Similarly, this scene also made the Pengbala trio shudder.

After all, a person turned from a living human being into an emotionless doll in front of everyone, which would terrify anyone.

Of course, for them, this was just the beginning.

After completing this horrible thing.

The leader even raised his arms and shouted righteously:

"You all should be happy!"

"This person's body and soul have now completely merged with the King of Lu. There is nothing more glorious than this!"

How to say it...

This is simply a large-scale PUA scene!

Seeing this scene, the short guy Sun Bala was directly frightened, so he secretly said:

"Otherwise, let's run away quickly!"

But the big man Pengbala stopped him:

"What are you afraid of? Don't forget, we have the Dragon Ball in our hands. We can walk around with confidence. Don't be afraid of him!"After stabilizing their mentality, the three of them walked up with a calm and solemn look on their faces, as if they were heroes who had made great contributions.

When they got on the stage, the trio immediately knelt on one knee.

Pengbala even held up the Dragon Ball directly:

"Please look carefully, the Dragon Ball is already in our hands, please accept it!"

Seeing the precious Dragon Ball in his hand, Mu Qimo Qi immediately stepped forward and picked it up. After studying it carefully, he said in a deep voice:

"Oh, this is indeed a dragon ball!"

"Danbala, Pengbala, Sunbala, you performed very well!"

But then, just when these three people were dreaming of getting promoted and getting rich, the guy on the stage changed the subject:

"In fact, I was going to reward you three!"

"But you are too confused!"

"According to the instructions given to us by King Luther, the three people whose dragon ball you stole seem to be carrying another dragon ball!"

"In other words, you guys, the dragon ball is right next to you, but you let it slip away again!"

After saying that, he whipped the three people off the stage in front of their terrified faces.

The three people seemed to be very afraid of Muqimoqi's tyranny.

So, the leader Pengbala immediately requested:

"Please show some mercy and give us another chance to perform!"

Just a second later, the familiar whip came again.

Under this huge power, the sword in the hand of the knight statue beside him was directly broken.

The latter fell down quickly and stuck straight in front of Sun Bala, scaring him so much that he almost lost control of his bowels and bladder.

"Okay, then I'll give you another chance!"

"Hurry up and go!"

His last words frightened the three people and they fled away, no longer wanting to take credit!

At the same time,

Wukong and others had already started a head-on confrontation with countless large insects called demon horses in the narrow cave.

However, this confrontation made the other people complain:

【Wang Zhenqiu: What's going on? Goku's current normal state should have surpassed the Super Saiyan he reached when fighting Frieza. How come he can't even defeat these bugs?】

【Lu Ci: That lavender-haired kid too, has he become stupid because he’s a rich second-generation? Fight back quickly!】

【Wang Ye: Why does it feel like Wukong has been weakened!】

【Hibiscus Orihime: I am now beginning to doubt that with Frieza’s fighting power, he can’t even defeat these bugs!】

【Bai Shixue: So, how did he become the emperor of the universe?】

【Zhang Chulan: Frieza said, are you polite?】

【Lu Linglong: Can't you see that Goku and the others didn't use their full strength? They didn't even transform into Super Saiyans. It's obvious that they didn't consider these things as opponents!】

【Er Zhuang: Correct answer, these bugs are not very powerful, and their weaknesses are obvious, it is only a matter of time to deal with them! 】

Sure enough, soon, Wukong discovered the biggest weakness of these bugs, which is their fragile tails.

So, under the strong attack of the trio.

Soon, these bugs were beaten and unable to fight back.

Unfortunately, they did not realize one thing at this time.

That is, while they were fighting, the Bala trio had sneaked into their spaceship and began to look for the Dragon Balls, but after a carpet search, they still failed.

So, they suspected that the three of them were carrying the Dragon Balls with them.

After getting off the spaceship, they even applauded like the spectators:


"It’s really amazing!"

"I didn't expect that you could actually defeat the demon horse. I admire you so much!"

Facing Xiaofang's questioning,

Pengbala, the big guy, not only thought that it was natural for them to take the dragon ball, but even asked,"Do you have another dragon ball?" and threatened them to hand over the dragon ball.

After being rejected, the three guys got a set of speakers from somewhere and started dancing to the music. Their movements were very strange, which was complained by Xiaofang:

"This dance is so ugly!"

"What on earth are they doing?"

At the same time, this scene also made many strangers laugh:

【Xiao Xiao: I admit that I laughed in an unkind way!】

【Zhang Chulan: Could this thing be a relative of the Ginyu Force? Why does it have the same style as them? Fortunately Gohan didn’t come, otherwise it would probably feel like home!】

【(Dragon Ball) Gohan: Are you polite?】

【Xu San: Something is wrong. When the three of them were dancing, my computer detected a slight fluctuation in this space. It was very weird!】

【Zhuge Qing: So, what are they doing?】

【Xu Si: Could it be that there is some huge secret hidden behind this dance? 】

But soon, they knew the answer.

Because during the dance of these three guys, the robot Giroud was the first to be affected and started dancing with them.

It was not until then that Wukong and the other two realized that their magical dance movements and the magical sound of the sound system could interfere with people's nerves and make people imitate their movements unconditionally.

Unfortunately, when they reacted, it was too late.

Seeing that the three people in front of them were affected by them and danced together, the Bala trio showed satisfied smiles.

They even punched and kicked them during the dance.

Although this level of attack did not cause any harm to the Saiyans, it was extremely insulting.

As time went on, the demon horses behind them also began to dance in a demonic way.

Fortunately, their sound system ran out of power not long after.

Without the influence of music, Wukong and the other two stopped twisting their bodies instantly, knocked down all the Bala trio, and tied them up one after another.

Then he found out the whereabouts of the Dragon Balls from them, and drove the spaceship towards Luther Planet...!

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