
With a loud shout, Wukong finally caught up.

Seeing the four-ball in the monster's hand, he asked angrily:

"Sure enough, it was you who did it!"

"Give me back my Dragon Ball and Krillin's life!"

As Goku roared, the monster seemed to remember that he had indeed killed a boy in the martial arts hall.

However, as the offspring of the great demon king Piccolo, he felt no guilt for killing people. Instead, his face was full of ridicule, as if those who resisted him deserved to die!

Goku was even more furious when he saw this, and immediately attacked him.

But what could he do?

The outcome of this battle had been defined from the beginning.

If both sides really fought hard in full condition, Goku might not lose to him, including Krillin.

It's a pity that he had experienced the martial arts competition.

He even chased after him on an empty stomach.

So His strength at this time was not comparable to that of the past, not even one-third of his original state.

So in the battle, he experienced his first and most miserable defeat.

It was a one-sided beating that lasted for ten minutes.

This monster seemed to want to wipe out the roots, so every time he attacked, he used up all his strength, and soon beat Wukong to the point of being covered in wounds and dying.

Even his somersault cloud was broken by this monster.

And for the last blow, he fell from the sky and kicked Wukong hard on the back. Seeing that he had no reaction, he was most likely dead, so he sneered, then flapped his wings and left here


【Alien chat group】

【Bai Shixue: I'm so angry, so angry. I don't accept it. This guy is just taking advantage of others!】

【Lu Linglong: That’s right. If he takes advantage of the fact that Little Bit and Krillin haven’t replenished their energy, then you can try to let them have a full meal. They will definitely beat you to a pulp!】

【Zhuge Qing: This fight was so frustrating to watch. I really want to beat him up for the little guy!】

【Zhuge Bai: Qing, you can't beat him!

Although this sentence is very discouraging.

But the original meaning is indeed correct.

In fact, at present, the strength of the young generation of aliens is far inferior to that of the little one. Even if in terms of actual combat power, this green dragon may not be comparable to the little one, but it is still an existence that they cannot shake!

But then, the older generation also spoke:

【Lu Ci: The younger generation is no match for him, but we old bones are qualified to fight him. This guy is too much. The power of my Lu family is not to be underestimated!】

【Na Ruhu: I want to try it too, to see what strength this bastard has!】

【Ding Shimaan: Quan Xing Ding Shimaan, I am willing to kill this bastard!】

【Lu Jin: Let me do it. I haven’t used my triple level of reverse life for a long time!】

【Zhang Zhiwei: I haven't done anything for a long time. I feel a little itchy. I wonder if the system can send me to the world of Dragon Ball so that I can see this Piccolo Demon King! 】

Unfortunately, facing the declaration of war by this group of older generations, the big screen ignored him.

Instead, it continued to show the following content.


At this time, in a certain sky fortress.

The Pilaf trio was fawning on the Centaur sitting in the main seat, and they were almost kneeling down to lick his feet.

But the person sitting in the main seat was huge, and his body was dark green. Although he looked a little old, he gave people a full sense of deterrence!

This person was the Great Demon King Piccolo!

The reason why he sent his offspring to snatch the Dragon Balls was because he wanted to obtain true immortality and return to youth!

From his mouth, everyone learned that the monster that killed Krillin was named Danbalin.

As for the reason why he snatched the martial arts association roster, he was also afraid that some of these people would use the Mafuba, so he wanted to wipe them out!

The matter of arbitrarily wiping out martial artists was left to Danbalin.

As for finding the Dragon Balls.

The Great Demon King Piccolo felt that he did not have enough manpower, so he spit out another egg and hatched a fat dragon named Simbaru to collect


After an unknown amount of time, Goku finally got up from the ground. As for his previous injury, it was almost healed without him noticing.

But at this time, he was really hungry.

So he immediately began to search for food.

Finally, he found a huge grilled fish with great difficulty, and ate it up to fill his stomach.

However, what he didn't expect was that this fish was grilled by a fat swordsman named Yajirobe, who had a planet hanging around his neck.

They even had a fight for this, but unfortunately neither side could do anything to the other.

At this time, Simbaru came over.

And threatened Yajirobe to hand over the planet to him.

But he didn't expect that he would run into a tough guy.

After the fight, Yajirobe split Simbaru's body with just one knife, grilled him, and had a good meal. Only then did he stop arguing with Goku.


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: Oh my god, this fat swordsman is pretty fierce. Facing Piccolo's offspring, he killed him instantly with just one sword. With such fighting ability, it would be a shame if he didn't participate in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament!】

【Wang Ye: This is what we call experts among the people!】

【Shiraishi: But then again, I knew that the little guy lost to that guy because he was hungry.

In her opinion, since Wukong could fight the fat swordsman on equal terms, it means that he has the ability to defeat the fat dragon.

So naturally, he also has the ability to defeat the first ugly monster!

【Hibiscus Orihime: Don't worry, the little one will have a chance to take revenge. Piccolo knows that one of his children has died, so he will definitely send Danbalin to find out the truth, so that the little one can beat him up!

Sure enough, it was just as Hibiscus Orihime expected.

At the moment of Simbaru's death.

Piccolo sensed his death at once.

So he immediately ordered Danbalin to go and grind the person who killed Simbaru to ashes.

And Danbalin was also very quick, and soon found Yajirobe and Goku by following the trail.

He was extremely shocked that Goku was still alive, but he didn't take it to heart. When he heard that this defeated opponent wanted to fight him, he was even more contemptuous.

After all, in his eyes, this little guy was just a three-trick pony, not worth his fight at all. He even provoked again and again:

"Come on, come on!"

"Don't you want revenge? Come here!"

Unfortunately, he seemed to have overestimated himself.

Or rather, he never expected that a well-fed Goku would have such terrible fighting power.

Last time, he faced Goku and beat him unilaterally.

But this time, he completely became the one being beaten.

Even more miserable than Goku last time!

In order to avenge Krillin.

Goku also did not hold back, even targeting vital points everywhere, and every move was fatal.

So in just a few breaths, this guy was beaten to foam at the mouth, living a life worse than death, and finally had to flap his wings to escape.

Goku naturally couldn't let him escape.

Although he couldn't fly, he could use the telescopic function of the Ruyi Stick to rise into the air, and then gave him a full-power Kamehameha wave, which completely crushed him to ashes, and it was also a successful revenge for Krillin!

Seeing this scene, the chat group of strangers was like the New Year:

【Lu Linglong: Beautiful, little but mighty!】

【Feng Shayan: It feels so good. I finally feel relieved. I knew that after the little one had eaten his fill, this bastard would definitely not be my match!】

【Feng Xingtong: Why do I feel that the little guy seems to be even stronger than before? Is it my illusion?】

【Zhuge Qing: I guess he is full. Only when he is full and has energy can he show his full strength!】

【Zhi Jinhua: But what I am worried about is that my two offspring were both killed. I wonder if the great devil Piccolo will come to visit in person. If that happens, the little guy will probably be in trouble again!】

【Zhang Chulan: I am worried too. I don’t know how strong Piccolo is!】

【Canglong: Relax, even if that guy really comes, Wukong will definitely not be afraid of him, and in my opinion, this Piccolo is just a coward, and probably has no strength! 】

It must be said that Zhijinhua is comparable to a calculator in terms of both calculation ability and predictive ability.

Not long after she typed this line of words.

Piccolo the Great Demon King, since he really came here in person.

As for his strength, it is not as strong as Canglong said, but it is extremely terrifying, even far above Wukong...!

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