This was probably the closest time for Goku to death since he started training.

At the beginning,

Goku took advantage of the opponent's lack of preparation.

But when Piccolo took off his cloak, the situation on the battlefield became completely one-sided.

Facts have proved that Piccolo is a hundred times stronger than his two offspring, and he has been suppressing Goku from beginning to end.

Even the Kamehameha wave that Goku is proud of cannot cause any harm to him!

But fortunately, Piccolo's family has a characteristic.

That is, they will never make up a knife.

After Piccolo left confidently, just when Yajirobe came out, thinking about whether to bury or eat Goku, Goku woke up again with his tenacious vitality.

He knew that with his current ability, he was no match for Piccolo.

So he begged Yajirobe to send him to a place.

A place where he can improve his strength!

That place is naturally Karin Tower, which greatly improved his strength before!

At first, looking at the tower that went straight into the sky, Yajirobe refused to take Wukong up, after all, it was a very strenuous task.

So he cursed:

"Bastard, don't joke with me, I can't possibly carry you up there!"

But Wukong had a trick up his sleeve.

He knew Yajirobe's weakness, so he laughed and said:

"Yakilobe, there are delicious things on Kalinta!"

"I'm not lying to you, I once had a big meal there and my stomach almost burst, it's true!"

"Its name is Senzu Beans, and it is the food that immortals eat!"

When he heard this, Yajirobe was instantly touched.

The food that immortals eat, which he imagined in his mind, must be very rich, and there are all kinds of prawns and roasted chicken. He even drooled subconsciously.

So he immediately took Wukong to start climbing the tower.

After a long climb.

They finally reached the top of the tower.

But when he saw the Senzu Beans, Yajirobe almost cursed on the spot.

He didn't expect that this thing was just a pile of tasteless beans that could make people's stomachs burst.

It's a pity that when he recalled what Wukong said just now.

He found that this guy didn't seem to lie.

This thing can really make him full.

So he had to think that he had suffered a dumb loss and sat there sullenly.

Let's get back to the point.

When Wukong learned that just after he was seriously injured by Piccolo, Mr. Wu Tian and Jiaozi also died in his hands one after another.

Even after he became younger through Dragon Ball, he would kill When the dragon was killed, the anger that had been calmed down rose again.

In his mind, he recalled the first time he met Master Mu Tian.

Speaking of this old man, everyone's first impression is that he is lustful and playful.

But in fact, although he is usually very frivolous, he is a trustworthy grandfather, and he is also Wukong's enlightenment teacher and his guide on the road of practice!

If things can develop normally, Wukong, Krillin and Master Mu Tian will continue to study and live together like good teachers and friends.

And continue to participate in the world's number one martial arts tournament to hone themselves!

But since the appearance of Piccolo, the most important people to him have all been killed by this guy one after another.

The most important thing is that he also killed the dragon.

In other words, from now on, there will be no more Dragon Balls in the world, and the dead Krillin and Master Mu Tian will never be resurrected!

This guy is unforgivable!

He is simply unforgivable!

"Grandpa, why?……!"

"That guy!"

After roaring several times, he immediately turned around and wanted to go down the tower to fight the Piccolo Demon King to the death.

But the god Karin stopped him:

"Wait, what do you want to do!"

"You are going to die by doing this!"

Wukong replied:

"I'm just trying my best!"

"My grandfather was killed by him, I must take revenge!"

"I don't care about anything, because if I continue like this, I won't be able to calm down!"

But the next second, Kalin God calmed down, and then said thoughtfully:

"Since you have a sense of death……!"

"Just drink the super divine water!"

In his explanation, this super divine water is a token left by the gods, and it contains the real power of the gods.

However, it is hidden in the terrible iceberg maze at the northern end of the world.

To get the super divine water, you must pass through that maze.

And that maze contains all kinds of tests. Once people enter, they will not even know where they are. Once they step in, it is almost impossible to get out.

That is the real tomb of the gods!

But Wukong didn't even think about it after hearing it, and said that he must go to this place.

Seeing that he was determined to go, God Kalin took him to the jar that was teleported to the iceberg maze.

Wukong jumped down. He officially embarked on the journey to find the super divine water.

But the difficulties and obstacles in it are really difficult. People with ordinary minds would probably have fallen into it long ago!


【Alien chat group】

【Wang Ye: What the hell is this? Why is there such a huge snow monster in this place? This little guy’s journey is comparable to Tang Monk’s journey to obtain Buddhist scriptures!】

【Zhuge Qing: This is nothing. The illusion is the scariest. The maze can see through his heart knot and condense the illusion of Master Roshi, just to make the little guy lose himself!】

【Ma Xianhong: Fortunately, this child is determined enough and is not easily deceived! 】

Seeing that in order to achieve his ultimate goal, even in the face of everyone having fun, Wukong resolutely walked out of this comfortable place and continued to look for the super divine water.

Everyone also smiled.

However, this is indeed a more cruel fact for him!

【Zhang Chulan: Goku, come on, the world needs you. Without you, the world will really be destroyed by this Piccolo!】

【Bai Shixue: The king is such a coward, why should he be subordinate to this big devil!】

【Zhi Jinhua: There is no way. If the king does not compromise, Piccolo may kill everyone in the world. This is just a delaying tactic!

After most of the people were killed or injured, Piccolo was completely without an opponent, and even captured the king by himself.

Under his pressure, the king had no choice but to obey him.

But even so, Piccolo was still not satisfied.

After he ruled the world, the first thing he did was to abolish all the police and abolish all laws, encouraging people to set fires, rob, and kill each other!

And under this rule.

Even if he didn't do anything, the world would be in chaos, and gunfights often broke out everywhere, just like the end of the world! In order to see people's fear with his own eyes, he even set a new rule, that is, on this day every year, he would randomly select an area and then go to this area in person to massacre.

Looking at this world on the verge of fragmentation, Lu Linglong's heart was hanging in her throat, so she immediately called out:

【Come on, little one, you are the last hope of this world, please defeat Piccolo and save this world! 】

Maybe he really heard everyone's call.

Wukong finally successfully found the Super Divine Water, which greatly improved his strength, and then embarked on the final road to fight Piccolo to the death.

However, another person got there first:

【(Dragon Ball) Tien Shinhan: Goku, I'll go first. This guy killed my most important person. I must kill him to avenge Master Wu Tian and Jiaozi! 】

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