Among the top eight, the No. 1 contestant was also a big guy, codenamed Barbarian.

But unlike other big guys, there was not a single clean spot on his body, as if he had not showered for years.

His teeth were black and yellow, and drool was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Just looking at him made people want to vomit.

Wherever he appeared, people covered their mouths and noses, as if they would suffocate if they smelled him for one more second!


The second contestant was named Nanwu. He was a monk with a white cloth wrapped around his head and a dark body. He looked like an ascetic monk and was from a tropical region.

Although he looked ordinary, his sharp eyes revealed that he was definitely a martial artist. He was also a character that was not easy to mess with!


The third contestant is called Jilan, a blue-green flying dragon. He is an alien to humans, so he has a natural sense of oppression.

The key is that this guy can fly.

Therefore, you can't throw him out of the field when fighting him. I'm afraid you have to completely defeat him to win the competition!


The fourth contestant is Lan Fang, a girl with purple hair, a great figure and a pretty face.

As for her fighting ability, it is still unknown.


The fifth contestant, Jackie Chan, is also the most mysterious one.

He is an old man who seems to be very old. His white beard and his hands behind his back all the time make him look like a tough guy.

But the contradiction is that such an old man has made it to the quarterfinals without any signs of injury. This is enough to show that he is not easy to deal with!


The other three are Goku, Krillin and Yamcha.


According to the competition rules, the eight contestants will be divided into two groups, using a one-on-one mode, with one party advancing and the other party being eliminated, and the final champion of the world's number one martial arts tournament will be decided!

Then, according to the yellow-brown-haired host, everyone will draw lots first.

And according to the result of the draw, the eight groups are also officially displayed.

They are:

Group 1: Krillin vs. Barbarian!

Group 2: Yamcha vs. Jackie Chan!

Group 3: Namo vs. Lan Fang!

Group 4: Goku vs. Kiran!

At the same time, the host once again stated the rules.

Compared with the preliminaries, the finals have no time limit. The opponent is also considered a winner if he flies out of the field, falls to the ground and cannot get up, or voluntarily admits defeat.

However, he also emphasized two points.

That is, in the game, anyone who attacks the eyes and genitals is considered a foul, and the offender is directly eliminated!

Soon, the host came to the ring and began to read out the order of the game to the audience.

And the audience below also cheered for this.

At this point, the quarterfinals of the world's number one martial arts tournament officially began!


【Alien Live Room】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: The bets have been placed. Come and guess who will win these four games. If a girl loses, she has to come to my room in the middle of the night!】

【(Dragon Ball) Wu Long: My conditions are the same as the one above! (Smirk)】

【Zhuge Qing: Old man, do you think I'm stupid? In your world, this is all a thing of the past. You already knew the outcome. No matter who bets with you, aren't you sure to win?】

【(Dragon Ball) Bulma: That’s right, you old pervert, do you think everyone has the same IQ as you?】

【Zhang Chulan: Anyway, I'm not really worried about Wukong, but I'm a little worried about that bald guy! (smirk)】

【Wang Ye: Your worries are unnecessary!】

【Zhang Chulan: What do you mean? Don’t you think that Junk King is scary?】

【Wang Ye: That tattered king is indeed scary, but it is the easiest for Krillin to beat him, because... Krillin has no nose!】

【Zhang Zhiwei: Don’t underestimate anyone. No one who can make it to the quarterfinals is a small character!】

【Zhi Jinhua: According to my current inference, the old man should be one of the biggest obstacles to Wukong. Secondly, the woman with purple hair also looks very mysterious and may be difficult to deal with!】

【Feng Baobao: But why does this old man named Jackie Chan look so familiar?】

【Lu Linglong: Come on, little one, our fan club will always support you!】


The video continues...

Although Krillin does not have a nose.

But unfortunately, he can still smell.

So in the first game, he was tortured by the barbarians.

Just seeing this scene.

Many aliens not only did not have any sympathy, but also felt like laughing.

That is to say... human joys and sorrows are indeed incomparable.

Fortunately, Krillin finally ended the battle without any danger and won his first victory.

The second game was even more exciting, and it also indirectly proved the value of the world's number one martial arts tournament.

Even Yamcha, who was able to tie with Wukong when he first appeared, was defeated by the old man named Jackie Chan in just a few moves.

Similarly, through this martial arts tournament, the aliens also saw the diversity of species.

For example, in the third game!

The woman who was originally predicted by Zhijinhua to be a threat to Wukong was indeed extraordinary.

Because his means of competition was... seduction!

In the end, for the victory.

She didn't even have a few pieces of cloth left on her body.

It's a pity that she seduced a monk, and this scene also made everyone laugh and cry.

【Lu Linglong: Hahaha, Huaer, you finally got slapped in the face!】

【Zhi Jinhua: Tsk, it’s just a mistake, but at least my prediction was half right. Just you see, that old man is definitely a stumbling block on Goku’s road to winning the championship!】

【Zhuge Qing: In fact, it’s mainly because this woman is unlucky. If an old man in our group participated in the competition and met her, it would be a wonderful match!】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: I suspect you are implying something about me, but I have no evidence!】

【Wang Ye: But to be honest, if Jackie Chan can kill Yamcha so easily, it will be difficult for Goku to get the upper hand from him!】

【Bai Shixue: Okay, everyone, concentrate on watching the game, Wukong's game is about to start! 】

With Bai Shixue's reminder

, everyone realized that the horn for the fourth game had already sounded.

The host announced:

"Well, after the fierce competition in the first three games"

"Now, the opponents for the fourth game are Player Kiran and Player Goku!"

"Now, please invite these two contestants to the stage!"

When the host finished speaking, the huge fierce dragon Jilan stepped onto the stage. The terrifying sense of oppression made the audience shrink, and it formed a sharp contrast with the cute Wukong!

When he stepped onto the stage, he looked up to the sky and roared. The aura emanating from his body frightened everyone present.

It seems that this will also be Wukong's first powerful opponent in the world's number one martial arts tournament!

At this time, in the villa of the famous Lu family.

Seeing this scene, Lu Linglong, who has always described herself as the number one fan of Xiaobutian, was nervous. She stared at the big screen and bit her fingers subconsciously. She kept muttering in her heart:

【Come on, Goku!】

【Don't lose to this big guy. I want to see you reach the finals and win the final championship.……!】

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