【Lu Linglong: Wow, there’s a new friend here, is he from the Dragon Ball world? Welcome, welcome!】

【Bai Shixue: But why are there only two? Is the internet speed there very slow, or does it take a while for two more people to join?

Unfortunately, most people did not come forward to say anything about the arrival of new friends.

The reason is that at this time, they have already been attracted by the content of the video.


In the video... after being hit by the car, the little guy stood up again when he saw the shocked look in the eyes of the people in the car, as if nothing had happened.

Then, he walked forward with an angry face, and in full view of everyone, he actually lifted the car up alive.

"Are you trying to steal my food?"

"I won't let you succeed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the car away fiercely, and it flew straight out and fell heavily to the ground. The tires rolled all over the place, and it was no exaggeration to say that it had turned into a pool of scrap metal.

In the car, the blue-haired girl was so scared that she took out her gun and suppressed the little guy with firepower, knocking him to the ground again.

But facing this deadly weapon in human society, the little guy seemed to be fine. He just rubbed his forehead, and then rushed up again with the stick.

This scared the blue-haired girl half to death.

She quickly got out of the car. She stated her identity and said that she was also a human.

After learning the other party's identity, the little guy recalled:

"So you are a girl. My grandfather once told me that I should be gentler when I meet a girl!"

But as the camera moved, he went behind the blue-haired girl, looked curiously through her skirt, and even lifted her skirt with a stick.

Hmm...white and pink color……


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: Oh, there’s a new friend joining us. This Bulma must be a lady. I wonder how old she is and whether she has a boyfriend?】

【Zhuge Bai: Brother, why are you sick again?】

【Xia He: That doesn't make sense. This little guy has been so naughty since he was young. He even lifted up the girl's skirt. How could my charm not work on him? In terms of charm, how could I lose to such a tablet? 】

Until then, the two new members who joined the chat group began to speak one after another.

【(Dragon Ball) Bulma: What are the screens that suddenly appeared in our world for? And in this crappy chat group, as soon as I came in, someone said I was a tablet. Are you polite?】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: Miss, I know you are definitely better than her. Otherwise, send me a photo. It would be best if you are wearing cool clothes. 】

But soon, he was teased by Xia He:

【Yo ho, boss���, can your body handle it? You just want to see my photos, but I won't let anyone see them! 】

After seeing the first speeches of these two people, everyone had a general impression of them.

One of them seemed to be a perverted old man in the name of a teacher, and he was bald from his profile picture.

The other one was the blue-haired girl whose skirt was lifted, and she looked quite innocent.

However, Bulma's condemnation was not over yet:

【That girl called Xia He, I was only sixteen years old at that time, how could I compare to an old woman like you? What, are you jealous of my youth and beauty?】

【Xia He: What’s wrong? Is the tablet computer angry? I’m so scared.】

【Zhang Lingyu: But then again, a kid like this, who knows how to lift a woman's skirt at such a young age, how can he still withstand Xia He's charm? Could it be that his strength is so strong that he can't stand a mountain? 】

The implication is that he himself couldn't resist Xia He's charm, so how could someone be more determined than him?

Such a person simply cannot exist!

But Bulma, as the person involved, stopped talking.

You stupid guys, do you really think this kid is very lascivious? You will know what a real straight man is in a moment!

But... wait a minute, if this screen projects everything that happened to Goku, then wouldn't the things she exposed be...!

For a moment, she felt terrible.

【No, bastard, stop playing it!

If this broken screen continues to play, won’t my body be seen naked? Wuuwuwu, please stop!

Unfortunately, his shouting has no effect.

The video is still going on...

Under Wal-Mart’s questioning, the little guy’s answer is:

"Strange, why don't women have tails?"

It turned out that in the little guy's understanding.

He thought he had a tail, but the girl in front of him didn't, so he took it for granted that boys had tails and girls didn't.

And because the other party was a girl, the little guy also followed his grandfather's teachings and invited Bulma to visit his home.

On the way, the little guy's tiny body dragged a fish that was six or seven times larger than it. The visual sense of this scene was also quite impressive.

On the way, he said his name was Goku.

But when he got home, he saw the glowing red-yellow sphere.

Bulma ran over screaming , and held up the bead, as if he had found some rare treasure.

Later, with Bulma's explanation,

Goku finally understood.

It turned out that this thing was called a dragon ball. There were seven dragon balls in total, and they would resonate with each other.

If the seven dragon balls were gathered together, they could summon the dragon, and the dragon would fulfill a wish for the owner of the seven dragon balls!

As if she was afraid that he would not believe it, Bulma also took out two other dragon balls, one of which had five stars on it, and the other had two stars.

But then, in order to get the four-star ball in Goku's hand, Bulma's showmanship shocked the audience!

"Wukong, can you lend me this four-star star?"

"To repay you!"

"I can let you touch here!"

After saying that, she actually took the initiative to lift up her skirt, her expression full of temptation.

But Wukong rolled his eyes at her.

The answer he gave was:

"I don't want to touch other people's dirty butts!"

This sentence also made Bulma break down.

As for the chat group at this time:

【Zhang Chulan: Oh my god, you have the heart to do that to such a young child? How can you be so cruel? Why don’t you come at me? I’m still a virgin!】

【Feng Baobao: Zhang Chulan, do you want to get beaten again?】

【Xia He: It turns out that this child named Wukong is actually very pure, but he has a cognitive bias towards this world, so he would lift up girls' skirts. It seems that it's not that my ability is bad, but that he simply doesn't understand anything!】

【Zhuge Qing: But Bulma, you are simply Xia He No. 2. Is it really necessary for just a bead?】

【Lu Linglong: Hey, hey, hey Zhuge Qing, you have to know that as long as you collect seven of these things called dragon balls, you can make all your wishes come true. This is something you can't even think about!】

【Canglong: Lord Shenlong, I want to make a wish, and ask you to make the goddess Linglong fall in love with me!】

【Lu Linglong: Shut up, the dragon doesn't want to pay attention to you at all, and your wish is too low-level. I promise there is no worse wish than yours!】

【Bai Shixue: If I could really make wishes come true at will, I would really hope that I would have endless delicious food to eat and endless change to spend, so that I wouldn’t have to go around making money!】

【Wang Bing: Dragon God, please give me strength. I want to be invincible. I want to be number one in the world. I want to surpass the old Heavenly Master!】

【Zhuge Qing: Which mental hospital did the person above run from? I understand the first two wishes, but I admire your courage to say that you are better than the old master! 】

When the Dragon Balls were mentioned, everyone's topic was drawn to it, as if they had already obtained the Dragon Balls and were ready to make wishes.

As for the older generation, although they did not speak, their obsession in their hearts was much deeper than these young people...

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