liang smiled coldly:

"So I say, you don’t understand at all!"

"What is the whole nature?"

"If you still have a life left, before the next action, you should learn more about the situation and make a decision, little girl!"

It's a pity that Liu Yanyan may not have a next time.

Because at this moment, she was tied up by the staff of Nadutong who came to her, with empty eyes, as if she was desperate!

As for Xia Yu, the instigator of all this, seeing that the task had been completed, he put his hands behind his head and quickly disappeared in the bushes.

The last words he left were:

"Dear bosses, please remember to deposit the bonus you promised me directly into my salary card!"

"Otherwise, I will come to have coffee with you guys!"

After saying that, he yawned sleepily.

This should be the end...

Comfortable, this money is really easy to earn. If there is such a thing in the future, I don’t mind coming a few more times!

Well, let’s have a hot pot tomorrow to reward myself for lying down!

Xu San was also stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses from the huge shock.

Only then did he realize that the figure of the boy in front of him had long disappeared!


After shaking off Liu Yanyan, Xia He hurriedly opened the world channel in panic and complained:

【I give up. I advise you not to mess with Xia Yu. This guy is really scary. He almost knocked our car over with one palm. Fortunately, I am lucky.……!】

As expected, the first person to respond was Zhang Lingyu:

【You actually went to provoke him, but seeing that you were able to send messages, you should still be alive! 】

Then, other people also appeared:

【Wang Ye: Big sister, you have seen Xia Yu’s past life, yet you still dare to provoke him. You are worthy of being a Quan Xing person!】

【Zhang Chulan: I finally escaped. You don’t know, this Quan Xing guy is so horrible. Not only did he want to play with my bird, he also stuffed a stocking in my mouth. This is simply inhuman torture!】

【Zhang Chulan: If Xia Yu hadn’t taken action, you wouldn’t have seen me!】

【Zhuge Qing: The treatment is good, and there is even a stocking to gag you. Although I don’t listen to gossip, I have to record your experience!】

【Zhang Lingyu: Zhang Chulan, you! His! Mom! said! What?】

【Zhang Chulan: Who is this? Oh, isn’t this Lingyu Zhenren? I suddenly remembered that you seemed to be having an affair with that pink-haired girl. What’s wrong? Are you jealous?】

【Lu Linglong: What's wrong? Did the pink hair piss you off? Do you look down on the pink hair? 】

Seeing that the group chat was about to start a fight, the old Taoist priest, as the leader of the aliens, quickly came out and said:

【Youngsters, calm down and watch the video carefully. The main film is coming soon. Let's see what kind of growth history this little guy has! 】

It must be said that the old master's deterrence still exists.

After he said this, everyone immediately quieted down.

Only Xia He added at the end:

【This guy must be a straight man, he has no mercy on women, he is so rough, it hurts me to death~】


Soon, the trailer ended.

Then, the screen once again displayed hot golden words:

【The pilot film has ended, and I believe everyone has a certain understanding of Xia Yu’s previous life!】

【So next!】

【The main film is about to begin!】


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