This guy named Laijie is really good.

In the battle with Trunks, he only threw a punch and knocked the former away.

Although Trunks was careless, there is no doubt that this guy is really strong.

In the following battle, he was able to fight against the normal Goku to a draw!


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: Tell a joke, Frieza, the Emperor of the Universe!】

【Zhang Chulan: The person above, are you trying to make me laugh to death and then inherit my Ant Huabei?】

【Wang Ye: It's very funny, but the logic is there. Goku is now in a state where he can definitely kill Frieza in seconds, but he actually fought back and forth with the opponent. From this point of view, Frieza is indeed a joke!】

【Feng Shayan: Stupid, it's obvious that Goku didn't use his full strength. If he took it seriously, not to mention him, even Trunks alone would be able to beat him!】

【Zhang Lingyu: I can see that too, Wukong doesn’t want to fight at all!】

【Canglong: This copy is not difficult, I guess it will be over soon! 】

It must be said that everyone's judgment of Wukong's strength is still very accurate.

After fighting for a while, Wukong also roughly understood the opponent's strength.

So in just a moment, he turned into a Super Saiyan.

Then he started a one-sided beating.

It even perfectly interprets the truth that you must never fight against the Sun family.

Fortunately, this bodyguard named Laijie does not completely serve Dongjia.

He is just a practitioner, and he has a concept of winning and losing.

Especially when hearing Wukong say:

"I think if you take a break for a while, you will become even more powerful!"

"I also practice very hard to make myself stronger. Let's compete again when the time comes!"

When he said this,

Lai Jie actually smiled faintly and replied:

"What a strange child!"

"It seems that my martial arts skills are not yet up to par!"

"But no matter what, Sun Wukong, I will definitely defeat you next time we meet!"

Then, he no longer cared about Dongjia's life or death, but went to continue his training alone.

As for Dongjia, after seeing that the master he had entrusted with important tasks had been defeated miserably, he knew that his good days were over, so he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy:

"I'm sorry, I know I was wrong!"

"No matter what you say, I will do it!"

"In any case, please spare my life, please!"

Although Xiaofang is rebellious at this stage, she is still kind in nature.

So she directly proposed the condition that he should immediately cancel the leasing system on this planet.

Although Dongjia was very reluctant.

However, under the threat of force from Wukong, he had to do it obediently even if he was unwilling.

Then, when the sun rose as usual, the people of this planet did not have a premonition that their planet would also be reborn.

Until Wukong, Xiaofang and others flew out of the palace carrying a large pile of things.

Xiaofang even shouted happily:

"Grandpa, grandma!"

"Here is a gift from Dongjia to all of you. This is the contract for each of you. You can burn it or tear it up as you like!"

"Also, he said he would return your spaceship to you, so you can go back to your own planet!"

After hearing this, everyone realized that this was not a dream, and they had actually escaped from the clutches of Dongqiya!

So, they all thanked the three of them.

At this time, Wukong might not know that from this battle on, their journey of searching for the black dragon ball and practicing will become a huge fortune. It is also the key to determining the outcome of the final war!

At the same time.

Alien chat group:

【Lu Linglong: This is why I like Wukong, because he is always so kind and always puts helping everyone first!】

【Wang Ye: It’s a pity that they came here in vain. There is not even a trace of Dragon Ball on this planet. These two days have been a waste of too much time!】

【Zhang Zhiwei: No, in fact, everything has its meaning of existence. Even some things may seem to be bad things, but in the end you will realize that they are actually good things!】

【Zhang Lingyu: This is what Master taught me!】

【Xiao Xiao: You are worthy of being the old Heavenly Master. Every time you appear, you can speak a lot of profound and profound truths. I am grateful for your teachings!】

【Bai Shixue: Now it seems that this journey is quite pleasant, but I don’t know what kind of challenges they will face later! 】

However, as far as the next journey is concerned, Wukong and the other two are still very happy.

For example, in the next giant planet, he turned into a dentist and helped the sturdy local residents to treat toothache.

And successfully took away the first dark dragon ball stuck in his teeth, the four-star planet.

Then he came to another tribe.

After learning that a guy named Zinama had the superpower to cause earthquakes by vibrating his beard, he used this as a threat and often came to the village to make unreasonable demands.

Even more and more excessive.

This time, he even proposed to marry the village chief’s daughter, Lei Nu, as his wife, and ruin her lifelong happiness!

The three of them felt unfair for this, so they united to formulate a plan.

That is to let Trunks infiltrate the enemy in women's clothing, and then get the other party drunk, and then Wukong and Xiaofang worked together to cut off the guy's beard, so that he could no longer use superpowers.

Then, Wukong used Kamehameha again and successfully stopped the eruption of the volcano. In the end, he became the hero who saved the village and the village chief's daughter.

He successfully obtained the second black dragon ball, the six-star ball!

Unfortunately, just when everyone was excited.

A guy covered in red suddenly appeared on a space saucer and then snatched their dragon balls away, which directly caused the whole incident to change!

Helplessly, Wukong and others had to take a spaceship and chased after him at a high speed.

But who would have thought that this group of people were also collecting dark dragon balls!

This also indicates that the first challenge they face is about to begin!

At the same time, in the chat group:

【Zhuge Qing: I said, if nothing unexpected happens, something unexpected will really happen. After all, everything went so smoothly for Goku and the others in the early stages!】

【Zhi Jinhua: But it’s not a big problem. With the strength of Goku and his friends, they are among the best in the entire universe!】

【Er Zhuang: That’s not the reason. The main reason is that Wukong is too naive and we are afraid that he will be deceived!】

【Xu Si: This adjective is very accurate! 】

However, when everyone was talking about it, a reminder came out again in the group chat:

【Dragon Ball World, Xiaofang successfully joined the group chat! 】

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