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Perhaps because Goku showed his outstanding strength and super talent, Master Roshi wanted to take him as his apprentice.

However, because Master Muten's reputation was too loud, Goku had a competitor for a while!

"You are Teacher Wu Tian, right?"

"I come from a faraway place, my name is Klin!"

"Teacher Wu Tian, please accept me as your disciple and guide me in my cultivation, okay?"

"Thank you!"

Looking at the little monk in front of him, who was shorter than Wukong, wearing Buddhist clothes, with six scars on his head, a somewhat wretched look in his eyes, and no nose,

Teacher Wu Tian also scratched his head and replied helplessly:

"You must have worked so hard to come all the way here!"

"But unfortunately, I don’t accept disciples easily!"

"So, just give up and go back!"

In the next second, Krillin's eyes flashed.

He seemed to have seen through the nature of the old man in front of him.

Then he picked up a magazine and humbly bent over to hand it over:

"��"This is a gift from you, teacher. Please accept it!"

When Master Kame turned around and saw Krillin holding a magazine that needed to be censored, his eyes lit up instantly.

The next second, he immediately snatched it away:

"Oh, this this this……"

"I'll think about it.……!"


【Alien chat group】

【Xu Si: Why do I feel that... these two are more like master and disciple?】

【Lu Linglong: It seems that the little one is so pure. No wonder he is so talented. It seems that purity and talent are directly proportional!】

【Zhi Jinhua: But if that’s the case, Linglong, you shouldn’t have such a high talent, right?】

【Lu Linglong: I suspect you are scolding me, but I have no evidence!】

【Zhuge Qing: But getting back to the point, although Master Roshi is lustful, at least his martial arts skills are pretty good. If the kid learns from him, he should be able to make significant improvements!】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: Hehe, this young man is quite considerate. I wonder if you are willing to be my apprentice. The second one will be half price!】

【Zhuge Qing: I'm sorry, I don't have so many magazines at home! 】

But in short, after a series of unorthodox tests, Wukong and Krillin were officially accepted as Wu Tian's disciples.

Then they began their arduous practice!

First, starting from the early morning, the two of them had to face the rising sun and escort a large amount of milk, trekking thousands of miles.

And on the way to escort the milk, there were all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, such as single-plank bridges, mountains, rivers, and giant dinosaurs that were not enough to fill their teeth after eating both of them.

Then, Wu Tian ordered the two to plant and turn the soil for the farmers.

And the speed was also stipulated.

This made the two miserable.

Krillin almost turned his nails bald in order to turn the soil.

Rather than saying it was practice, it was better to say that they were working for countless people from beginning to end, plowing and hoeing the land, and even moving huge stones like hills.

After that, the rules set by Wu Tian for them were: work hard!

Study hard!

Eat normally!

Have a good rest!

And have fun!

This is the practice of Master Roshi!

The reason why they undergo such brutal training is to participate in a martial arts competition called"The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament".

In this tournament, martial artists from all over the world will come to participate.

The person who wins in the end will be awarded the title of the best in the world!

Soon, as the martial arts tournament approaches.

Their practice journey finally came to a successful conclusion, and finally, they arrived at the competition site with the car!

Looking at the many masters in the audience.

An old man in red clothes, with white beard and white hair, held a microphone and explained loudly:

"Today is the world's number one martial arts tournament held once every five years!"

"Thank you to all the heroes who have come here from thousands of miles away. It’s really hard work for you all!"

"These 137 masters have gathered from all over the country, but only eight of them can truly decide the final victory or defeat!"

"In order to select eight people, we have to hold a preliminary round first!"

Listening to the old man's lecture,

Klin was also very shocked.

After all, the people around him were large, with muscular bodies that were terribly developed, and their eyes were unkind. Just one look at them made him tremble.

At this moment, he almost doubted his life:

"I didn’t expect there would be 137 monsters like this!"

"It's really terrifying!"

After introducing the content of the conference, the old man began to explain the rules:

"First of all, the preliminary round is divided into four areas, and the last two people in each area will qualify!"

"As for the rules of the competition, it is a one-on-one fight on the ring. If you fall out of the ring or faint, you lose!"

"And the game only lasts one minute!"

"If the winner is still undecided, the referee will announce the final winner!"

Of course, this rule is also to prevent those who delay the time from going on stage.

Although it seems a bit strange at first glance, it is quite reasonable if you think about it carefully!

After the rules were explained

, everyone present began to draw lots!

In the draw, Krillin drew number 93, and Goku drew number 70!

This also means that these two people were assigned to the third area!

Because the game time is only one minute, the battlefield changes quickly.

Not long after, it was Goku's turn to go on stage!

But when the contestants saw the true appearance of number 70, they were all stunned:

"What, that little kid wants to appear too?"

"Damn, the guy No. 69 got the upper hand, there's no need to fight!"

After hearing their words, there was a burst of laughter from the audience, as if they agreed with their point of view.

As for Yamcha from the second district, he was also attracted by the sound, wanting to see what Wukong had learned from Master Wu Tian during this period!

As for Wukong's opponent, he was a muscular man who was at least dozens of times bigger than him!

After seeing Wukong, he said with disdain:

"what the hell!"

"Even if we win against such an opponent, it will not be glorious at all!"

As the referee read out the order, the duel officially began.


【Alien chat group】

【Lu Linglong: I remember that before Wukong started practicing, he could have knocked over a monster of this size with one kick!】

【Zhang Chulan: If you underestimate this guy, you will pay the price!】

【Wang Ye: I feel that this is a standard start to a cool novel, a perfect example of playing the pig and eating the tiger. Those who mock the little guy will never imagine what a terrifying creature they are facing!】

【Zhuge Qing: Actually, I think that there is no need to compete in the third zone. The little guy will definitely qualify first. The bald guy without a nose should not be too weak either. The two places are directly decided! 】

It is obvious that everyone is more optimistic about Wukong in this battle.

People who don’t know him may just think he is a child.

But in fact, this guy has been a ruthless person since he first appeared, chasing dinosaurs and even kicking over cars!

Bai Shixue even sent a series of voice messages:

【Come on, little one, kick this stupid big guy over!】

【See who dares to look down on you! 】

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