Facing this new friend, everyone in the alien world also greeted him politely:

【Zhang Chulan: Oh, isn’t this the bald guy with no nose? I’ve heard of you for a long time! (cheap)】

【Feng Baobao: I think it should be braised egg!】

【Lu Linglong: Don't talk, you tell me about the bald bald man, you can win or lose. If he lost, I will cross this stink dragon now!]

As for Klin, what is the situation? I came out of a group of information. I just went in

, but I was called bald and halogen.

【I remember he won, but I forgot how he won! 】

But the next second, the system issued a notification:

【Klin gave away spoilers for the upcoming plot, suspected of violating regulations and is banned for twelve hours!】

【Lu Linglong: Poof, that's miserable!

Fortunately, knowing that Little Bit would win, she was relieved.

But she was more curious about how Little Bit would turn defeat into victory in this situation. He had been thrown out, could he still fly back with wings?

However, the facts proved that he could indeed fly back.

But he didn't rely on wings, but on the somersault cloud!

When he was thrown out, Wukong was completely confused. Fortunately, when he was about to land, he seemed to suddenly think of something and shouted:

"Come on, somersault cloud!"

Seeing a yellow cloud catch Wukong and send him back, all the audience exclaimed again.

Jilan pointed directly at the other party and reported:

"Hey, there is no such thing!"

"Isn't it against the rules of the game to use props?"

Wukong also has a reason for this:

"Didn’t you fly back from the sky?"

"And this ghost circle has tied me up for so long, so it should count as well!"

Hearing the other party's rebuttal, Jilan's face was full of anger:

"You have to understand that I fly with my own body, and the rubber ring is also spit out from my mouth, what does it have to do with the foul?"

Finally, the referees reached a consensus after some discussion, and the host read out the final decision:

"Everyone please be patient!"

"The judging panel and the curator just had a discussion and decided that this was a special case and that contestant Sun’s use of the cloud was not a foul!"

"However, there is only one exception. If he uses the cloud again for the second time, he will lose the game!"

Hearing this, Jilan laughed again:

"Hahaha, you're done!"

Seeing this scene, Krillin and Yamcha, who were lying on the wall, looked at each other and said worriedly:


"If he is thrown out again this time, isn't he doomed?"

But just as Jiran raised his fist, ready to punch Wukong out of the arena, he found that he didn't hit anything.

In fact, the little guy disappeared right in front of him!


"He's there!"

Seeing the audience below pointing at his arm, Jiran raised his hand and looked, but was stunned again.

Because at this time, Wukong was hanging on his arm like a monkey.

And his tail, which was cut off last time, miraculously grew out again!

It also saved his life at the critical moment!

"Ah, it's the tail!"

"I have my tail back, it's awesome!"

"But, I have to break free of this thing!"

Although he was no longer in danger of being thrown out,

Wukong was still worried about the rubber ring on his body. If he continued to hang it on him, he would not be able to win.

So he gritted his teeth and seemed to have used all his strength. After struggling for several seconds, he finally broke free of the rubber ring.

Without the restraint of this broken thing, Wukong was extremely happy to regain his freedom. While exercising his body, he kicked out and actually knocked down the wall behind the martial arts field on the spot!

Seeing this scene, the people in the organizing committee were bleeding in their hearts.

Damn, this is the wall we just built!

Are you polite?

But the destructive power of this little thing, It is indeed so terrifying!

On the other side, Jilan was completely stunned at this time.

He kept thinking about a question in his mind.

That is, where did this guy come from?

How come he has a tail?

Is he a human or a monster?

Especially when he broke free from the collar, Jilan's heart was even more shocked.

Because this is the first time someone has broken free from his rubber ring.

But if this thing is useless to him, what other means do he have to win?

Forget it, just surrender!

After all, surrendering is half the battle!

After going through this psychological process, when facing the fighting-intent Goku, he silently raised the small white flag and said:

"Sorry, I give up!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was hurt by his tricks.

Even Wukong fell on the spot.

This dragon doesn't play by the rules!


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: The little guy said, what if you have wings, I still have a tail, you talk as if no one is a normal person!】

【Bai Shixue: Suddenly I think this big dragon is quite cute!】

【Xiao Zizai: Haha, interesting man!】

【Zhang Chulan: This guy seems quite cowardly, but he is still slightly inferior to me!】

【Lu Linglong: This guy is quite sensible. However, the reason why he surrendered voluntarily is also because my little one is very powerful. He beat the dragon so hard that he didn't even have any temper. The little one is so domineering!】

【Xiao Xiao: That’s true. Even though this battle lasted for such a long time, if the dragon didn’t have wings and couldn’t spit out rubber rings, he would be no match at all!】

【Feng Baobao: This idiot, I am finding it increasingly difficult to understand him!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: I am really getting more and more interested in this kid. By the way, is Xia Yu here? Being a security guard is not suitable for you. Are you interested in being a temporary worker? I will recommend someone to you! @夏宇】

【Xia Yu: Sorry, I just want to give up, next one! 】

Seeing Wukong's reincarnation body come out, the group chat exploded

【Lu Linglong: Wow, my idol, you’re out. I’m your number one fan. You must remember me. I’m going to ask you for your autograph right now!】

【Zhi Jinhua: Xia Yu, can we have a meal together? I have some questions I want to ask you!】


On the other hand, the headquarters is connected everywhere.

In addition to being half the head of the branch, Xu San is actually an intelligence officer himself, and is very good at analyzing data.

However, looking at Xia Yu in the computer and the information of his previous life, Sun Wukong, the former fell into deep thought.

""Three, how is it, is there any new progress?"

With the sound of the door being pushed open,

Xu Si came in with a hand-pulled pancake and asked while eating.

But Xu San shook his head and said seriously:

"I can analyze the data of most of the aliens!"

"But this little thing is really giving me a headache!"

After saying that, he turned the computer over and pointed at the data on it and said:

"In the world of extraordinary people, no matter how talented a person is, there is always an upper limit!"

"But this little guy, from his debut till now, his strength improvement seems to have no limit, you never know where his upper limit is"

"Or, this person has no upper limit at all!"

As a brother, Xu Si had not heard him praise someone so much for a long time.

At the same time, he roughly guessed Xu San's intention.

So he asked:

"So, are you planning to let him share the baby's work?"

"But... it's time to do this. Bao Bao has been working as a temporary worker, but she rarely does anything. We need someone with strong abilities to assist her, so that we can avoid suspicion from the headquarters!"

Then, he threw out a century-old problem:

"But the key is, how should you tell Xia Yu about this kind of thing? He has already rejected Wang Zhenqiu once.……!"

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