
Xiaofang, who fell to the ground, did not care about her own pain, but once again looked at the gorilla who was staring at the earth and howling.

However, at this moment, the blue backpack that flew out with him was opened, and the items inside fell out directly.

It turned out to be a red dress.

"This is……"

Seeing her, Xiaofang seemed to have thought of something and hugged it in her arms, with a noisy sound faintly ringing in her mind.

It was about the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in the World.

That time, it was the first time for young Xiaofang to attend such a grand banquet.

And the martial arts uniform in her hand was the clothes that her grandfather sewed for her to celebrate her participation in the martial arts tournament!

She also wore this dress to throw the big guy out of the ring and completed her first victory.

I really miss it!

Grandpa at that time, everyone at that time, everything was fine, not like now, completely lost rationality, and made her and the whole earth fall into despair.

Thinking of this, she slowly raised her head, and a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.


After standing up and flying in front of the gorilla again, the girl frowned and then showed the martial arts uniform in her hand, trying to awaken its reason:

"Grandpa, do you still remember this?"

"This is the clothes I wore when I first attended the world's number one conference. Grandpa, you made it for me yourself. You still remember it, right?"

"I have always kept it very well!"

At this point, she was afraid that the other party could not see it clearly, so she moved a little to the center, wanting to show the item in her hand as much as possible:


""Remember it quickly, Grandpa!"

Unfortunately, the next second, the golden gorilla blew out another breath, blowing Xiaofang away.

However, at this moment, a photo slipped out of the clothes, floated in the air for several rounds, and fell into the hands of the gorilla, which was picked up by two fingers.

Fortunately, the hurricane was not strong.

After stabilizing her body, Xiaofang fell back to the ground and said to herself with disappointment:

"It still doesn’t work!"

"Grandpa's heart has now completely turned into a big ape!"

However, this time, when she raised her head again, she found that the gorilla in front of her had stopped moving, but was holding a photo in his hand and standing there in a daze.

Xiaofang was deeply puzzled, so she flew forward again.

And turned in a direction.

The content of the photo immediately came into view. It was actually a family photo.

For a moment, countless memories flooded into her mind.

She still remembered that this was the first time, after she was born, that everyone went to the beach to have fun.

In the photo, Wukong, who was in the center, was holding Xiaofang, who was only two or three years old, intimately, with a smile on his face.

Xiaofang was waving her little hands, wearing a pink dress, and smiling very happily.

On the side, Bi'er was opening her arms, as if she wanted to take her child.

Gohan behind him was still wearing a black eyeglass. mirror, looking at his lovely daughter in front of him with a loving face.

Right in front of him, Chi-Chi stretched out her finger and said something.

Not only that, in addition to them, all the comrades who had fought together before also appeared in the photo.

On the right side of the photo, Bulma was sitting under a parasol, crossing her legs very elegantly.

The young Pura next to her was looking up proudly, glancing at Goku and his family.

Behind him, Vegeta was wearing sun glasses and licking ice cream with a cool look on his face.

Satan was sitting on a beach chair, making a"yeah" gesture to the camera.

Oh, by the way, the demon Buu has not disappeared yet.

He is lying on the umbrella, sunbathing with Puaru.

On the left side of the photo, Master Roshi and Krillin's family seem to be talking about something.

No. 18 also put on a red bikini for the first time, showing off her perfect figure.

Underneath them, their daughter was happily piling up sand, with sand-digging tools scattered around.

As for the front shot, it was covered by Oolong holding a drink, Goten turning his head slightly and showing off his solid broad muscles, and Teslax showing only half of his head at the edge of the photo.

For a moment, the surroundings seemed to be quiet.

There was only the faint breathing of the gorilla.

And it seemed that it was afraid that its breath would blow away this photo full of memories, so it consciously made its breathing much lighter.

At the same time, one picture after another emerged in Xiaofang's mind.

"This... this photo is……!"

"This photo was taken when we went to the beach together when we were kids!"

"I miss it so much!"

As the girl's expression gradually changed from curiosity to sad aftertaste, waves of familiar voices began to replay in her mind, as if outlining the beautiful memories of that summer incomparably clear.

She was still young at the time, and vaguely remembered that her grandmother once sighed to her grandfather, saying that it would be great if we could always be happy together like this in the future.

Her grandfather's answer was:

"Yes, although I like the feeling of fighting, this feeling now is also very good!"


"Grandpa, have you forgotten?"

"Remember it quickly!"


Seeing the strange yet familiar little girl in front of him constantly saying something to him, the gorilla tilted his head in confusion, but felt a sudden pain in his heart.

Because he saw that the little girl was actually crying.

Subconsciously, he didn't want the tear to fall.

So he subconsciously stretched out his thumb to catch the tear.

And subconsciously put it in his mouth to taste it.

It was a bit bitter.

But more of it was the warmth that bloomed from it...

For a while, some strange pictures gradually flooded into his mind.

In these pictures, a little girl who looked similar to the little girl in front of him was wearing a yellow and green swimming ring, turned around and waved at him, and called him a strange name:


He turned into a middle-aged man in a blue T-shirt.

Hearing this shout, he subconsciously waved his hand and shouted with a smile:

"Xiaofang, be careful!"

Then, there was a scene of the little girl being washed away by the waves.

Facing her crying, the middle-aged man comforted her with a smile on his face:

"What's wrong, Xiaofang?"

"Are you really that afraid of the waves?"

The little girl replied:

"Because the sea water tastes so salty!"

After hearing this, the middle-aged man explained heartlessly:

"Sea water is salty!"

"Maybe, people are peeing in there!"

Although this sentence is very strange.

But the grandfather and grandson still laughed at the same time.

The laughter was extremely hearty, and it seemed even cleaner and purer under the blue sky.

Wait...grandfather and grandson?

The gorilla, who suddenly had a trace of human thoughts, slowly raised his head and listened to the little girl in front of him constantly calling him grandpa, and then pushed her away again, and the blue planet was clearly visible.

That place... seems to be my home!

So is this little girl the one I want to protect?

For a moment, it seemed to have recalled something, and the golden light and overwhelming lightning began to radiate around its body.

It was like the rebirth of the phoenix after Nirvana...!

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