At this time, not only the people in the live broadcast room, but even Baby, who continued to chase and prepare to give Goku the final blow, fell into a state of doubt.

In fact, from Vegeta's memory, it is not difficult for him to find that this is the ape transformation process mentioned by the Saiyans.

However, it is not a full moon now!

But why did he react?

Could it be...

After an idea suddenly came to his mind, he subconsciously looked to the side, but happened to see the blue planet not far away, and instantly understood everything!

"This guy actually mistook the earth for the moon!"

"Damn it!"

Although Goku did lose his mind after the transformation, his fighting power has increased exponentially. Just a roar caused a magnitude 10 earthquake!

At the same time, from Baby's perspective, the unspeakable nightmare reappeared in his mind.

Thinking back to the beginning, they, the Tsiful people, were destroyed by the Saiyans in this way.

This incident also left him with a big psychological shadow.

However, the next second, he raised his confidence again and comforted himself:

"No, now I am no longer an ordinary Ziful person!"

"With my current ability, I will definitely be able to defeat him!"

The next second, he flew up immediately and tried to destroy the gorilla to complete the final revenge.

Unfortunately, the child was still too naive.

Wukong, whose attack and defense power had increased by more than ten times, was far from being comparable to his meager combat power.

So no matter how he attacked, the golden gorilla was of no avail. Instead, he turned around and punched him. The huge pressure was like a gust of wind, and instantly knocked him into the ruins!

Anyway, this scene was also refreshing for everyone.

After all, since Baby was born, the warriors on Earth have been suppressed.

So no matter who can defeat Baby, even if it is just a gorilla, it is still a glimmer of hope:

【Zhuge Qing: He has to be a Saiyan. This punch was really satisfying. If he had used a little more force, he would have probably smashed Baby into a meat paste!】

【Xiao Xiao: There’s no need to be so cruel. After all, this is Vegeta’s body, we still need to protect it!】

【Zhang Lingyu: But if it's Goku in this form, the demon Baby should not be his opponent. After all, his combat power is ten times stronger!】

【Wang Ye: That’s what you said, but how can you guarantee that Goku can really launch an effective attack on Baby when he completely loses consciousness?】

【Zhi Jinhua: I totally agree. The baby just saw the gorilla and then thought of the scene of his own people being destroyed, so he got angry!】

【Bai Shixue: I understand. So after he reacts, he will probably move away from here and wait until Goku’s power is exhausted before taking any countermeasures!】

【Lu Linglong: But by then, it will be too late!】

【Er Zhuang: So whether Wukong can regain his sanity and successfully master this huge energy will play a crucial role! 】

And sure enough, it was just as several people guessed.

After discovering that this gorilla was completely irrational, Baby thought for a moment and really chose to stay away from him. After all, he still understood the truth that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

What's more, it doesn't take ten years to deal with this gorilla.

I'm afraid it will only take a day or two for this guy to be exhausted and change back, and in serious cases he may even die directly.

By then, nothing will work!

At the same time, in the Kai King Realm.

Seeing Wukong like this, the old Kai King was also worried and said to himself:

"As expected, Wukong was too anxious, so he did not fully complete my training, which resulted in him being unable to control his body!"

"Now, the most important thing for him is to regain his sanity as soon as possible so that he can gain even more powerful strength!"

"But if he continues like this, he will be in trouble!"

However, when faced with the question"How can we make Goku regain his sanity" from King Kai's identity, the old guy pondered for a moment, and then said seriously:

"This... I don't know either!"

Hearing this, everyone fainted.

Sure enough, the old Kai King God was reliable, but he still revealed more unreliability! On the other hand

, a new change occurred on the battlefield.

When Xiaofang, Mr. Satan and others arrived, they found that although Wukong had stopped destroying at this time, he kept looking at the sky, raised his hands, and roared.

It seemed that he was stimulated by something!

Seeing the direction he shouted.

Everyone reacted:

【Bai Shikiyuki: Is Goku... shouting towards the Earth?】

【Lu Linglong: It seems that he really loves the Earth. Even though he has completely lost consciousness, he still can't let go of the place where he was born and raised!】

【Wang Ye: So, could this be the opportunity for him to regain consciousness?】

【Zhuge Qing: Ladies and gentlemen, I have a bold guess, next, we may witness a miracle!】

【Xu San: According to data surveys, there is indeed a chance that Wukong will regain his sanity, but the probability is very small. Let's just watch it with the worst-case scenario in mind!】


At this time, facing Wukong who had completely transformed into a beast,

Xiaofang kept calling out his name.

Unfortunately, these calls seemed to fall on deaf ears, with no response.


"Grandpa, wake up!"

Finally, the hard work paid off!

This continuous calling finally made the gorilla start stomping on the floor, as if it had finally responded to his subconscious mind!

Seeing that this method was effective, Xiaofang was delighted and immediately flew forward and stood in front of the gorilla, continuing to try to awaken his rationality:

"Grandpa, I’m Xiaofang!"

"After you defeat Baby, we can go back to Earth with everyone!"

"Right, Grandpa!"

Faced with the girl's comfort,

Wukong remained unmoved. Instead, he gently pushed it away and looked up at the sky again.

It was as if this naughty child had blocked his way home...!

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