The strength of Upu, who had been successfully fused, was indeed greatly increased, and his comprehensive combat ability even exceeded that of the Super Saiyan III. In the following battle, he even fought Baby to a draw. He also skillfully used the Prince's tactics to block the opponent's movement many times, making it impossible for the opponent to dodge his attacks.

Similarly, he was very familiar with the previous moves of Majin Buu.

So after a series of evil rays, the surrounding spectators turned into chocolate and fell to the ground powerlessly, as if they had lost their lives!

"I'm so sorry, everyone!"

"I will definitely defeat Baby and avenge you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out again like an arrow from a bow, and began the second round of close combat. His attacks became more and more fierce, and his fighting power seemed to have really surpassed Baby!

This scene was exciting to watch in the alien world:

【Xiao Xiao: I didn't expect this child to have such great potential. Just by fusing with Majin Buu, his combat level has surpassed Goku's peak!】

【Zhang Lingyu: The combat power here is getting more and more outrageous!】

【Wang Ye: But if you think about it carefully, all of this can be explained. After all, Majin Buu already has the strength of Super Saiyan 3. After fusion with Upu, it is normal that his combat power has increased several times!】

【Lu Linglong: I hope he can beat Baby. I really don’t want to see Wukong so tired. He has been working hard to protect the earth all his life. He doesn’t have to bear these responsibilities!】

【Zhuge Qing: There is no such thing as responsibility or not, all of this is a mission in itself. Wukong has his mission, and we also have our mission. This is the meaning of life!】

【Zhang Chulan: Great writers, please stop being so pretentious. Can't you see that Upp might also lose?】

【Canglong: How is that possible? Are you dazzled?】

【Er Zhuang: What Zhang Chulan said seems to be correct. My calculations show that the probability of Up winning the final war is only 30%.%!】

【Shiraishi Snow: But he is obviously stronger than Baby, why is that? 】

Just when everyone was puzzled.

The content on the big screen soon gave the answer.

It turned out that after Wupu got the power of Puwu, he did gain powerful strength, and this strength could even suppress the evil Baby.

Unfortunately, because the boy has been practicing alone, he has a little less combat experience.

And this has become his biggest flaw.

When the evil ray came, Baby saw the opportunity and jumped up, and successfully avoided his moves, and then dodged flexibly, and finally led the ray to Wupu himself.

Then, the latter instantly turned into a piece of chocolate.

And was stuffed into the mouth by Baby, and died directly!

Fortunately, on the other side, Goku has recovered his vitality, but he was asked by the old Kai King God that if he wanted to defeat Baby, he must restore the characteristics of the Saiyan and let the tail grow again.

So, in the next period of time, he was completely in torment.

It can be said that the old Kai King God is also a loss.

Faced with his tail being cut off, he finally chose the most speechless way.

That is, hard pulling!

Under the pulling of the huge pliers, Goku was in so much pain that he almost burst into tears.

Seeing that the plan was not working, Old Kai King God changed his method and tied Goku to a big rock. Then he picked up the tweezers to clamp the tail again and started tug-of-war.

For a while, the pig-killing howl resounded throughout the venue, which really gave people a tingling feeling just by looking at it!


【Alien chat group】

【Zhi Jinhua: Just seeing these huge pincers makes me feel pain. They are really powerful!】

【Zhuge Qing: Wukong said, I may not be a human, but you guys are real dogs!】

【Wang Ye: What the hell is going on? Can you pull this thing by force? If it breaks accidentally, you will have to do it again, isn’t this teasing?】

【Bai Shixue: I say the same thing again, I don’t understand it, but I am deeply shocked!】

【Feng Shayan: Goku is also a ruthless person. He actually tied Old Kai to a stone pillar and held on to the tweezers, while he flew at full speed. His mental state is really crazy!】

【Xu San: My scalp is tingling!】

【Feng Xingtong: Now I just hope that I can really win by pulling out the tail!】


In the video...

After the efforts of the old Kai and Goku's all-out effort.

Soon, his tail reappeared.

Then, with the help of the Kai, he teleported to the new planet created by the dragon, but saw with his own eyes that his apprentice turned into chocolate and was then swallowed by Baby. He instantly became furious.

Then he transformed into the third generation of Super Saiyan and started a one-on-one duel with the opponent, vowing to protect all mankind!

Unfortunately, he overlooked one thing.

That is, even if the tail grew out, with the help of the tail, he had enough physical strength to become the third generation of Super Saiyan.

But the strength of both sides is still not on the same level.

At this time, Baby not only borrowed Vegeta's high-quality body, but also absorbed the energy of all Saiyans and earthlings. At this time, the combat power is no longer comparable to that of a mere individual.

So soon, Goku was defeated again.

And lying on the ground when he was dying, staring blankly in the direction of the earth, his eyes full of sadness.

At the same time, he muttered to himself:

"It seems that I can no longer protect that planet!"

"I...the hometown where I was born!"

"The time spent with everyone was a place full of happy memories. It was so sad that I failed to protect it!"At this moment, his heart was truly filled with despair.

Because now, it was a battle that belonged entirely to him, and it was also a battle that no one could help him!

Unfortunately, he lost!

These complex emotions intertwined together, making Wukong extremely uneasy, but he could only watch Baby flying towards him and preparing to destroy this body, but he was powerless.

However, everyone at this time overlooked one thing.

On the contrary, after seeing some elements, the people in the live broadcast room instantly widened their eyes, and a bad premonition came to their hearts:

【Zhi Jinhua: Wait, look at the earth, it is also round, doesn’t it look like an object?】

【Yun: Oh my god, it’s a full moon!】

【Zhuge Qing: That shouldn’t be the case. There is an essential difference between the Earth and the Moon. Wouldn’t Saiyans only react when they see it?】

【Lu Linglong: But if that’s the case, what about the functional moon that Vegeta made before?】

【Xu San: But to be honest, in this kind of mortal situation, Goku turned into a gorilla, but his fighting power increased tenfold out of thin air, so he might really be able to fight against Baby!】

【Feng Xingtong: But have you ever thought about one thing, that is, Wukong has no consciousness when he becomes a gorilla, and he doesn't distinguish between friend and foe! 】

Indeed, from this angle, apart from the color, the earth and the full moon are indeed very similar, and even because of some scientific reasons, they also emit a faint white light.

Coupled with the reappearance of the tail.

In an instant, he suddenly had an uncontrollable reaction, his pupils turned red, his body continued to grow, and his clothes exploded.

In the end, he really turned into the gorilla in his memory.

Even because of the improvement of his current strength, he turned into a gorilla with a golden body, a slightly hoarse voice, and he looked very difficult to mess with...!

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