"That's it, that's the spaceship!"

"I'm definitely not wrong!"

Xiaofang shouted immediately when she found the spacecraft that the person who stole the six planets they just got was riding.

However, at this moment, the spacecraft suddenly accelerated and flew away in the deeper direction of the Milky Way.

Seeing this scene, Wukong reminded:

"They are about to escape, Trunks!"

Seeing this, the latter immediately activated the power system and chased after them at full speed, determined to take the Dragon Ball back.

At this time, in the spacecraft, there were three guys with dark blue skin, red heads, and very strange clothes.

Among them, the taller one weighed the Dragon Ball twice and laughed with satisfaction:

"Haha, things are going really smoothly!"

After he finished speaking, a short fellow of the same race beside him took the dragon ball and said with a puzzled look:

"Pengbala, this is the so-called Dragon Ball!"

The guy called Pengbala nodded and said:

"It's definitely right!"

Then, the guy of medium height took the dragon ball to his nose and sniffed it, and spoke in a somewhat elegant voice:

"But Sunbala, Master Muchimochi said that if you collect seven of these things, something amazing will happen. Is this true?"

Then, the big man replied:

"Danbala, you are absolutely right. Lord Muchimochi will be very happy to see this thing!"

But at this moment, a warning suddenly popped up on the computer screen in front:

"Alarm, unknown people are chasing us!"

After hearing this, Pengbala immediately turned on the surveillance system.

Only then did he know that the ones chasing them were the guys who were looking for the Dragon Balls.

So he immediately ordered the computer screen to get rid of them.

In this way, a space chase began!

Unfortunately, during the chase, due to his poor driving skills, Trunks accidentally drove the spaceship into the meteorite belt and suffered a series of collisions.

Then he was left behind by the spaceship in front!


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: Why are those guys' names so weird, all ending with"Bala". What kind of aliens are they?】

【Wang Ye: But then again, these guys should have very advanced technology. After all, they can build such an advanced space saucer. Their level is definitely not inferior to that of Earth!】

【Zhang Chulan: If I were Goku, I would have blasted him with Kamehameha!】

【Hibiscus Orihime: Goku is too kind, this is his biggest shortcoming. If he had been chasing Vegeta, it would have been resolved in five minutes!】

【Bai Shixue: This is the first time I miss the prince so much!】

【(Dragon Ball) Xiaofang: Stop, you guys are not allowed to talk about my grandfather. Everything he did was based on his own considerations. Don't point fingers at him!】

【Xiao Xiao: You damn girl, you gave us a warning as soon as you came out!

Although they were scolded by Xiao Fang, the aliens at this time were not too angry. Instead, they felt that this child was not as bad as she was on the big screen.

At least, she was defending her grandfather!

Fortunately, in the video, although Trunks and others suffered some accidents during the pursuit, they were not left too far behind.

Similarly, in the space saucer.

Seeing that those people behind him were still chasing him relentlessly, Pengbala was very angry, so he asked the computer how to deal with them.

This intelligent computer is indeed advanced.

After thinking for a while, it actually came up with a solution:

"At the point NE367, there is a planet called Bihei, where lives a terrifying, ferocious carnivorous creature called the Demon Horse!"

At the same time, a picture was also released.

At first glance, this thing is yellow all over, with fangs on the edge of its mouth, and there is something similar to a yellow light bulb on its forehead. The overall look is like a big long worm.

Its horror is indeed much higher than that of the creatures on Earth.

Then, the voice of the computer continued to sound:

"So, as long as we trick them there, the magic horse will naturally help us get rid of them!"

Hearing this, Pengbala smiled evilly.

Then he immediately took the Bihei planet as the final destination and led Trunks and others into a dark cave.

According to the computer calculation, the probability that Trunks and others could escape was only 0.00000112!

After hearing this probability, the three people felt relieved, and then immediately turned around and flew back to their mother planet, Luther! In fact, compared to the so-called country, this Luther planet is more like a religious world.

At this time, in a building, a group of guys who looked like believers wore red hoods and kept worshipping, chanting:

""Yuan Yaga Yaga Yaga Luther, the Great King!"

He kept repeating this sentence.

On the high platform in the front, a guy who was slightly taller, also wearing a red collar, looked sacred and solemn, but gave people a very strange and terrifying feeling, immediately opened his arms and said:

"Okay, next one!"

Hearing this, a yellow-skinned, green-haired alien trembled, out of tune with the people around him.

However, Muchimochi on the stage had no mercy.

Instead, he whipped the ground with a whip and asked:

"What happened? Did you help me find the dragon ball?"

After receiving a negative answer, the guy on the stage whipped him and tightly wrapped his neck around him.

In the horrified eyes of the crowd, the eyes of the stone statue behind him suddenly lit up red.

After that, the guy who was wrapped by the whip lost his vitality and turned into a doll.

This skill is really weird!

Similarly, this scene also stunned the strangers:

【Zhuge Qing: Oh my god, this is actually a figure collector. Sorry, I seem to have another bold idea!】

【Lu Linglong: But we don’t want to listen. Everyone knows that Zhuge Qing from the Zhuge family is a playboy and has all sorts of weird thoughts in his head!】

【Bai Shixue: +1!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: Come to think of it, why do Goku and his friends keep running into these strange guys when they leave the Milky Way this time? Didn’t Frieza destroy this group of people when he conquered the universe before?】

【Xu San: You overestimate him. I feel that even with Frieza's ability, he may not be able to defeat them!】

【Black Tube: Indeed, this ability to turn people into dolls is really weird. It gives me a headache just looking at it!】

【Zhang Chulan: But when I thought about the possibility that Goku and his companions might become dolls next, I suddenly got excited!】

【Canglong: Zhang Chulan, you understand me!

After finishing these words, two people from different regions of the alien world unexpectedly showed the same expression at the same time, just like perverts on the train.

That was as funny as it could be!

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