Tianshi Mansion:

Looking at the bright new moon outside the window, Mr. Tian Jinzhong's eyes are empty at this time, and he occasionally reminisces, as if he is thinking about something.

If he can really make a wish.

Then what wish would he make?

For Mr. Tian, there are two biggest regrets in his life. One is that he went down the mountain to find his junior brother Huaiyi, but was framed by a villain on the way back, so that his hands and feet were crippled and his skills were lost.

The second is that in order to keep the secret of that year, he did not dare to relax all day, and he did not even sleep.

So if the wish can really come true, what he wants to do most is to go back to that day.

In this way, will the ending change?



Lu Ci is usually very crazy and is called Lu the Mad Dog by the world.

But as long as people reach old age, there will definitely be some things that they cannot achieve in their entire lives, or people or things that they missed out on because of regret, and they want to try to redeem them.

Looking at the shining dragon ball on the big screen, he murmured to himself:

"If only wishes could come true!"

"Brother, Xiao Huan, I really want you to come back to life!"

"You guys, shouldn't die!"

Eldest brother Lu Ren died at the hands of the island ninja Eita, and great-granddaughter Lu Huan was killed by the bastard Lu Liang.

If everything could be done over again, he would never let these things happen again!


The famous Lu family:

Even Mr. Lu Jin, who has a"flawless life", is still thinking about what happened between Wu Gensheng and Sanyi Sect.

This is also the regret of his life.

If he could change his fate, even if it means risking his own life, he would not regret it. He only hopes to stop Wu Gensheng and restore the former glory of Sanyi Sect.……!


Video continues:

After Bulma's coaxing, Goku was persuaded by him, so he went on the road with her, embarking on a journey of searching for dragon balls and practicing.

It was not until then that he showed his innocence to the fullest!

He didn't understand trams.

He didn't understand light bulbs.

This child from the mountains, because he had been living in the primeval forest, had long been out of touch with the real world and felt very fresh about all modern civilization. It was even terrifyingly simple.

During the journey, Bulma was caught by a huge dinosaur.

The dinosaur lied to him that he was friends with Walmart and was going to talk to him about something, so Goku waited there.

This kind of thing sounded very unreliable.

After all, how could humans and dinosaurs be friends? But

Goku actually believed it. He was also honestly tied to the tree trunk by the dinosaur with a rope, and watched it take Bulma away with a confused look on his face.

Fortunately, Bulma has a mouth.

In her cry for help, Goku finally reacted, and quickly used his tail to untie the rope that tied him, and then drove Bulma's electric car all the way.

Finally, he took out his Ruyi stick, stretched it infinitely, and hit the dinosaur into the mountains with one stick. Even if the dinosaur didn't die, it would probably become a plant dragon.

But then, his naivety was even more ridiculous.

When Bulma was shocked that his tail was real, he asked her back, isn't this the difference between men and women?

Bulma is only sixteen years old this year, and after hearing what he said, she even began to doubt her life.

After all, he had never seen a naked man.

Next, he took advantage of Bulma still taking a bath, broke in and said he would help him take a bath, and pointed at the other's chest and said it was a butt, which made Bulma want to get angry, but she couldn't start.

However, although he is innocent and cute.

But his fighting ability is really outrageous.

Not only did he defeat the entire wolf pack by himself.

He also used the telescopic function of the Ruyi stick to telescope himself into the sky, kicked down the villain's plane, and then roasted wolf meat.

On the way to saving a turtle, he even kicked a wolf-shaped monster that was at least 20 times his size and holding a machete with a fierce look to the ground.

In his world, it seems that there is nothing that cannot be solved with a kick.


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: I laughed so hard that I fainted. This little brother is so innocent and cute. He actually pointed out that a woman’s bra is her butt. I got it, I got it!】

【Lu Linglong: Even so, I always feel something is weird.】

【Zhang Lingyu: Let me roughly describe the image of this child. He is innocent and cute, but his fighting ability is so strong that it is terrifying. He is totally incomparable with other children of the same age!】

【Wang Ye: Just the last big wolf, even if I go up, it will probably take some effort to kill him, but I didn't expect this little guy to kick him over with one kick. This power is really terrifying!】

【Tang Wenlong: This guy is definitely my formidable opponent in Luotian Dajiao, but I don't know if he is afraid of poison.】

【Canglong: Heipi, are you confused after sleeping? This little guy is just Xia Yu’s childhood in his previous life. He should not be used as a reference. If you want to use him as a reference, you should first consider which is harder, yourself or that planet!】

【Zhang Chulan: Which part of the body do you mean by hard? (Smirk)】

【Lu Linglong: @Liu Xingyang, Junior Brother, with your Quanzhen inner strength, can you withstand this little guy's attack?】

【Liu Xingyang: Brother Linglong, I can probably endure it, but after that, I will probably need to regulate my breathing for at least two months before I can recover!】

【Xiao Xiao: Even with Quanzhen's internal energy, I can't withstand it. Is this little guy still a human?】

【Liu Xingyang: Don't say anything. My master was just beside me. He asked if this little guy had a master. If not, he wanted to recruit him into Quanzhen! 】 As soon as these words came out, the whole world of aliens was in an uproar.

You know, Liu Xingyang from Baiyun Temple is a disciple of the head of Quanzhen. This old guy, who is one of the top few in the world of aliens, hasn't accepted any apprentices for a long time.

It can also be seen that this little guy's talent is really high, and he actually attracted the head of Quanzhen.

However, some people found some clues in the video:

【Zhi Jinhua: Come to think of it, I have learned video editing before. There should be another clip between the little guy kicking the plane with his bare feet and the kick that knocked the wolf-shaped man unconscious. Why didn’t they broadcast it?】

【Wang Ye: Could it be that he is hiding some shameful secret (smirk)! 】

Unexpectedly, someone from the Dragon Ball world suddenly popped up at this time:

【(Dragon Ball) Bulma: You can't broadcast this. This part absolutely cannot be broadcast. If you dare to broadcast it, believe it or not, I will smash this broken screen!】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: As we all know, the screen in the previous life cannot be smashed, so it must be played. This is what I am most looking forward to! 】

At first, everyone was not too curious about the missing video.

But after these two people said that, they became interested and asked the big screen to play this video.

Soon, the big screen showed a line of words:

【After system detection, the unplayed clips belong to paid plots. Please pay to unlock the video!】

【Fee: 50,000 RMB! 】

As Bulma shouted, Zhuge Qing felt that the matter was not simple.

So he immediately took out his bank card and spent 50,000 RMB, showing the wealth of the Wuhou Zhuge family.

After receiving the fee, the system immediately started to play the clip that was harmonized...!

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