Even Wukong praised generously:

"You are really strong!"

"The power of your whip is far different from that of the guy just now. Now I am getting more and more excited!"

Hearing his words, Mu Qi also showed a cunning smile:

"You said you were getting more and more excited!"

""You will know now how terrible the power of my whip is!"

After that, he swung the whip twice and smashed the surrounding floor to pieces, as if he wanted to show his powerful strength.

In addition, this whip, which he called the Whip of Evil, can also operate everything here.

However, when Goku became a Super Saiyan, the situation between the two sides became one-sided again.

At the same time, a guy hiding in the dark, when he saw the scene of the battle on the battlefield, uttered worried words:

"This is not good. I’m afraid Mu Qi won’t be able to win if this continues!"

He then raised his arm, and the ring on his middle finger emitted a red beam of light, directly adjusting the view to the green bronze statue:

"At this point, I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to wake up that sleepy guy!"

"However, it seems that there is not enough energy to wake him up now!"

"There is no other way, so I have to use the last resort!"

Soon, his identity was completely exposed.

Because a believer rushed in and half-knelt to report:

"Master, someone of unknown origin broke into the temple and took Lord Muchimochi away... and then……!"

But he was interrupted by the man in front of him when he was halfway through his words.

At the same time, he also revealed his true appearance. He was actually a weird guy who looked a bit like a monkey, with a yellow middle part, giving people the impression of a copy of Kun Kun:

"What is there to be afraid of? This is really outrageous!"

"You don't have to worry anymore!"

"In fact, just now, King Luther has issued an important order. I will convey King Luther's order later. You go and gather all the believers in the central hall!"

However, all of this was heard clearly by Xiaofang, who had turned into a doll in his arms.

Similarly, the latter also had a guess about the whole matter based on this information.

At the same time.

In the chat group of strangers:

【Zhang Lingyu: I now feel that there may be a huge conspiracy behind this planet!】

【Bai Shixue: I agree!】

【Wang Ye: The so-called King Luther is most likely just a puppet. We can even say that he does not exist at all. He is just a tool used by this cult leader to deceive people!】

【Xiao Xiao: It's really ironic that the leader uses faith to enslave believers!】

【Lu Linglong: But is the truth really that simple? I always feel that there may be a more powerful murderer behind this leader! 】

But at least, their initial guess is correct.

Because the reason why this leader gathered all the believers in the hall is to completely strip them of their surplus value.

He even claimed righteously that he would dedicate their lives to King Luther. It was not until he started the machine in his hand that the believers suddenly realized.

It turned out that this guy was the real mastermind behind the scenes, and the so-called Lord Luther was just a machine that relied on influencing, not a so-called belief.

But they understood it too late!

Under that familiar beam of light, all the believers who were swept by turned into dolls and became the nutrients of the puppet.

And when the nutrients were sufficient.

The so-called Lord Luther was officially resurrected.

However, its body is a robot that looks like a giant baby. Although the energy contained in its body is very terrifying, because of its heavy and slow nature, no matter how it attacks, it can't do anything to Goku and Trunks.

As for the so-called leader, after successfully summoning his puppet, he ran into his room and started doing some evil things!

【Zhuge Qing: I now seriously suspect that this guy might be a Gemini. Why is his personality so changeable?】

【Feng Shayan: Ugh, this guy is actually a lolita complex. He loves to collect all kinds of girl figures and even wants to take off Xiaofang's clothes. This is so inhumane!】

【(Dragon Ball) Xiaofang: Wuuuu, I’m not clean anymore, no one will want me anymore!】

【Zhang Chulan: Don’t worry, you will have nothing after you become a doll, and we won’t be interested in you!】

【Xu Si: Zhang Chulan, are you comforting her or killing her?】

【Zhi Jinhua: It’s really unbearable to watch!】

【Lu Linglong: Wait a minute, look where he went. As expected, I said that this leader was not the mastermind behind the scenes. There must be someone else behind the scenes! 】

As the big screen played, the high and mighty leader actually knelt on one knee in front of the person on the screen and said very respectfully:

"It's been a long time since I greeted you, Dr. Mu!"

In his sight, this so-called Dr. Mu was a guy with purple skin, wearing strange protective clothing, holding a ball-shaped object in his hand, and yellow hair. He looked very strange.

In response to the leader's greeting, he asked back:

"How is your collection of Dragon Balls, Dorutki!"

Apparently, this is his real name.

When Dr. Miao questioned him, Dorutki changed his arrogant look and replied nervously:

"Report back to the doctor!"

"There are already two dragon balls in this temple!"

Dr. Miao was very happy to hear this:

"Really? Very good!"

"I heard that as long as all seven dragon balls are collected, anyone can call the dragon to appear. Then, I can ask the dragon to help me realize my dream of conquering the entire galaxy!"

But then, when he heard that Luther had been activated, he was immediately displeased:

"What, you dared to activate that mutant?"

"You have activated it now, which means it has absorbed energy and has reached the highest level, the third level, right?"

Dorutki replied immediately after hearing this:

"No, Dr. Miao!"

"To defeat those two guys, I think the second level is enough!"

"Now please take a look at Luther's power first!"

After saying that, in order to highlight his correct decision, he immediately turned his sight to the perspective of Luther who was fighting against the two people.

Unfortunately, the slap in the face came so quickly.

From the perspective of the battlefield, although Luther had extremely strong power, he had no way to deal with the two people. Instead, he was constantly suppressed and beaten, and it seemed that he was about to die!

At the critical moment, Dr. Miao discovered that the doll carried by Dorutki contained huge energy.

So he ordered him to give the doll to Luther.

After being rejected, he was immediately angry and embarrassed.

He turned this unreliable guy into a doll together, and sent it into Luther's body together with Xiaofang.

The next second, this big guy seemed to have obtained endless energy, and a dazzling light burst out from his body...!

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