【Wang Zhenqiu: Wow, a new friend has joined. By the way, is this the dragon? If you collect all seven dragon balls, you can make any wish come true!】

【Lu Linglong: I pray to the dragon god to bless me with endless pocket money and endless delicious food!】

【Zhi Jinhua: Linglong, this is all you pursue!】

【Lu Linglong: Little bitch, why don’t we have a fight? Is this how you treat your best friend? You always poke me!】

【Wang Ye: Come to think of it, if this villain becomes the king of the world, wouldn’t the world be in chaos?】

【Zhang Chulan: The little guy should be able to do it. He used Kamehameha several times in a row and has already blasted through the wall!】

【Zhuge Qing: But... it's probably too late. Although the pig and the UFO escaped by changing their bodies, they may not be able to stop this situation! 】

Just then, the new friend finally spoke:

【(Dragon Ball) Wu Long: I'm so depressed that people doubt my ability right after I came in. Also, my name is Wu Long, not Pighead. This is my highlight moment, so you all need to watch carefully!】


Back to the video...

While they were discussing,

Wu Long had an idea.

As for the Dragon Ball, he thought that as long as he could make wishes faster than these people, then the dragon should give priority to fulfilling his wish.

But what wish should he make?

Never mind, there was no time to think about it, just take it one step at a time!

After having this idea, he rushed towards Pilaf at the fastest speed.

The latter did not notice the whereabouts of the pig at all.

While he was making a wish, the pig got ahead and immediately shouted out his wish:


"I want girls' underwear!"

After hearing the complete wish, Shenlong's eyes lit up red.

Then, a meteor flashed in the sky, and a white streak actually fell, directly covering Wulong's face.

Wulong smiled, not knowing whether he was happy because he had stopped the villain from dominating, or because he was happy about his current wish.

"Your wish... has come true!"

After saying this in a heavy voice, the dragon flashed by, and the dragon ball circled in the air and turned into seven beams of light, flying around the world again.


【Alien chat group】

【Xiao Xiao: This is the most hasty wish I have ever heard!】

【Zhang Chulan: This wish is so simple and unpretentious, this is what sincerity is!】

【Canglong: Lord Linglong, you see, I told you there must be people with more hasty wishes than mine!】

【Lu Linglong: Get out, I need to think!】

【Zhuge Qing: Pighead, can you tell me how you came up with this wish? @乌龙】

【(Dragon Ball) Wu Long: Don’t you think I was very handsome just now? Are there any young ladies in the group who admire me very much? If you want me to be your child husband, I don’t mind!】

【Xia He: You are a character I don’t even want to seduce……】

【Wang Ye: I feel like even the dragon is speechless!】

【Zhuge Qing: (laughing wildly) Shenlong: If I had known I should have died in my mother's womb, why are modern people's wishes so weird?!】

【Canglong: This is called saving the world with lust, Zhang Chulan, this world will still need lustful people like us to save it in the future! @张楚岚!】

【Zhang Chulan: Fatty, just say what you want to say. Why are you tagging me?】

【(Dragon Ball) Pu Yalu: Oh my god, there are perverts like Wu Long in this group. I want to run, I want to quit the group!】

【Pu Yalu's application to withdraw from the group failed! 】

However, just when the discussion in the group was heated, something unexpected happened.

While celebrating the victory.

No one realized that tonight was actually a full moon night!

Looking at the bright full moon in the sky, Goku seemed to be affected by something while he was happy. His eyes suddenly turned white and his hair stood up.

And as time went by, his body gradually expanded, and finally he turned into a gorilla as big as a building!

His appearance also scared Bulma and Yamcha who were accompanying him all the way.

But this disaster has just begun.

Goku, who turned into a gorilla, has completely lost his mind and began to destroy everything in his sight.

The first to be unlucky was Ralph's castle.

Under the huge damage caused by the gorilla, Ralph and his trio fled frantically in fear. In a panic, they escaped to a helicopter and barely saved their lives.

"Damn it, shoot it, bombard it with artillery!"

Looking at the castle he had worked so hard to build destroyed, Ralph was furious, so he started to bombard the gorilla.

Unfortunately, according to the law of smoke without injury, when the smoke dissipated, the gorilla was not hurt at all.

Instead, he became even more furious.

He picked up the broken castle and smashed it straight at the helicopter.

Then there was a loud bang, and the helicopter was hit by the fragments of the castle, thick smoke came out of the tail, and finally it crashed directly!

Ralph and the other two were also seriously injured.

However, in order to save their lives, they still stimulated great potential and finally escaped from the gorilla's range of destruction!

Fortunately, in a panic.

Yamcha suddenly thought that Goku's weakness was his tail. If you grab his tail, he will be powerless.

I just don't know if this method will work when he turns into a gorilla.

However, at this moment, the angry gorilla grabbed Bulma.

Bulma, who had just turned sixteen, had never felt such despair before, and she was so scared that she screamed:


"Yamcha, save me!"

Fortunately, Puyaru and Wulong reacted in time. While the gorilla was distracted, they went behind him and hugged his tail tightly. Together with Yamcha, they restrained his tail in place.

"It worked!"

Seeing the gorilla's body gradually limp, Yamcha cried with joy.

Then, he ordered Puyalu to quickly turn into a pair of scissors and cut off Wukong's tail!

The next second, with a flash of sharp knife light, the long tail was broken into two pieces in just an instant.

The gorilla growled, and then seemed to lose vitality, and its body kept shrinking, and finally turned back to the original Wukong shape and fell asleep.……


【(Dragon Ball) Yamcha: I can't help it, I'm just so handsome. In order to save Bulma, I'm willing to give everything I have! (Blushing)】

【Zhuge Qing: I would like to ask, are all the people in the Dragon Ball world so shameless?】

【(Dragon Ball) Bulma: The person above, I feel like you are slandering others, but I have no evidence!】

【Feng Baobao: By the way, what was that black thing just now? It looks like it would taste good braised in brown sauce!】

【Zhang Chulan: Sister Baoer, don’t even think about eating it. If this thing were in our world of extraordinary people, who could defeat it? With its size, it could probably flatten Mount Wudang!】

【Wang Ye: Zhang Chulan, I have tolerated you for a long time!】

【Ding Shimaan: I think I can give it a try!】

【Zhang Lingyu: I can too!】

【Lu Linglong: Master Lingyu, I'm not trying to hit you, but I feel your thunder magic is not enough to tickle this gorilla!】

【Zhi Jinhua: However, the gorilla’s weakness is also very obvious, which is its tail. As long as you grab its tail tightly, he will become powerless!】

【Zhang Chulan: Oh, yes, not only that, the tail is also the weakness of Goku's body!】

【Canglong: If you had said it earlier, wouldn’t we all be able to beat him up?】

【Lu Liang: Xia Yu, right? Just wait for me, I know your weakness now!】

【Zhang Zhiwei: Although I don't want to disturb your enthusiasm, I still have to say that his tail has just been cut off! 】

The old Taoist's words were like a basin of cold water, pouring on the heads of all the strange people.


This is simply a wake-up call!

When they care too much about a person's shortcomings, if this person successfully hides this shortcoming, then they will have no way to deal with it!

Therefore, if you focus on a person's shortcomings to target, this targeting will instead restrict your own hands and feet, so that you are really tying yourself up...!

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