However, during the second day of broadcasting, the system first popped up the following message in the group:

【After testing, it was found that Xia Yu's past life had two endings, distributed in two different time and space. According to the rules, they should be played in order regardless of ranking!】

【Loading completed!】

【Please continue watching! 】

This passage once again caused an uproar in the alien world:

【Zhuge Qing: What the hell, why is this stuff getting more and more mysterious? Even the theory of parallel time and space has been worked out. Is the next step going to be the parallel universe?】

【Bai Shixue: Although I anticipated that Wukong's life would not end so easily, I never expected that things would gradually develop in an outrageous direction!】

【Xiao Xiao: In other words, there is more than one ending for Wukong?】

【Zhang Chulan: I don’t understand, but I am shocked!】

【Zhang Lingyu: I have seen the past lives of so many people, and even my master’s is not so complicated!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: Forget it, forget it. Since Wukong still has a long way to go, let’s continue to accompany him!】

【Lu Linglong: It’s about to begin. The popcorn on the small stool is ready. Let’s continue watching Monkey King’s amazing journey!】


As the big screen continued to show, a new story officially began!

However, what the strangers never expected was that as soon as the show started today, an explosive easter egg was revealed:

【Zhi Jinhua: It was a surprise right from the start. I didn’t expect that I could see Goku’s childhood appearance again. Sure enough, he was still as cute as he was when he was a child!】

【Wang Ye: Fortunately, although the body has shrunk, Goku's strength has not changed!】

【Yun: By the way, why are the Pilaf trio still haunting us?】

【Bai Shixue: But this dragon is quite evil. It is completely red. It looks so weird, as if I am watching a horror movie!】

【Feng Shayan: So, if we don’t find all the dragon balls of these black stars, will the earth really be destroyed again? What a disaster-stricken earth!】

【Feng Xingtong: This dragon ball is actually scattered throughout the universe. Can Goku and his friends really find it in a year?

This is indeed a problem for everyone.

After all, the four Milky Way galaxies in the east, west, south and north are so huge, and there are so many scattered planets. Even if they have a dragon ball radar, it is still a very difficult task.

But compared to this, what is more headache for everyone is that

Xiaofang, who was originally very dependent on her grandfather, has gradually become rebellious as she grows older. She even changed her previous well-behaved appearance and began to scold Goku in an adult tone.

This also made everyone feel very uncomfortable.

Especially Lu Linglong.

She wanted to smash the TV directly!

After all, on her side, the relationship between her grandfather and her is much closer than that between her biological parents.

Therefore, she can't understand Xiaofang's completely rebellious behavior and her disobedience to her grandfather!

In fact, because of Xiaofang's kick.

The spaceship that Trunks had prepared was kicked out of a big hole by it.

As a result, the three-member team of Goku, Trunks and Xiaofang who were looking for the Dragon Balls had to make an emergency landing on the nearest planet because of the damage to their spaceship.

And this planet was even more desperate:

【Wang Ye: The people here are all profiteers!】

【Zhuge Qing: I'm dying of laughter. Even if Bulma is the richest person on Earth, if she lives on a planet full of unscrupulous businessmen like this, she will probably go bankrupt in a few days!】

【Xu San: Not only that, this planet is also filled with countless lies. It's really a scary place!】

【Bai Shixue: I just hope that everything goes well for Goku and the others! 】

But this is just hope.

After discovering that all the people on this planet are crazy businessmen, Trunks was shocked and immediately pulled up the two little guys and ran away.

Finally, they hid in a hotel.

Unexpectedly, this hotel is also a pitfall.

The water in the bathtub keeps flowing, and it can't be turned off no matter how hard you try. The food in the refrigerator is also constantly pouring out, and even the bed where Trunks lies is forcibly locked!

And all this is just because the people on this planet want to make more money!

Trunks was so scared that he immediately cut off the lock, and then took Goku and Xiaofang away again.

But it is just as the saying goes, there must be a result for every cause.

Later, when the three of them lived in a house of a poor family, they learned the truth about this planet from each other.

It turned out that the king of this planet was named Dongjia. Although he was a dignified and solemn guy on the surface, he actually used the entire planet as a tool for him to make money.

And the reason why he took Trunks' spaceship away was because this planet did not allow spaceships to exist.

Otherwise, everyone would have probably fled.

Under his governance, everything on this planet, except for his own body and children, can only be obtained through leasing.

But the rental price of these things is a sky-high price!

Because of this, everyone wants to make a lot of money quickly.

Over time, the characteristics of today's profiteers have been developed.

And the two poor couples had just finished speaking. A group of robots came to the door.

They used the reason that the rent was due, and actually started the demolition work. Soon, all the items here were taken away, leaving only these two poor old people and their children.

All this not only made Trunks and Xiaofang extremely angry, but also made the aliens clench their fists involuntarily:

【Zhang Lingyu: Master is right. Everything in the world has cause and effect. The greed of the people on this planet has nothing to do with them. It is entirely the king's problem!】

【Bai Shixue: He is a king, but he is still so greedy. It's true that the richer you are, the stingier you are!】

【Lu Linglong: Actually, my feeling is that this time and space is a little different from the previous ones. It is more realistic. I wonder if you have noticed it!】

【Zhuge Qing: I have something to say, but I don’t know whether I should say it or not!】

【Zhuge Bai: Brother, I advise you not to tell anyone. I’m afraid that if you tell anyone, they will come to check your water meter!】

【Feng Shayan: Fortunately, this planet has encountered Wukong. If this king dares to pull their spaceship, it is destined that the good days are over! 】

Sure enough, after saying goodbye to the old couple.

Wukong and his party found the palace, and with the power of three people, they defeated all the armies of this planet and made them lose their ability to resist.

However, the reason why Dongjia dared to be so arrogant and unlimitedly withhold the property of his people was not just because he had a powerful army.

It was because he had a bodyguard named Leijie who was extremely powerful...!

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