When the game started, the strong man was still talking nonsense:

"Humph, I don't even need a minute to beat you, little brat!"

But Wukong was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Instead, he stepped on the ground with both feet and rushed straight over.

He passed behind him at lightning speed, leaving the big man empty-handed.

Seeing that the other party hadn't reacted yet, Wukong didn't attack him by surprise, but stretched out his finger and gently tapped the waist of the big guy:

"Hey, I'm here!"

However, in front of everyone.

Before everyone could react

, the big guy seemed to be unstable and couldn't stand up. He actually rushed forward and finally fell out of the field.

Seeing this scene, the referee was also obviously stunned.

Then he announced:

"Congratulations to contestant No. 70 for winning!"

The other contestants below were still in a daze:

"What's going on? What happened just now?"

Then someone answered:

"That guy must have lost his balance and fell down!"

Seeing this, the others also started to complain:

"What? So this is what it is like!"

"This guy is so stupid, he can't even win!"

""Alas, hopelessly stupid!"

Even Krillin thought that the big guy had fallen down by himself, so he rushed to Wukong to congratulate him.

However, no one heard him.

The first thing the big guy said after falling down was:

"It hurts!"


【Alien chat group】

【Ma Xianhong: This guy is so stupid. Wukong’s training targets are boulders weighing thousands of pounds every day. Why are you, a person weighing hundreds of pounds, joining in the fun?】

【Zhuge Qing: But... I think it's still too exaggerated. The little guy just touched him lightly just now, is it that painful?】

【Feng Baobao: This idiot is quite strong!】

【Lu Linglong: How could this be? Is this the One Finger Zen of the Dali Duan family? I can’t understand it, but I am deeply shocked!】

【Feng Xingtong: Can the training they received during this period make them so strong? So what are the principles behind this training?】

【Jia Zhengliang: I understand, Mom. I will come back to farm the land tomorrow. I finally understand why you said that farming the land is the fastest way to improve your strength!】

【Feng Shayan: Although, do you think there is a possibility that your mother just lacks labor, so she sent you back! 】

Seeing the scene in the video, the little guy pushed the big guy off the field with just one finger.

As the boss of Lujia Village.

Lu Ci also fell into deep thought.

In fact, what the little guy did just now was a bit similar to his Lu family's unique Ruyi Jin, both of which are to gather the strength of the whole body and then concentrate on one point to hit out.

But even with his ability, at most he can only concentrate the power on his fist, but he can't concentrate the power on his fingertips like this little guy.

Or rather, he didn't concentrate the power at all.

And the power of his original fingers is so outrageous!

For a moment, even the arrogant Lu Fenggou couldn't help but look up to this little guy.

This kid is a bit scary!


If the first time was an accident, then every game that Wukong played would give a loud slap in the face to those who looked down on him.

At the beginning, many players mocked him because he was short and looked like a child.

Some even felt that it was not glorious to win against such a child, just like the first player. But as soon as they started fighting , the group of people had not reacted yet.

Their bodies flew backwards one after another.

Some fell off the field, some were kicked out of the wall, and some even passed through the thick wall after being kicked by him, and were then carried into the ambulance on a stretcher.

It is worth mentioning that not only Wukong was able to completely crush the players in the entire Zone 3, but even Krillin burst out with unprecedented strength. He even kicked his senior brother who looked down on him in Shaolin Temple and sent him flying out of the field.

Perhaps as Zhuge Qing said before, there is no need to compete in Zone 3 anymore, because the two qualifying places in Zone 3 have been decided at this moment!

Of course, there are always people who are blind.

In the final round of Zone 3.

Wukong's opponent was a warrior wearing a martial arts robe. He looked ordinary, but his eyes were sharp.

However, the fact that he could make it to the finals showed his strength.

But when the referee told both players to prepare, he saw Wukong's fighting posture.

He secretly complained:

"My Lion Fang style will never lose to a little devil!"

"By the way, this kid has a terrible fighting posture, his whole body is full of flaws, how did he make it to the finals with such ability!"

When the referee shouted the start!

The Taoist warrior roared, gritted his teeth and rushed forward, as if he wanted to decide the outcome with one blow.

But the next second, he froze in place:

"How could it disappear?"

Yes, right in front of everyone, Wukong's figure disappeared out of thin air.

But then, a voice sounded from above:

"I'm here!"

Hearing this voice, the Taoist dancer looked up and found that the other party had run on top of him and was diving towards him.

So he immediately stood up and dodged, and then he escaped the attack safely.

But then, Wukong rushed over again, and then tripped him, then hugged his feet and threw him out.

Then he made a victory gesture to Krillin:

"Haha, I won!"

Seeing this scene, the referee also announced on the spot:

"It's over, contestant No. 70 won the final victory!"

Seeing such a little kid actually win the final victory of the third group, the people below were so shocked that they were dumbfounded.

Some people even rubbed their eyes, as if they couldn't believe what they saw!

On the other hand, facing a black bear that was ten times larger than him, Krillin also made the final decision with one kick, and advanced to the finals with Goku.

It was also because of their performance.

From that day on, the three groups of contestants in the world's number one martial arts tournament would never look down on anyone again, and finally understood the truth that there is always a mountain higher than another!


【Alien Live Room】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: You are worthy of being my disciple, you are really amazing. Haha, does anyone want to sign up for martial arts training from me now? Two hundred per person! 】

It’s a pity that his words were selectively ignored by everyone.

【Xu San: I finally understand. In this conference, the bigger you are, the less useful it is. It’s better to be short and strong!】

【Zhang Chulan: But this guy is really fierce, and judging by his movements, he is much more flexible than before, and even has increased in strength. He is indeed a martial arts genius!】

【Zhuge Qing: I feel that the little guy should be able to win in the end! 】

However, some people do not think so

【Wang Ye: Having said that, don’t be too confident. After all, this is the world’s number one martial arts conference, and there will always be masters!】

【Feng Shayan: Indeed, I just took a look at the contestants. It can be said that the other eight contestants all have unique skills and are indeed not easy to defeat!】

【Feng Xingtong: Haha, what the elder sister said is right. Even this little guy will have a hard fight next! 】

At this time in the video.

With the end of the preliminary round, the inner stadium was officially closed.

As for the final venue of the martial arts competition, it was placed on the outdoor stage to facilitate the audience to see the performance of the warriors more clearly.

And looking around, these players who entered the top eight are indeed as the Feng siblings said, not only in different forms, but also look very powerful.

It is true that they are not easy to mess with...!

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