
Wukong suddenly shouted when he walked into the restaurant.

The old turtle next to him asked him:

"Wukong, what's wrong with you?"

Wukong replied:

"Oops, I left Grandpa's Dragon Ball and Ruyi Stick at the venue and forgot to take them back. I need to go back!"

I remember the last time when Upa made a wish, when the wish was fulfilled and the Dragon Ball was about to fly to various places, Goku jumped up and grabbed Grandpa's relic, the Four Star Ball, when the Dragon Ball was scattered.

Later, he always carried it with him, just like accompanying his grandfather, and he would never leave it easily.

After hearing this, Krillin, who had changed his clothes and was dressed neatly behind him, smiled and said:

"No need, I'll get it back for you!"

"Aren't you very tired?"

"No... no need!"

Goku himself was not a troublemaker.

But just as he was about to refuse, his stomach suddenly made a growling sound.

And he and Krillin were from the same school, so he scratched his head awkwardly and said:

""Thank you. I'll take care of you then!"

Krillin nodded.

Then he immediately ran towards the direction of the martial arts hall.

While running, he turned back and greeted Wukong:

"Goku, please make sure to save some dinner for me!"


Wukong also waved at him.

But at a certain moment, he suddenly felt something.

So he shouted again:

"Klin, wait!"

""What's wrong, Goku?"

Hearing the call from behind,

Krillin turned around subconsciously.

The smile on his face never faded, as if it was frozen forever at this moment.

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze.

In fact, even Goku himself didn't know why he called Krillin, but he always had a strange premonition.

But after calling him, he didn't know what to say.

So he scratched his head again and smiled:

"It’s okay haha!"

"I forgot what I was going to say!" After hearing what Goku said, the people behind him who were looking at Krillin also burst into laughter, as if they were laughing at Goku's naivety.

But at this time, I'm afraid only he can feel it.

The premonition in his heart has not diminished but increased.

And it is becoming stronger and stronger!

The last look.

Under the glow of the setting sun.

Krillin's running figure gradually faded away.

But if you look closely, you will find that his body fell on the ground after being illuminated by the sun, and there was no shadow!

In the restaurant.

As time went by, the table was soon filled with rich food.

But after a long time, Krillin still didn't come back.

Bulma touched her flat belly and complained:

"Why is Klin so slow? What on earth has he been doing?"

"I'm so hungry!"

Wu Long also echoed:

"That’s right, I’m almost starving!"

Seeing that everyone was about to collapse from waiting, Master Kame said:

"In that case, let's eat first!"

Everyone was delighted after hearing this, and then they started to eat the food on the table.

But Wukong, who should have been the best eater, seemed to be worried at this time, staring at the barbecue in front of him in a daze.

When the turtle asked, he explained:

"I...I want to wait for Klin to come back and eat together!"


【Alien chat group】

【Xu Si: You know what, these two people are quite warm!】

【Wang Ye: Wukong’s strength lies not only in his terrifying fighting ability, but also in the way he deals with people. He treats others sincerely, and such a person will never lack friends!】

【Xia He: Yes, this kid obviously ruined my good deeds, but after seeing his past life, I don’t want to take revenge anymore. Such a little guy is really enviable!】

【Lu Jin: I wish this was my great-grandson!】

【Lu Linglong: (tears in her eyes) Grandpa, how can you do this? Don’t you want me anymore?】

【Lu Jin: Haha, no, I just want him to be your brother.】

【Lu Linglong: I knew that Grandpa is the best to me!】

【Zhuge Qing: It's incredible that this little guy has lost interest in his favorite food in order to wait for his friend!】

【Bai Shixue: This is called friendship!!!】

【Xu San: But the long shot just now tells me that something bad might happen next!】

【Zhang Chulan: Third brother, please don’t ruin the atmosphere. That scene just now was so beautiful, how could an accident happen!】

【Feng Baobao: That's right! 】

But at this time everyone was focused on sighing and envying Wukong's friendship.

But they didn't notice that everyone in the Dragon Ball world, without exception, chose to remain silent.


The video continues...

Goku, who was waiting for Krillin, suddenly frowned when he saw everyone quickly finishing their food, as if he had sensed something.

Tien Shinhan, who was standing by, was very thoughtful.

He saw Goku staring at the food.

So he asked:

"What's wrong, Goku?"

But the next second, Goku's mind suddenly reflected a picture of broken glass.

Then, Krillin's choked cry:



The next second, Wukong immediately put down the knife and fork in his hand, then jumped off the stool and ran out like crazy.

This scene also confused everyone.

They didn't understand what was going on with this guy. He didn't say anything and just ran out, even ignoring his favorite food. Did he remember something important?

As if out of worry, everyone put down their tableware and ran with Wukong.

To be honest.

Wukong didn't know what was wrong with him.

It was just that at this moment, his steps seemed to be out of control. He kept heading towards the direction of the martial arts hall. Running.

While running, he was shouting Krillin's name.

The ominous premonition in his heart was getting stronger and stronger!

Finally, he ran into the stadium.

But the moment he entered the backstage, he was stunned.

Because in the backstage, Krillin was lying on the ground in a suit that was one size smaller, and the gentleman's hat he was wearing also fell beside him.

And the yellow-haired host was lying beside him, and it seemed that he had fainted.

It seemed that he couldn't believe what he saw.

Wukong was stunned for a few seconds.

Then he ran over quickly.

He hugged Krillin's body and kept asking questions, as if he wanted to wake him up:


"Klin, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey, wake up!"

At this moment, the host next to him finally woke up, and then said tremblingly:

"A monster has appeared!"

"Just now, a monster came in from the window, took away the strange beads and the list of the martial arts association, and ran away!"

After hearing the host's words, Wukong looked at Krillin again.

Only then did he realize that his eyes were wide open, his eyes were empty, there was still a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, but he was not breathing at all.

I'm afraid he has been dead for a long time...

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