Dragon Ball World:

Deep in the mountains, Baozi Mountain:

In this place far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the air is fresh, and occasionally you can see a few butterflies flying in the mountains.

Overall, this place is like a paradise.

But suddenly, a purple dinosaur flew towards the screen, and the chat group was boiling:

【Xiao Xiao: Originally I wanted to say that I really want to travel to this place, but now it seems that I was naive!】

【Bai Shixue: Hahaha, I wonder if your blowing air will work on dinosaurs!】

【Xu San: Why are there dinosaurs? Is this the Jurassic period?】

【Zhuge Qing: I just want to know, this is not the place where Xia Yu lived in his previous life, there are ferocious beasts everywhere, how can he survive? 】

Just as he finished speaking, he was dumbfounded.

Because as the scene turned, a boy who looked about eleven or twelve years old was stepping on a wooden wheel, holding a big knife in his hand, and slowly rolling towards the curtain.

Judging from his appearance, he looked similar to the pilot film, but it was reduced in proportion and his hair was normal color.

But the key is that the wooden wheel he stepped on was at least six or seven times his size.

The big knife was more than four times his height, and it was full of spikes and oozing with blood. It looked very scary, which formed a sharp contrast with the innocent and cute appearance of the child.

When I got home.

He held his breath in front of a wooden stake, as if gathering all the strength in his body.

Then, a low roar came out.

Along with this sound, the child punched instantly, and his strength was even more terrifying, and he actually smashed the wooden stake directly.

The wood pile fragments fell from mid-air and turned into pieces of scattered wood.

【Zhi Jinhua: Tell me, this is... a child?】

【Lu Linglong: I remember when Lu Lingge was this age, he seemed to still be wetting the bed, haha, what a difference!】

【Lu Lin: Talking less won’t kill you……!】

【Wang Ye: This kid... isn't he chopping wood? The key is that he doesn't use an axe but his fists. This is too hardcore!】

【Lu Jin: I have forgotten what I was doing when I was eleven or twelve years old. I am so old now!】

【Feng Baobao: This idiot has a good life. He can eat fresh dinosaur meat every day. If I’m not mistaken, the big knife should be used to kill dinosaurs!】

【Zhang Chulan: Sister Baoer, how can you say such a thing so calmly? Were you so fierce when you were eleven years old? Otherwise, how could you be so fierce as you are now?】

【Feng Baobao: (beating) How dare you! Call me master! Also, don't tease me casually from now on! 】

Ten minutes later

【Zhang Chulan: (Bruised face) Got it, Master! 】

But while everyone was laughing at Zhang Chulan, they all brought up a topic:

What were you doing when you were eleven years old?


At this time, in the Tianshi Mansion, looking at this topic, the old Tianshi also fell into memories.

Although he has always been called a genius by the outside world, he is also called a stranger in the world of aliens.���One person.

But if you really think back.

When he was eleven years old, he actually only showed the characteristics of an alien.

But he couldn't chop dinosaurs with a knife or chop wood with his fists like the child on the screen!

So he concluded that this child has a bright future. As long as he is well trained, he will definitely be a good seedling in the future!

Of course, because of the appearance of this video, a joke has appeared in the alien world since then.

When acquaintances meet and greet each other, they will tease each other:

Can you break a wooden stake with your bare hands when you are eleven years old?

What, you can't even do this?

Then you are really a waste!


While they were complaining to each other, the screen was still showing.

The child was now bowing devoutly to a red-yellow ball with four stars printed on it, and called him grandpa.

But suddenly, the ball emitted a faint golden light, as if it had sensed something.

However, this strange thing was soon replaced by the entanglement of what to eat for lunch.

Thinking about it, he swung the vine.

Then, in order to avoid the pursuit of the wolfhound, he fell into the water and took off his wet clothes. In addition to a small symbol representing masculinity, he also revealed a monkey-like tail.

Then, looking at the fish jumping out of the water, he suddenly had an idea:

"Wow, I figured it out!"

""Why don't we eat fish today?"

Then, he stretched his tail into the water.

Originally, the fish that came around were all smaller fish.

But suddenly, a huge black shadow swam over along the water surface.

Seeing this tail, the big fish also muttered in his heart:

"Hey, there's a monkey here?"

"Then I'll eat it!"

With this thought, he ate it on the spot.

But who would have thought that the child standing on the shore suddenly pulled up the tail when he was about to bite it, and the big fish flew up with it.

Then, he kicked it and killed the fish, which was several times bigger than him.

But on the way back.

He was shouting a big harvest.

But suddenly he saw a green car speeding over, and then because he couldn't avoid it in time, he was knocked out of an arc.


【Alien chat group】

【Zhi Jinhua: Uh... this child is quite cute, but he is so unlucky. He was hit by a car at the very beginning!】

【Lu Linglong: It’s small and cute. But by the way, what is that glowing ball? Why does the little guy call it grandpa?】

【Canglong: Lady Ice and Snow Goddess Lu Linglong, I didn’t expect you to be in the chat group all the time. I just joined in. Who is this little guy? He looks quite fierce!】

【Lu Linglong: Get out of here and stop yelling like that. I really hope that kick just now wasn’t aimed at the fish, but at you!】

【Yun: Having said that, this kid is really strong. He kicked such a big fish to death with just one kick. Even we may not be able to do such a thing!】

【Zhuge Qing: Hey, hey, you know, I’m a ruthless guy who can destroy planets with ease, so naturally I was different from others when I was a child!���

【Feng Baobao: But... why does this kid have a tail? Did he transform from a monkey?】

【Wang Ye: Yes, that’s very strange, why does he have a tail?】

【Zhang Lingyu: Doesn’t the introduction say that Xia Yu’s previous life was called a Saiyan? Maybe this race is a little different from us humans. After all, there are all kinds of strange things in the world!】

【Lu Linglong: (starry eyes) Master Lingyu is so knowledgeable!】

【Canglong: Tsk, what’s so great about a stinky Taoist priest? If I meet him at the Luotian Dajiao, I will definitely beat him up!】

【Lu Linglong: Get out of here, you fatso!】

【Zhang Chulan: But, such a little kid is so unlucky to be hit by a car. He won’t die, right?】

【Xu Si: You idiot, if he is here he will be gone, then where did the pilot film come from?】


Just as the video was about to continue playing, two new messages appeared in the alien communication group:

【Dragon Ball World: Bulma has joined the group chat!】

【Dragon Ball World: Master Roshi has joined the group chat!】


【The show continues! 】

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