But they couldn't control the spacecraft held by the Bala trio.

So when Xiaofang and Jilu went up, the computer got the wrong meaning, and it closed the hatch directly, and drove towards Luther without stopping.

In other words, it was only Xiaofang who went to the enemy base camp alone.

Fortunately, soon, Goku and Trunks forced Xiaofang to find out where her final destination was, and drove their own spaceships to that place at a high speed.

Unfortunately, on the other side.

Xiaofang had already arrived.

Following the instructions of the Dragon Ball radar on Jilu, she broke into the Luther Temple alone.

However, she had just entered and before she could observe carefully, she was held on the neck by two swords. It seemed that she had been discovered.

Fortunately, Xiaofang inherited the blood of the Saiyans. Even if she didn't need too much training, she still had a strong fighting power. With just a few moves, she killed all those who blocked her.

Then she flew off the stage and saw the six-star star at a glance.

Pointing at him, he said:

"You guys, listen to me!"

"You are the boss here, right?"

"Stealing other people's things casually is a very bad thing. Didn't your mother teach you this when you were young?"

These words made Mu Qimo Qi in front of him look confused, but he had no way to refute.

However, Xiao Fang continued to talk:

"We went through untold hardships to help the people of Galbo solve the problem, and they gave us that six-star planet, but you actually snatched it away!"

"You are already an adult, and you still do such things, don't you feel ashamed?"

At the same time, her words also made everyone in the alien chat group stunned:

【Zhuge Qing: I always have an illusion that I am watching a child reasoning with a robber!】

【Xu Si: Don’t say that. This kid is a little naughty, but his values are pretty positive. He can be cultivated. But his arrogance needs to be corrected!】

【(Dragon Ball) Xiaofang: Uncle, didn’t your mother teach you that judging others casually is a very rude thing to do?】

【Zhang Chulan: Haha, why do I feel a little happy when I see Fourth Brother being criticized?】

【Xu San: Children should speak without restraint, children should speak without restraint!】

【Wang Ye: In fact, the best thing Xiaofang should have done after getting off the spaceship was to wait for Goku and Trunks to come together instead of acting alone, because if she did that, something would definitely go wrong!】

【Feng Shayan: Stop talking, something has gone wrong!】

【Xiao Xiao: I don’t know if my life has turned into a doll, can it still be saved! 】

In the video, facing Xiao Fang’s threat, Mu Qimo Qi did not take her words seriously at all, but sneered and said:

"It turns out it is you, it turns out it is you!"

"Since you have come here in person, just hand over the other dragon ball in your hand!"

"The other dragon ball with four stars should be on you!"

At the same time, he also introduced myself:

"Let me tell you, I am the prayer master here, Muqimoqi!"

Then he pointed to the bronze statue beside him:

"This is our great God of Destruction, King Luther, and the resurrection of King Luther is the only wish of all of us!"

"We hope to resurrect King Luther as soon as possible, to destroy this turbulent and unstable universe, and then to re-establish a good new order for all of our King Luther's believers!"

However, after giving a very good speech, when he turned around, he found that the little girl and the dragon ball on the altar had disappeared.

When he looked up, he found that the six-star ball had been taken away by the other party, and the other party was standing at the road leading to the exit, ready to slip away.

However, the next second.

The so-called King Luther actually opened his left eye, and a terrifying light shot out of his eyes.

Xiaofang was hit by the light because she did not dodge in time, and turned into a weird doll.

This also caused her not only to lose herself, but also to return the six-star ball she had just obtained.

However, just when he was about to throw Xiaofang's doll out and merge it with King Luther.

A violent vibration caught his attention.

"What happened?"

After saying this, the explosion sounded from above, and the stone wall above collapsed, and countless pieces of rubble fell down, scaring him so much that he accidentally dropped the doll in his hand.

The next second, Trunks and Goku arrived together.

Muchimochi also looked disgusted with the three kidnapped people, and asked repeatedly:

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing the prayer master was angry, the three of them immediately started to make up lies in an attempt to deceive him. But they were exposed by the former.

Under a beam of light from King Luther, the three guys turned into dolls in an instant.

This terrifying ability is really scary.

Then, the believers behind him really experienced what it means when gods fight, mortals suffer.

Under the continuous beams of King Luther, Goku and Trunks could easily dodge, but after that, these beams acted on the believers who could not dodge.

And turned them all into dolls.

The rest of the people were scared and scattered, fearing that He would repeat the fate of these people.

Seeing that King Luther's beam could not do anything to them, Muchimochi summoned out the huge Thunder Lion that he had raised.

This Thunder Lion had blue god blonde hair and looked like a very ferocious beast.

However, his powerful backer was directly solved by a light bullet from Goku.

At the same time, in a burst of explosions, the previously arrogant Muchimochi also disappeared in this dazzling light and completely died.

However, all this is not over.

When Goku was sympathizing Trunks' injury, the whip left by Muchimochi spoke:


"It looks like you guys are quite capable!"

"Although you have defeated Muchimochi, don't be too happy too soon, after all, he is just my puppet!"

As he spoke, the whip stood up, as if it had its own life consciousness:

"Now, I will show you two my true appearance first!"

After the words fell, its shape gradually changed.

In the end, it turned into a guy with golden and red body, similar to a mantis, and turned the original whip into its own weapon.

Then he revealed his identity:

"My name is Muqi, and I am the priest of King Luther!"

At the same time, Goku and Trunks felt that this guy had a very strong aura, and compared to the puppet that was just killed, he was obviously much stronger...!

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