If the above battles were the result of the joint efforts of all the people, then the next battle would be a complete solo show of Goku.

When facing the mummy who beat up Yamcha,

Goku showed even more terrifying strength in the face of his attack, and even shocked Master Wu Tian, who had not seen him for a long time.

When facing the fourth powerful opponent, Devilman, he beat the opponent so hard that he could not fight back in the early stage.

After being beaten

, Devilman had no choice but to use his legendary trick, Devil Ray, to turn defeat into victory.

This skill, called Devil Ray, is characterized by the ability to infinitely magnify a person's inner desires and greed, and let it gradually expand until the body is completely blown up.

Therefore, anyone who has greed in his heart will die after being hit by this move!

Unfortunately, he ran into Goku.

After using it twice in a row, he realized that the child he was facing had no evil desires in his heart, and was extremely clean and pure.

Seeing this scene, the aliens were relieved.

【Bai Shixue: I was scared to death. I thought the little one was finished. After all, who can guarantee that there is no desire in his heart?】

【Lu Linglong: That’s why I say that my little one is a prodigy that only appears once in a century. He is a person with completely pure six senses, otherwise how could he be able to control the somersault cloud?】

【Xu San: But I don’t know where this old woman found so many masters. The fourth one is already so strong, I wonder how strong the fifth one will be!】

【Xu Si: Speaking of which, although this move can't kill Wukong in one second, it can still kill a lustful old man in the group easily, don't you think? @龟仙人】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: Ahem, stop tagging me, just watch the fight! 】

In fact, just now, the fifth warrior has appeared.

He is an old man wearing a mask, with a white beard and a strange halo on his head.

Judging from his fighting skills, he is weaker than Goku. If the fight continues like this, Goku should be able to get the final victory.

But, this old man actually knows Goku's weakness.

Inadvertently, he seized the opportunity to go behind Goku and grabbed his tail.

As we all know.

Once Goku's tail is caught, his body will fall into a very weak state, and he won't even have the strength to fight back.

And the old man is also a ruthless person.

He grabbed Goku's tail and threw him back and forth on the stone ground.

Every time he threw him, he asked him:

"How about it, do you admit defeat or not?"

After getting a negative answer, the cycle repeated again.

The scene was so cruel that no one dared to continue watching.

But in the last throw, Wukong's tail broke into two pieces because the old man used too much force.

This proved that Wukong's weakness disappeared!

"You pissed me off, I'm really pissed!"

Being played around by the other party, Wukong was furious, and he walked towards the old man step by step, wanting to have a final duel with him.

But then, this wave of tricks blinded everyone's eyes.

Facing Wukong's anger, the old man laughed twice, and then said:

"I give up!"

He walked forward and said thoughtfully:

"Haha, it really is a nostalgic feeling!"

"Goku, you have become stronger!"

"I can’t believe you can cultivate to this level!"

"But you still neglected to train your tail, your weakness. You should pay attention to yourself!"

In fact, when Goku heard him say this , he already realized something.

Because the tail's weakness, apart from Yamcha who had fought with him before, even Master Wu Tian was unaware of it.

And since this person knew his weakness, then his identity could only be……

"Haha, you are such a useless kid. You only realized it now."

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the old man slowly took off his mask.

Then he showed a kind smile:

"I am your grandpa!"

Seeing this scene, even though Wukong had an absolutely strong heart, tears still welled up in his eyes.

Because to him, grandpa was the one who had accompanied him since he was a child, and was also his closest relative.

But soon, the tears in his eyes were wiped away, and turned into joy.

Looking at this familiar face,

Wukong could no longer bear it, so he ran over quickly and called out the long-lost name:

"Grandpa, Grandpa!"

When the grandfather and grandson hugged each other, everyone present was touched and showed relieved expressions.

At this moment, he was no longer a strong man, but completely turned into the little crybaby in his grandfather's arms.

This is reliance!

"Grandpa... Grandpa!"

Outside the ring.

Seeing this scene, Bulma also said with tears in her eyes:

"I never thought I would see Goku crying!"

Yamcha also sighed:

"No wonder, no matter how strong he is, he is still just a child after all!"

Upa said:

"Brother Wukong looks so happy."


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: It’s over, I, a tough guy, actually shed tears!】

【Zhi Jinhua: It’s okay, it’s not shameful. Just now when I went to find Linglong, I found that he had already used up two rolls of paper, and now the third roll is almost finished!】

【Lu Linglong: (feeling wronged) Hua'er, please don't say it, and I can't control myself, their family love is really touching! 】

Later, they heard the explanation of the fortune-teller.

They finally understood that Wukong's grandfather was not resurrected in the true sense, but because the fortune-teller had a special ability that allowed her to freely go back and forth between the human world and the underworld.

Many of the martial arts masters here were also brought here by him from the underworld.

In other words, this meeting was actually an interaction between life and death!

【Bai Shixue: Wuuuu, it makes me so sad to see the little one crying. The little pearls are falling down!】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: Cherish it. In fact, this time is the last time that Goku can cry freely!】

【Lu Linglong: Ah, why? Will he never encounter sad or happy things again in the future?】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: Not really, it’s just that Goku can’t cry anymore, and there’s no chance for him to cry, because what he has to face is his real responsibility! 】

In Master Roshi’s memory.

Before this, Goku was still a heartless person.

But after this, he truly understood the coldness of death, and what he had to face even if he cried bitterly.

So tears, something that can express people’s inner emotions, have become an unprecedented burden in his eyes.……


As for Wukong's future, the prediction given by the fortune-teller is: he is a person who can save the world!


With the help of the fortune-teller, everyone also determined the location of the last dragon ball.

After some efforts, they finally collected all seven dragon balls.

Wukong also successfully fulfilled his promise and made a solemn wish in front of the dragon, which was to revive Upa's father and reunite them.

This scene made everyone cry again.

After all, the sword of family affection is always the most powerful one!

【Lu Linglong: The little one is so tearful!】

【Wang Ye: In fact, people who practice cultivation, whether it is him or us, should have a kind and sincere heart while making themselves stronger. This is our best weapon!】

【Zhi Jinhua: I can only say that I hope everything goes well for the little one in the future! 】

As time goes by, the world's No. 1 martial arts tournament that Wukong and others have experienced before has officially arrived for the second time!

At the same time……


【Dragon Ball World: Tien Shinhan enters the live broadcast room!】

【Dragon Ball World: Jiaozi enters the live broadcast room! 】

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