However, everyone seems to be unfriendly to the new characters.

【Lu Linglong: Hello, system, please reply first, how did the villain get in?】

【Zhuge Qing: Sanyan, I advise you not to be too arrogant. If we were not outside the field, you would definitely not be a match for the little one!】

【Bai Shixue: The dumplings are pretty cute, but I can’t figure out their flaws!】

【Zhang Chulan: Cute as hell, he just kept attacking the little guy, this is simply a foul, are all of you in the Crane Immortal School so shameless? 】

Originally, they didn't think it was strange that this guy named Tien Shinhan made it to the finals.

Because this guy is really capable.

But when fighting with Wukong, this guy let another disciple of the Crane Immortal School, Jiaozi, attack Wukong countless times without doing anything.

This made the aliens present hate it:

【Zhang Chulan: This is the first time I realize that there are people who are even more despicable than me!】

【Canglong: Zhang Chulan has a very clear understanding of himself!】

【Zhang Lingyu: What kind of man are you if you don't dare to duel openly?���

【Lu Linglong: Despicable villain!】

【Wang Ye: Wait a minute, I feel like Tien Shinhan doesn’t seem to know that Jiaozi is helping from down there, and all this is guided by Hermit Crane!】

【Zhuge Qing: What immortal? Does he deserve to be called an immortal? He is just a sneak attack bastard. I don't even bother to scold him! 】

It was only after the subsequent development that everyone realized that

Wang Ye's guess was correct.

After Jiaozi made several moves, Tien Shinhan finally discovered that someone was secretly helping him, so he immediately scolded:

"Dumpling, stop it now!"

"I order you to stop!"

However, as his master, Crane Immortal was indifferent to his anger and instead said angrily:

"I am your master, obey my orders quickly and kill this guy!"

"Could it be that you are going to betray your master?"

""Have you forgotten that your uncle Tao Baibai was killed by this kid?"

These words seemed to suddenly wake up Tien Shinhan.

However, if he relied on external forces to win, this dishonorable thing would definitely insult the reputation of a martial artist that he had always pursued.

As the dark clouds in the sky changed, when the sun shone on his cheeks again, he withdrew his hand in front of everyone, and then spoke calmly:

"No, I can't take advantage of someone's misfortune!"

""Master, I'm sorry, I don't want to be a killer anymore, I want to be myself!"

Seeing that threatening Tien Shinhan was fruitless.

Even Jiaozi no longer listened to his orders.

Crane Hermit was so angry that he grabbed Jiaozi's neck with one hand, and even fell into a state of madness, as if he really wanted to crush his apprentice to death.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Roshi Hermit's instant Kamehameha wave blasted the troublemaker Crane Hermit out of the field, which saved Jiaozi's name and allowed the duel to continue.

After this battle, Tien Shinhan and Jiaozi officially betrayed their master.

Oh, no.

Strictly speaking, they are considered to have abandoned darkness and joined the light!

Seeing this scene, Goku also realized that he seemed to have misunderstood the muscular man in front of him. He was actually unaware of the fact that he was attacked.

So he smiled and apologized to him.

In the next game, without the interference of the outside world, the two of them fought heartily, and because of a blessing in disguise, they established an indescribable friendship.

It's a pity that.

In the end, Goku's luck was a little worse, which led to his loss of the game


【Alien chat group】

【Lu Linglong: You little brat is so pitiful, you’ve been the runner-up twice in a row. Don’t cry, give you a hug!】

【Zhi Jinhua: The key is that he shouldn't lose this time. If it weren't for Tien Shinhan who came to his senses and turned back, I would have hacked his phone and released his browsing history to the audience!】

【(Dragon Ball) Tien Shinhan: I really didn't dare to say anything just now. You guys are too scary. But considering that I have turned from evil to good, could you please stop scolding me?】

【(Dragon Ball) Jiaozi: That’s right, Tianjin is innocent!】

【Zhuge Qing: Forget it, since you have a good attitude in admitting your mistake, I won’t pursue it!】

【Bai Shixue: But you know what, it’s really cute to see the little one looking hungry and wanting to eat after the game!】

【Lu Linglong: Did you notice that after the little one landed, Kelin was the first to run over? I really envy their relationship. Huaer, you should learn from him! 】

For Lu Linglong, who is the king of children, there are two things he cherishes most in his life.

One is family affection, and the other is friendship.

So when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but shed tears on the spot!

If the two of them continue like this, it would be a precious friendship!

【Zhuge Qing: These two are really good brothers!

After saying that, he glanced at Zhuge Bai next to him and asked subconsciously.

Xiaobai, if one day I lose a battle and become exhausted, will you be the first one to find me?

But Zhuge Bai replied righteously:

"How is that possible? My brother won’t be beaten to a state of weakness by others!"

"You are the best in the world among the younger generation!"

If Zhuge Qing had heard such boasting, he would have been happy for a while.

Unfortunately, he couldn't be happy now.

Because if compared with the little guy in the Dragon Ball world, with his weak strength, it would be too embarrassing for his peers!


When the sun sets, the world's No. 1 martial arts tournament officially ends.

Tien Shinhan hands an envelope to Goku and says:

"This time, I just won by luck!"

"So, please take half of the bonus!"

But in response to his friendliness, Wukong smiled and replied:

"It’s okay, you can take it back!"

"Anyway, I don't know how to spend money, so it's useless to come!"

When asked by Master Kame what to do in the future,

Tien Shinhan smiled and shook his head, saying:

"Jiaozi and I have already been considered as betrayers of our sect!"

"Later, we will live somewhere else!"

In the end, Master Roshi made a smooth situation:

"Um... Let's have a meal together first, Goku, Tien Shinhan, you two must fill your stomachs, and then store your strength is the most urgent thing!" Tien Shinhan's heart seemed to be touched by their warm relationship. So he smiled:

"All right!"

"Then let me treat you to this meal!"

Hearing this, the group was in an uproar again.

【Lu Linglong: Although I feel that the way they get along is very warm, but, Tien Shinhan, are you sure you want to treat us? (smirk)】

【Zhuge Qing: If you're just dividing the bonus, you only need to give out 250,000. But if you want to treat everyone, I estimate that you will lose everything!】

【Zhang Chulan: It’s over, another champion who was eaten out of money!】

【Xu Si: Four hundred and eighty thousand, eight percent full, this was Wukong’s last record!】

【Feng Xingtong: By the way, how did Wukong develop such a big appetite? Please teach me. I don’t even eat as much as my elder sister. My dad even says that I don’t act like a boy!】

【Feng Shayan: I'll give you a chance, please reorganize your language!】

【(Dragon Ball) Tien Shinhan: You mean the meal money? But that night, Goku didn't eat anything! 】

This news was like a bomb, causing a huge uproar in the group.

【Bai Shixue: How is that possible? The little guy has a huge appetite. Did you make him hungry? Tell me quickly!】

【Zhi Jinhua: I just praised you, don't force me to get angry! 】

But then, Tien Shinhan's words surprised everyone:

【He really didn't eat it!】

【Because tonight, something very important seems to have happened! 】

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