While the Xu brothers were thinking about how to persuade Xia Yu, the chat group fell into a dead silence.

Because they never expected that

Wukong would lose.

That's right, after successfully winning the semi-finals, he was only a hair's breadth away from the final victory in the duel with Jackie Chan!

When Jackie Chan's identity was officially revealed, it turned out to be Master Wu Tian, who was also the master of Little Bit.

The aliens could not sit still for a moment:

【Lu Linglong: @Turtle Hermit, you old man, come out here and tell me why you are stopping my little one from winning the championship. Please give me a reasonable explanation!】

【Zhuge Qing: @Turtle Hermit, you are so disrespectful to your elders that you actually fight with your own disciple. You have such a shame!】

【Zhang Chulan: (covering his mouth and laughing) The most important thing is, you almost didn’t beat your apprentice!】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: What do you know? I am helping him practice. If he doesn't meet a stronger opponent, he will never make progress! 】

After this, the other people felt that what he said made some sense. After all, for now, Master Roshi can indeed be called the world's number one martial artist, and Goku, as his apprentice, can actually fight on equal terms with his master. He even almost won the final victory.

This is enough to prove that the little guy will definitely achieve great things in the future.

【Lu Linglong: Forget it, since you are so sincere, I won’t bother about it.】

【Wang Ye: And the final match was really exciting, with every punch hitting the target. We were also able to learn a lot from their combat experience!】

【Zhi Jinhua: It was wonderful, but Master Roshi was really pitiful. Although he won so much bonus, he couldn’t even afford a dinner for the little one. So after rounding off, the little one still won!】

【Canglong: Sympathize with the old turtle for a second, then laugh out loud, hahahaha! 】

When they thought of the last scene, they wanted to laugh.

At the same time, they were also shocked by Wukong's appetite!

It is normal for humans to fall into hunger after a fight.

But I didn't expect that the little guy's appetite was so terrifying that he actually ate Master Turtle out of money.

This is really a tit-for-tat!

Moreover, although this master is greedy for money and lustful, at least he is absolutely sincere to Wukong!

Similarly, in the last master-disciple duel.

After learning the truth.

The aliens did feel a sense of warmth... and the story continues.

Perhaps for Wukong, traveling around, meeting more people, and experiencing more things is the best practice.

Including dealing with the Red Ribbon Army.

And meeting Upa and his father.

Similarly, when the person he cares about dies, Wukong also feels for the first time what grief and anger are!

The man named Tao Paibai who killed Upa's father naturally became the first person Wukong really wanted to kill.

Likewise, his strength also made Goku, who had never desired anything, start to actively want to become stronger!


【Alien chat group】

【Lu Linglong: This Tao Baibai is so abominable. He actually killed the girl's father in front of her. This is simply unforgivable! 】

Perhaps because she had the same experience as this little girl, Lu Linglong has a strong ability to empathize with others, and seems to really put herself in their shoes.

【Zhuge Qing: After this incident, the little one will probably change!】

【Zhang Chulan: This is the first time I see an innocent person being killed. I believe that Wukong will grow a lot because of this incident!】

【Feng Baobao: This Tao Baibai is so bad!】

【Zhang Lingyu: But he is really strong. The little one was at a disadvantage when he faced him for the first time, but I think he is not someone who gives up easily! 】

As Zhang Lingyu said, after Wukong tasted the taste of failure for the first time, he was not discouraged.

Instead, he successfully climbed the Karin Tower with the following opportunities and efforts, and got holy water from Karin God, who looked like a cat.

After drinking it, his strength was greatly improved.

Similarly, it was also the first time that he developed a new tactic when facing Tao Paibai.

That is, get beaten first.

In order to detect the opponent's strength.

Then, according to the results of his own detection, he fought with the opponent, so that he could know himself and the enemy, and win every battle! However, when he was beaten, the little girl Wupa next to him kept wiping tears. In the end, she didn't even dare to watch the battle scene, for fear that her brother Wukong would be beaten to death.

But fortunately, in the subsequent battles, Wukong crushed Tao Paibai throughout the whole process.

After that, he started to go to the Red Ribbon Army alone, and sent the mastermind to the west.

At the beginning, Wukong had promised to revive Upa's father.

So in order to fulfill this promise, he once again embarked on a journey to find the Dragon Ball.


【Xiao Xiao: No wonder this world is called the Dragon Ball World. It turns out that the origin of everything is inseparable from these seven dragon balls!】

【Yun: But then again, what is the origin of Dragon Ball? It can’t be that it was naturally generated!】

【Lu Linglong: Who cares? Don't you think this little guy is so handsome? 】

Facing a little girl who has no relationship with him, Wukong went through all kinds of hardships just to find the dragon ball and help her fulfill her wish.

But he himself got nothing.

This is really a great love!

Similarly, this is also the first thing that touched her from the heart besides his cute appearance and strong strength.

【Zhuge Qing: Although I admire him very much, it is not that he gained nothing in the following journey, because all this is also a great improvement to his state of mind!】

【Wang Ye: That’s right, isn’t that what the path of spiritual practice is all about? It’s full of twists and turns, but there are many rewards!】

【Zhi Jinhua: Having said that, it is not easy for him to fulfill the little girl’s wish!】


The fact is just as she expected.

In order to find the whereabouts of the Dragon Ball, the Kame-senryu, headed by Goku, even found the legendary fortune-teller.

This fortune-teller has a fortune-telling crystal, which is said to be able to predict everything you want to see.

But she has a condition.

That is, if you want her to tell fortunes, you have to defeat her five warriors.

The first two warriors, one is a vampire bat, and the other is an invisible fighter. These were defeated by the Kame-senryu with strategies.

And it is worth mentioning that

Krillin is really terribly smart in some unorthodox places.

When facing the second invisible man, seeing Yamcha being beaten out of thin air, his eyes turned, as if he suddenly had a plan, and immediately asked Goku to bring Mr. Muten and Bulma over.

Goku didn't know what he meant.

But he did it anyway.

When these two key figures arrived, Krillin also deliberately arranged their positions so that Bulma faced Mr. Muten directly, and Mr. Muten looked up and faced the ring.

Just when Yamcha couldn't resist and was about to lose,

Krillin shouted:

"The opportunity has come!"

Then, at lightning speed, he lifted up Bulma's pink skirt.

Shocked by this scene, Mr. Wu Tian's nose immediately bleeds, and then he sprays out, spraying the invisible man all over his body according to the angle of his head.

After being rendered by this blood, the invisible man's invisibility technique instantly failed.

Then he was beaten up by Yamcha.

In the end, he was defeated and eliminated.

When the alien world saw this famous scene, the chat group was silent for a few seconds, and then exploded again as before:

【Zhuge Qing: Luckily I was quick and took a screenshot this time!】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: Dear friend above, please remember to send me a screenshot, and I will definitely reward you handsomely!】

【Zhang Chulan: @Kelin, you are such a talent, I don’t know what to say!】

【(Dragon Ball) Krillin: This is all wisdom! 】

Bulma blushed again, and even trembled in the group, not daring to say a word.

In his heart, he even began to think that he would smash this big screen one day.

This thing actually exposed himself completely, how abominable!

What is his intention...!

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