But Wukong's mentality is really good.

Even facing this strong player, he is still calm and even greets everyone. His smile is so cute:

"Good afternoon, my name is Goku, hello everyone!"

Bulma also cooperated and shouted from below:

"Come on, Goku!"

"That guy must be vulnerable!"

Unfortunately, she was probably the only one who thought so.

Except for those who had a good relationship with Wukong and kept cheering for him, the others did not think highly of this kid. Instead, they were more optimistic about the evil dragon fighting with him.

At the same time, they were discussing:

"There is no suspense in this game!"

"During the preliminaries, I watched the performance of player Kiran. He basically crushed any opponent he faced. His strength is truly incomparable to that of humans!"

"So, isn't that kid in danger?"

"Fortunately, the martial arts tournament does not allow for life-threatening situations, otherwise I really would not have the heart to continue watching!"

But it is true.

Whether in terms of size or intimidation, Kiran is obviously more terrifying than the kind and lovely Goku!

After everyone below quieted down, the referee raised the microphone again and said:

"Okay, then next, game four!"

"Officially opened……!"

However, before he could say the word"start", there was a sudden thunder and lightning in the sky, followed by a heavy rain.

The audience in the stadium also fled in all directions because of the heavy rain.

Helplessly, the host had to announce the postponement of the game.

At this time, in the shelter from the rain, several of Klin's brothers, the monks who looked like gangsters, were sitting in the winery, drinking and discussing this event.

At this time, Killan, wearing a raincoat, came over and said to the boss:

""Boss, please give me a glass of milk!"

As he spoke, he placed a huge cup on the table.

However, this was ridiculed by the monks around him:

"Look, he actually drinks milk!"

"Hahaha, that’s so funny!"

"Such a big cup, guess who he is showing it to!"

Originally, Jilan didn't bother to care about such a small matter. But at this moment, the senior brother who was defeated by Krillin ran in, but because he didn't look at the road, he accidentally stepped on Jilan's tail and fell to the ground.

He was angry because he lost to Krillin before, but the game was settled and he had no place to make a fuss.

Seeing this blind man tripping him, he not only didn't apologize, but also provoked:

"You, don’t you know how to put your tail away?"

"Oh, I remember the next game is yours, right? So what?"

"In a boring martial arts tournament like this, winning the championship is meaningless?"

After saying that, he actually chopped it with a knife.

Although Jilan was huge, he was surprisingly flexible.

Facing this knife, he easily dodged it and replied calmly:

"You, a piece of trash, can probably live 0.1 second longer than them!"

Then he drank the milk in one gulp.

Then he asked the merchant to pour more milk.

After that, he started to attack the monks violently without any hesitation.

Even when facing the powerful Shaolin Temple, he still punched and kicked them, knocking them to the ground one after another.

His speed was so fast that other people present were dazzled.

And just after he dealt with this group of people, the store owner had just poured the milk.

In other words, in just pouring a glass of milk, he easily knocked down a group of Shaolin Temple disciples. His strength can be said to have reached a terrifying level!

But facing such a monster.

Wukong was not afraid, but full of confidence.

Perhaps in his eyes, only with such a powerful monster as an opponent, his practice would be more meaningful!

【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: I've taken off my pants, why are you showing me this?】

【Wang Ye: The weather was fine, why did it start to rain? It's such a bummer!】

【Lu Linglong: This dragon is really powerful. He beat up those people from Shaolin Temple with just a wave of his hand. This is truly the worst time that Shaolin Temple has been slandered!】

【Feng Xingtong: But we can’t blame the dragon, it was clearly those people who took the initiative to provoke him, he deserved to be beaten up!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: He just wants to drink a glass of milk, what's wrong with that?】

【Zhi Jinhua: But I think that little one has met his match this time!】


Soon, the rain stopped and the sky cleared up. And the fourth game officially arrived as scheduled!

But this dragon was indeed a bit unsportsmanlike.

As soon as the host blew the whistle, he swung his tail and shot Wukong directly into the wall.

But for Wukong who was immune to bullets, this little damage was not worth mentioning.

So after landing, he immediately stood up as if nothing had happened.

This scene also stunned the host:

"I really...I can’t believe it!"

"Even the brick and tile walls were cracked, but Mr. Sun was safe and sound!"

"His physique is really strong!"

Similarly, the dinosaur also widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

You know, just now he had knocked down all those people from Shaolin Temple with one punch each, but after this blow from him, the child was not hurt at all!

How is this possible!

But before he could react.

Wukong also made a move.

After a few moves, he relied on his agile body to move left and right, and finally punched the opponent in the abdomen, making him foam at the mouth.

Then he hugged his tail, exerted a sudden force, and threw him out!

The audience was shocked.

Could it be that there will be a dark horse in this martial arts conference?

What a pity.

As a dragon, Jilan has the ability to fly, so he flapped his wings like this and flew back, and finally landed on the ring.

【Lu Linglong: Cheating, this dragon is definitely cheating, red card!】

【Zhuge Qing: Sister, do you think you are playing football? Why don’t you give him a lifetime ban?】

【Wang Zhenqiu: But to be honest, this is indeed unethical. If throwing him out of the field doesn't work, then we have to knock him out! 】

How easy is it to knock out such a big dragon?

Based on the experience just now, Jiran knew that he would definitely not be a match for Wukong if he just fought hard.

So he took advantage of his unpreparedness and opened his mouth.

The next second, a blue thing gushed out and wrapped around the opponent.

Then, this thing changed shape.

It turned into a purple rubber ring that bound his body!

This thing is very elastic and belongs to the softest thing. No matter how hard Wukong tried, he couldn't get rid of it.

For a while, the battle situation fell into a passive position again.

Seeing that the means succeeded, the big dragon laughed:

"Hahaha, no one can break free from my rubber ring!"

"Now you're like a rag doll"

""Let me do whatever I want to you!"

As he spoke, he walked over step by step.

Under this heavyweight step, the entire martial arts arena began to shake.

"Go ahead!"

He raised his hand and took advantage of Wukong's inability to move, lifted him up high, as if he wanted to throw him out of the ring!

Seeing this, the referee also explained nervously:

"It’s over, now Contestant Sun is officially unable to move!"

"Once he is thrown out, he will lose the game!"

"There is absolutely no way he can win this match!"

And just as he said.

Jilan grinned, and then threw him hard.

He actually threw him out of the field!

But before the aliens could complain, another message suddenly popped up in the group:

【Dragon Ball World: Krillin joins the group chat! 】

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